The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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Gilbane Complimentary Technology Showcase Pass

Gilbane technology showcase ticket


Can’t make all three days of the Gilbane Conference?  We’ve got plenty going on in the technology showcase too. Take advantage of our complimentary showcase pass today.


Your Showcase Pass Includes Access to:

  • Six Keynote Presentations
  • All Product Labs
  • Technology Showcase Area
  • Sponsor Networking Reception

Register for your free pass now

Opening Keynotes – December 3: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Frank Gilbane, CEO, Bluebill Advisors Inc and Founder & Chair, Gilbane Conferences

Gerry Moran, Head of Social Media, North America, SAP
How to Make Yourself a Content Stop on the New Buyer Journey
Meghan Walsh, Senior Director, eCommerce Platform System Management, Marriott International
Rethinking Content Delivery: Moving beyond a Traditional Web Content Management Approach
Scott Brinker, Founder & CTO, ion interactive, inc. and Author, Chief Marketing Technologist Blog
What is a Marketing Technologist?

Opening Keynotes – December 3: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Frank Gilbane, CEO, Bluebill Advisors Inc and Founder & Chair, Gilbane Conferences

Jake Sorofman, Research Director, Marketing Leaders Research Team, Gartner
Move Over Big Data – Here Comes Big Content
Stephen Powers, Vice President and Research Director, Forrester Research
The Context Conundrum?
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group
ShakesPoint: What the Bard Could Teach Us About SharePoint – And The Digital World

Product Labs

The Product Labs are open to conference attendees and visitors to the technology showcase free of charge, and are moderated and presented by conference sponsors. While the presentations are meant to be educational, they are typically focused on product technologies or customer case studies. They provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific products or vendors. See the schedule here.


The Technology Showcase provides attendees with a central meeting place and the ability to speak one-on-one with industry-leading exhibitors while learning more about their products and services. See the exhibitors here.

Showcase Hours:

Tuesday, December 3          10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Networking Reception         5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 4    10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

You can also still register for the full conference:

Register today and save $100. Plus, get a free Google Nexus 7 with your ConferencePlus pass


PLATINUM SPONSOR             GOLD SPONSORS Alfresco Software Crafter Software
Adobe e-Spirit Inc. HP Autonomy SDL Sitecore

Responsive Design and the Future of Digital Experiences

Digital experience designers are familiar with the approach of responsive design even if they haven’t used it. If they have used it they know it is not quite as easy as it first sounds, and the popularity of responsive design courses suggests there is a still a lot of learning going on. But even if you don’t need to understand the code, if you are a marketing manager you need to know what you can expect responsive design to accomplish and what level of effort it entails.

C2. Responsive Design and the Future of Digital Experiences

Tuesday, December, 3: 2:40 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.

Responsive design has been around since the early days of the browser wars, but as mobile channels grew it became both more important and more complex. Gone are the days when new digital channels, form factors, and other device characteristics can be anticipated and digital strategies need to reflect this new reality. This session will provide multiple perspectives on what responsive design can do, what its limitations are, and what its future challenges are.

Tom Anderson, President, Anderson Digital

Scott Noonan, Chief Technology Officer, Boston Interactive
In Koo Kim, Senior Manager, MOBEX, NorthPoint Digital
Scrap the Big Launch, Fly a Kite: How to Create and Maintain Control of Smarter Mobile Apps with Real-Time UI Updates, A/B Testing, and Personalization
Christopher S Carter, General Manager, aLanguageBank
Are You Prepared to Create Content for the Internet of Things?

Speaker Spotlight: Pamela Kostur – Do you have a content control problem?

In another installment of Speaker Spotlight, we posed a couple of our frequently asked questions to speaker Pamela Kostur, Partner at Parallax Communications. We’ve included her answers here. Be sure to see additional Speaker Spotlights from our upcoming conference.

Pamela Kostur | Gilbane conference | best strategy

Speaker Spotlight: Pamela Kostur


Parallax Communications

What is the best overall strategy for delivering content to web, multiple mobile, and upcoming digital channels? What is the biggest challenge? Development and maintenance cost? Content control? Brand management? Technology expertise?

For me, it’s always content first. Content should serve its audiences, yet too often, organizations put themselves first, basing their messaging on what they want to tell customers instead of on what customers want to know. So, regardless of the delivery mechanism—web, blog, video, webinar, tweet—I always start with the following questions:

  • What are you trying to say? To whom?
  • Why? What do you want them to know? What do you want them to do?
  • What content and delivery method will best serve audiences’ needs, based on your answers to these questions?

