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Apache Lenya 1.2.2 Released

The Apache Lenya development community announced the 1.2.2 release of Apache Lenya. Apache Lenya is an Open-Source Content Management System written in Java and based on XML and XSLT. Lenya is built on top of Apache Cocoon and other components from the Apache Software Stack. Its XML-centric architecture allows for content delivery targeted to the capabilities of various devices, and avoids data lock-in. Apache Lenya is built around Off the Shelf components from the Apache Software Foundation. Apache Lenya comes with the features such as Revision Control, Scheduling, a built-in Search Engine, separate Staging Areas, and Workflow. Apache Lenya 1.2.2 is based on Cocoon 2.1.6. You can use Cocoon features such as robust Caching, multi-channel output, it’s many connectivity options to quickly build customized solutions to meet specific needs that are not already covered by Apache Lenya today.

FAST Releases ProPublish

Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) announced the availability of FAST ProPublish, an enterprise search-based publication production management and delivery solution. FAST ProPublish, the latest Search Derivative Application (SDA) to leverage the FAST Enterprise Search Platform (FAST ESP), gives professional and business publishers a solution for gathering and processing data. With FAST ProPublish, publishers can provide a Web-based interface designed specifically for researchers. This interface, combined with the products contextual navigation and relevancy tuning, allows business users to rapidly find the right information. The out-of-the-box application framework, templates, and user interface components delivered in FAST ProPublish facilitate the construction of researcher-centric user interfaces. Capabilities specifically designed for the business and production managers within publishing groups include the FAST Production Manager, a graphical tool that allows publishers to perform live updates on their online and offline published content, protect it from unauthorized use, and manage content processing, subscriptions and site structure. The products modular Content Processing Pipeline offers stages for automated entity extraction, linguistic analysis, and content classification. FAST ProPublish includes support for both controlling access and administering content licenses. The publications can be restricted to a given user for a given period of time and even be timed-out at the end of the subscription.

Adobe & HP Team on Collaboration for Technical Professionals

Adobe Systems Incorporated and HP announced they are expanding their relationship to help technical professionals – including architects, engineers and construction (AEC) professionals – improve collaboration inside and outside their organizations and more effectively drive document-based work to completion. The first outcome of this expanded relationship will be a new offering for customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) that bundles Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional software with HP Designjet large-format printers. The combination helps improve efficiency and reduce costs by allowing technical professionals to reliably share all the components of a design project, both electronically in PDF and by printing the files in large format. The Acrobat 7.0 Professional and HP Designjet large-format printer bundle is immediately available in EMEA in English, French and German language versions. Spanish, Italian and Portuguese language versions are expected to be available by the end of March 2005.,

Trados Launches TeamWorks 2

TRADOS Inc. announced the launch of TeamWorks 2. TeamWorks manages and optimizes the global information lifecycle defined as the aggregate of all processes required to create, localize, and publish information that meets the needs of global markets. TeamWorks 2 delivers capabilities in four areas to effectively reach global markets: accelerated localization and publishing; improved global information quality; reduced costs; and increased visibility and control over the global information lifecycle for executives and managers. The new release also extends the product’s globalization workflow and its standards-based connectivity. TeamWorks 2 includes: expanded collaborative workflow services that create workflow templates for process automation, and that can work with companies’ existing workflow software; project templating to speed project setup and simplify automation of the localization process; integrated vendor management to automate cost estimation and simplify vendor selection; personalized web-based portals where internal and external customers can initiate and track localization requests and projects; extended capabilities for active content monitoring that detects changes in repositories throughout an organization, and automatically takes action, triggers alerts and updates; and enhanced reporting.

Enterprise Blogging: War Stories

There’s been at least one very public war story from the field in terms of enterprise blogging sans corporate policy – and this one has a fatality. Seems that Mark Jen’s foray into blogging on his experiences as a Google employee went awry pretty quickly. Despite a single-day record of 60,000 unique visitors, Google was not amused by the inclusion of “sensitive information about finances and products.” Here’s the full story.
Jen is no longer a Google employee, fired on Jan 28th after 11 days of work. He maintains that Google gave him no reason for the termination. He continues to blog at 99zeros with a subhead of “Life After Google.”
Although many may remain skeptical about blogging’s potential impact on enterprise collaboration and productivity, the evolution of use should spur enterprises to take a look at P&P development sooner, rather than later.

Aprimo & EMC Documentum to Integrate Marketing Resource Management and Content Management

Aprimo announced it has joined the EMC Documentum Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Alliance Program and the Application Logo Program, which will result in an integration of Aprimo’s Marketing Resource Management (MRM) offerings and EMC Documentum’s Marketing Content Management offerings. The combined products will provide solutions to marketers with sophisticated needs for the creation of marketing digital assets, as well as the planning and execution of the marketing activities that use them. Through the alliance, marketers will have the opportunity to utilize the Aprimo Marketing MRM products addressing Planning and Financial Management, Production Management, and Fulfillment and Delivery Management, in conjunction with EMC’s Content Management, Digital Asset Management, Rich Media, Marketing Content Distribution and Web Content Management capabilities. These integrated offerings will provide control of marketing campaigns from inception of the creative idea through the execution of all related marketing activities.

Coveo Announces Enterprise Search for SharePoint

Coveo Solutions Inc. has developed a version of its product Coveo Enterprise Search (CES) that securely indexes and retrieves content stored in Microsoft SharePoint Portal Technologies (SPT). The new product, called Coveo Enterprise Search for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Technologies, is set for release in early March 2005. With the introduction of CES for SPT, all search functionality of CES will be available for organizations that have deployed SPT. Enhancements that CES can offer for the SPT user, include: Intelligent summarization and concept extraction technologies; a “View as HTML” feature that provides cached HTML versions with highlighted query terms for Microsoft Office documents, Adobe PDFs and other non-HTML documents; improved relevance with query capabilities based on syntax that supports spelling suggestion, stemming, exact phrase and Boolean operators; configurable search preferences; advanced handling of metadata and XML data; plug-in-style integration with SPT; search that leverages existing SPT security. CES for SPT is scheduled to ship in early March and will be priced according to server and user licenses. Product versions supported by CES for SPT will include SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (WSS). Coveo has given GTSI, the leading government IT product and solutions integrator, exclusive distribution rights for offering CES for SPT to government entities.

IXIASOFT Announces Availability of TEXTML Server 3.5

IXIASOFT announced the availability of TEXTML Server 3.5. This new version builds on TEXTML Server’s native XML storage and information retrieval technology and introduces new features designed to help OEM partners develop enterprise-scale content management solutions. Available with TEXTML Server 3.5 and above, TEXTML Universal Converter enables the conversion of over 220 data types to XML. TEXTML Universal Converter transforms unstructured data into an XML schema in the form of the SearchML standard. In addition to the COM, JAVA, WebDAV, and OLEDB APIs already available, developers will now be able to have access to a native .NET API. Each API interface fully supports all functionalities of TEXTML Server. The new version of TEXTML Server fully supports the XPath standard. Developers are now able to move and copy sets of documents from one folder to another, while maintaining the complete history/versions and properties of all documents.

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