The biggest challenge I see in many of the organizations I work with is definitely content control. Many organizations don’t think beyond individual departments. So, Marketing may “own” one component of the content, but Customer Support owns another version that is different, and possibly inconsistent. I’ve even found inconsistent product descriptions throughout companies’ websites, saying different things about the same products, and providing inconsistent types of information about similar products.

Further adding to the content control problem is that many organizations don’t know what content they have, so instead of modifying/retiring existing content, they add new content to the mix, introducing more inconsistencies. A content strategy should consider all iterations of content, for all outputs, for all users, and bring them together into a unified message that serves the audience and promotes brand consistency.

Catch Up with Pamela at Gilbane

Track C: Content, Marketing, and the Customer Experience

C10. Content Strategies: Customer Experience, Competition, Content Marketing and Curation
Wednesday, December, 4: 2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.

Follow Pamela on Twitter – @Pamela_Kostur.

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Multi-channel Publishing and Content Reuse

We’re big believers in the potential for learning from colleagues in other industries. There are many shared challenges crossing vertical boundaries not always obvious because of different vocabularies, and often a gem can be found in the variety of solutions, or an idea can be sparked by a slightly different lens on the problem. The publishing industry’s influence on computing and digital experiences goes way back and is especially applicable horizontally – markup languages, style sheets, electronic type – and of course multi-channel publishing. This is why we have usually included a publishing track in our conferences. This session looks at how a couple of publishers have dealt with some thorny multichannel publishing issues.

P2. Multi-channel Publishing and Content Reuse

Tuesday, December, 3: 2:40 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.

In this session two publishing organizations report on projects that involve moving publications and existing content from print to multi-channel digital. Business Insurance, part of Crain Communications, implemented a digital publishing strategy that supports interactive digital content and content reuse across print, Web, iOS, and Android, all based on HTML5. Wolters Kluwer Health now creates textbooks with versions for print, multiple eBook formats, and integration with Learning Management Systems and other advanced learning tools. As part of their multi year initiative they report on a recent project where they implemented round tripping between XML and author-editable Word documents, and discusses the technical and organizational problems they solved.

Tom Brown, VP, Multichannel Solutions, HP

Dave White, Chief Technology Officer, Quark Software Inc.
Case Study: Transforming Print Content into Mobile and Web Apps
Ken Golkin, Technical Project Manager, Wolters Kluwer Health
Niels Nielsen, Managing Director, Avalon Consulting, LLC
Long Cycle Reuse in Textbook Publishing: Cracking the XML–>Word–>XML Round Trip Nut


Speaker Spotlight: Scott Brinker – Technology is marketing’s interface to the world

In another installment of Speaker Spotlight, we posed a couple of our frequently asked questions to speaker Scott Brinker, Founder & CTO, ion interactive, inc., and author of the Chief Marketing Technologist Blog. We’ve included his answers here. Be sure to see additional Speaker Spotlights from our upcoming conference.

Technology is marketing's interface - Scott Brinker | Gilbane Conference 2013

Speaker Spotlight: Scott Brinker

Founder & CTO

ion interactive, inc.

Is there a “Marketing Technologist” role in your organization or in organizations you know of? Should there be? What should their responsibilities be?

Marketing has been sucked into a digital world.

In this world, the majority of interactions that marketing has with its audience happen through channels that are mediated by software. Software has become the eyes and ears by which marketers observe people in their market — through tools for analytics, attribution, and social media listening. Software has become the hands and mouth by which marketers touch and talk with their prospects and customers — through web content and experiences, mobile apps, and social media outposts.

Let’s face it: technology is now marketing’s interface to the world.

Marketing technology is no longer an option but a necessity for brands that want to market in a digital world and engage with a digital consumer anytime anywhere & every time everywhere.

To thrive in this environment, organizations absolutely need “marketing technologists” who understand how to select, configure, operate, and extend these marketing technologies that provide that interface. They need people who blend technical talents with marketing insights and ideas to produce compelling experiences throughout the buyer’s journey.

The titles don’t matter. Some call these folks creative technologists, or marketing IT, or growth hackers. What matters is that the organization is finding and nurturing this next generation of marketing talent. They’re integrating them with the broader marketing organizations. They’re giving them a seat at the table in defining marketing strategy and the operational roadmap to execute it.

Catch Up with Scott at Gilbane

Opening Keynotes
Tuesday, December, 3: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Track C: Content, Marketing, and the Customer Experience

C1. Q&A with Real Live Marketing Technologists
Tuesday, December, 3: 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Follow Scott on Twitter – @chiefmartec.

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How Should Your CMS Fit into Your Mobile Strategy?

There are many answers to this question, but the right answer for you will depend on what other components make up your digital experience management system, how they integrate with other enterprise systems, the types of content and apps and mobile platforms you need, existing developer expertise and tools, and so on. CMS and DXM vendors have to work through the possibilities with their customers and partners so are a valuable resource for helping you think through some of the options.

T5. How Should Your CMS Fit into Your Mobile Strategy?

Wednesday, December, 4: 9:40 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

As analysts will tell you, web content management systems are now, or should be one of the core components of a larger digital experience management strategy. There are lots of questions about what this means in practice, but this session focuses specifically on how your content management system(s) can or should support your mobile presence. Should your CMS manage all mobile content? Should that include apps as well? Is mobile content delivery by the CMS active or passive? Where does the delivery layer reside? Is data incorporated by the mobile app or by the CMS? Should you create a separate system just for managing mobile content? Should your WCM mind its business and stick to the Web? Should your other CMSs stay with whatever enterprise applications they support?

Marc Strohlein, Principal, Agile Business Logic

Ian Truscott, VP Product Marketing, Content Management Technologies Division, SDL
Loni Stark, Director of Product, Industry Marketing, Adobe


The top 103 Gilbane conference speakers

Once again we are thrilled to have attracted such an impressive collection of experts to be Gilbane Conference speakers. We’ll continue to publish some speaker spotlights, but obviously will not be able to do justice to the entire list. With the conference only two weeks away you’ll just have to join us in Boston to hear from them all. Be sure to check out the conference program to see what each of these pros will be speaking about.

Chris Adams, CoFounder & CTO, gShift Labs

Rick Allen, Content Strategist, ePublish Media, Inc.

Tom Anderson, President, Anderson Digital

Rahel Anne Bailie, Founder and Senior Content Strategy Consultant, Intentional Design

Luke Barton, Technical Director, Siteworx

Bryan Bell, VP, Enterprise Solutions, Expert System

Elisabeth Beller, Director of Web and Mobile Solutions, Celerity

Diane Berry, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communication, Coveo

Kipp Bodnar, Director of Marketing, Hubspot

Doug Bolin, Associate Director, User Experience Design, Digitas

Arno Bose, Senior Software Consultant, e-Spirit Inc.

Marcel Boucher, Marketing Cloud Evangelist, Adobe

Robert Bredlau, COO, e-Spirit Inc.

Scott Brinker, Founder & CTO, ion interactive, inc.

Jim Brockman, Senior Interactive Producer, Boston Interactive

Tom Brown, VP, Multichannel Solutions, HP

Rich Buchheim, President & CEO, CirrusBridge Consulting

Adam Buhler, Vice President, Creative Technology / Labs / Mobile, Digitas

Gloria Burke, CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) and Global Practice Portfolio Leader, Unisys

Joseph A. Busch, Founder and Principal, Taxonomy Strategies

Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group

Arjé Cahn, CTO, Hippo

Christopher S Carter, General Manager, aLanguageBank

Sandro Catanzaro, Founder and SVP, Analytics and Innovation, DataXu

Larry Chait, Managing Director, Chait and Associates, Inc

Dale Cruse, Software Engineer, McGraw-Hill Education Labs

Michael Daitch, Vice President, Group Creative Director, Digitas

Russ Danner, Vice President, Products, Crafter Software

Pawan Deshpande, Founder & CEO, Curata

Jake DiMare, Senior Project Manager, ISITE Design

Matt Dion, VP Marketing, Elastic Path

John Felahi, Chief Strategy Officer, Content Analyst Company, LLC

Jaime Fitzgerald, Founder & Managing Partner, Fitzgerald Analytics

Jordan Frank, VP, Sales & Business Development, Traction Software

Jane H Frankel, Principal, The Art of Performance LLC

Greg Fuller, VP Marketing Technology/Operations, Pearson Education

Frank Gilbane, CEO, Bluebill Advisors Inc

Jarrod Gingras, Analyst and Director of Advisory Services, Real Story Group

Ken Golkin, Technical Project Manager, Wolters Kluwer Health

Mayur Gupta, Global Head of Marketing and Technology, Kimberly Clark

Irina Guseva, Senior Analyst, Real Story Group

Frank Hamerlinck, Chief Operating Officer, NGDATA

Rachel Happe, Founder, The Community Roundtable

Kristen Harris, Director, ECM Solutions, Zia Consulting

Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant, Hedden Information Management

Urban Hedström, Founder, Findwise

Bruno Herrmann, Director Of Globalization and Localization, The Nielsen Company

Demian Hess, System Architect, Avalon Consulting, LLC

David Hobbs, Website Transformation Consultant, David Hobbs Consulting

Mark Jacobson, Senior Consultant, Delta Think, Incorporated

Oliver Jaeger, VP Marketing & Communications, e-Spirit Inc.

Pradeep Jain, Chief Content Architect, Ictect, Inc.

Aaron Kechley, Senior Vice President, Products, DataXu

In Koo Kim, Senior Manager, NorthPoint Digital

Pamela Kostur, Partner, Parallax Communications

Sara Larsen, Vice President, Digital Marketing, SAP

David H. Lipsey, Partner, Media & Entertainment, Optimity Advisors

Brian Makas, Director of Marketing Technology and Business Intelligence, Thomas Publishing

Hilary Marsh, Chief Strategist, Content Company

John Matthews, Managing Principal & Founder, Comscient Group, Inc

Steve McMillan, Director, Enterprise Knowledge Management, Apollo Group, Inc.

Christopher McNulty, SharePoint CTO, Dell

Michael Meinhardt, Chief Customer Officer and Co-founder, Cloudwords

Teri Mendelsohn, President, Mendelsohn Consulting

Gerry Mintz, Managing Partner, Percepta Partners LLC

Sheldon Monteiro, CTO, SapientNitro

Lynda Moulton, Principal, LWM Technology Services

Dom Nicastro, Contributing Author,

Kevin Nichols, Director and Global Practice Lead, Content Strategy, SapientNitro

Niels Nielsen, Managing Director, Avalon Consulting, LLC

Scott Noonan, Chief Technology Officer, Boston Interactive

Peter O’Kelly, Big Data Solutions Architect, Savvis

Vikram Pant, Lead Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton

Kendal Peiguss, Inbound Marketing Manager, SmartBear Software

Chris Pena, Global VP Engineering for Online and Ecommerce Platforms, Pearson Education

Ron Person, Sr. Consultant, Business Optimization Services, Sitecore

Christine Polewarczyk, Senior Director, Global Enterprise Marketing, SDL

Stephen Powers, Vice President and Research Director, Forrester Research

Adam Ribaudo, Vice President, Digital Strategy, Velir

Rebecca Rodgers, Senior Consultant, Step Two Designs

Lindy Roux, Principal Content Strategist, Siteworx

Pat Sabosik, President, Elm City Consulting, LLC

Frank Schneider, VP Customer Experience Solutions, Creative Virtual USA

Kathy Greenler Sexton, VP & General Manager, SIIA

Bryant Shea, NorthPoint Digital

Pete Sheinbaum, CEO, LinkSmart

Philip Smolin, Senior Vice President, Market Solutions, Turn

Jake Sorofman, Research Director, Marketing Leaders Research Team, Gartner

Loni Stark, Director of Product, Industry Marketing, Adobe

Marc Strohlein, Principal, Agile Business Logic

Ian Truscott, VP Product Marketing, SDL

Karla Turcios, User Experience Lead, Esri

Keelin Vaccaro, Internal Communications Director, National Geographic

Michael Vessella, Vice President, Director, Experience Design, Digitas

Sal Visca, CTO, Elastic Path

Meghan Walsh, Senior Director, eCommerce Platform System Management, Marriott International

Mark Walter, Director, Strategic Solutions, Managing Editor Inc. (MEI)

Melissa Webster, Program VP, Content & Digital Media Technologies, IDC

Tom Wentworth, CMO, Acquia

Dave White, Chief Technology Officer, Quark Software Inc.

Tim Wilmot, President & CEO, KnowSo, Inc

Karl Wirth, CEO/Founder, Evergage

Building Next Generation Web Content Management & Delivery Digital Experiences – Gilbane Conference Spotlight

While not everybody agrees that web content management should be the hub of digital experience management implementations, there should be no doubt it is an essential core component. Certainly the WebCM / CustomerXM / DigitalXM, etc. vendors that started in web content management have an opinion, though there are many nuances in their positioning which are important to understand. Even more interesting is what they have all learned in the past few years while incorporating or integrating other technologies to help their customers build modern digital experiences for customers and employees. Vendor visions and expertise are at least as important as those of analysts, consultants, integrators, agencies, and even your peers.

C7. Building Next Generation Web Content Management & Delivery Digital Experiences – A Panel Discussion

Wednesday, December, 4: 2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.

You probably need to attend every session in the conference to even learn all the questions to ask before embarking on a next generation digital experience strategy and design. In this session a panel of competing vendors will discuss what they see as the critical components and challenges based on their customer’s experiences and feedback, and on their own vision of what is possible. Vendors have lots of valuable experience and information and this is your chance to hear from knowledgeable representatives minus the PowerPoint pitch.

Melissa Webster, Program VP, Content & Digital Media Technologies, IDC
Arjé Cahn, CTO, Hippo
Robert Bredlau, COO, e-Spirit
Ron Person, Sr. Consultant, Business Optimization Services, Sitecore
Russ Danner, Vice President, Products, Crafter Software
Loni Stark, Director of Product, Solution & Industry Marketing, Adobe


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