Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Author: Frank Gilbane (Page 22 of 71)

Integration of open source and proprietary technologies — a case study

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

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Technology and operational integration remain the most difficult and costly implementation issues for digital experience and digital transformation initiatives. Understanding the integration technologies and practices most critical for your project is a requirement for success. Integrating open source and proprietary technologies can save cost, but what’s involved? Does open source add additional challenges? Veteran Joe Bachana describes a current project integrating a mix of five different systems. This is bound to be interesting!

A201. Case study in integration of open source with proprietary technologies for AGBU, a global not-for-profit 

In this talk, Joe Bachana presents how open source technologies such as Drupal (CMS), Entermedia (DAM), OpenKM (records management), and CiviCRM (CRM) are being implemented with an Intacct Accounting System for the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU). The resulting system manages the entire customer relationship, from inception through to management of donations and membership activities.

Tuesday, April 30: 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Joe Bachana


Joseph Bachana
President, DPCI



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Gilbane Advisor 3-19-19 — Federated ML, ephemeral messaging, search for humans

Google releases federated machine learningTensorFlow summit 2019

Federated learning is going to be a thing. Health care is just one example… “TensorFlow Federated will provide distributed machine learning for developers to train models across many mobile devices without data ever leaving those devices. Encryption provides an additional layer of privacy, and weights from models trained on mobile devices are shared with a central model for continuous learning.” Read More

A warning on the dangers of ephemeral messaging

The Information’s Sam Lessin is bullish about Facebook’s moving to full encryption, but thinks a reliance on ephemeral messaging is a big mistake. He makes a good case and the issues he raises need broader consideration. (Firewall – but you can get access by providing an email.) Read More

Search engines: a human perspective

Wise words on search applications from Daniel Tunkelang.

The foundation of human-computer information retrieval (HCIR) is that search engines help searchers who help themselves. The best search engines reward searchers’ incremental effort with a higher return on investment. … But searchers have been trained by simple search interfaces, and their laziness is compounded by a skepticism of anything that violates their expectations. In order to earn searcher effort, search engines have to provide simple, incremental, and effective steps that guide searchers — and that teach them through experience that the return justifies the additional effort. Read More

Facebook’s News Feed era is now officially over

It’s anyone’s guess where Facebook will end up after the strategic shift announced last week. The new direction impacts all parts of the company and raises questions about their business model, growth, and of course, organization. Read More

Join us at Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Digital experience strategies, technologies, and practices, for marketing and the workplace


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. We focus on strategic technologies. We publish more or less twice a month except for August and December.

How to transform your digital ecosystem successfully

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

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Enterprise digital transformations are not for the feint of heart. Technologies, practices, workflows, customer expectations, and market and business requirements are constantly evolving, and technical and operational integrations need to somehow keep up. That’s why case studies from experienced pros like this one are a critical part of your strategy due diligence. 

B101. Transforming your digital ecosystem successfully: why & how it is possible 

Can you build a digital ecosystem that enables your organization to delight its customers at every touchpoint, while delivering effective personalization and omni-channel engagement? Can you meet the needs of your customer’s journey across all channels to deliver her relevant content at any given point? For many, a successful customer experience relies on an affirmative answer to both questions. But the “transformation” required to support such efforts presents brands with seemingly insurmountable challenges. Where do you even begin? Our session helps you kick-start a digital transformation initiative by showing you how it can be done, even if you are starting with disparate systems, processes, and disconnected customer experiences. We show you an effective strategy and road map, including best practices in its execution. We offer you real-world examples of what has worked and led to a 400% increase in customer engagement—and what has not—and how you can succeed.

Monday, April 29: 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Vijay Hanumolu


Vijay Hanumolu
Vice President, Digital Strategy, Unum


Kevin Nichols


Kevin P Nichols
Executive Director, Experience, AvenueCX and Global Content Strategist


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

How to leverage best practices to enrich global & local digital experiences

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1


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Our conference is followed by in-depth, half-day workshops by well-know experts providing detailed guidance on how to get a head start on key strategies, including…

Leveraging best practices & technology leadership in digital transformation to shape & enrich digital experiences locally

Digital customers are disrupting established practices and processes internationally. Product and service leaders must understand, analyze, meet, and exceed local requirements to enter and grow in their target markets. The digital age has set the stage to amplify local reach, relevant resonance, and personal reaction. Whether you are in a globalizing startup or in a multinational organization you have to overcome challenges and seize opportunities to make the most of that borderless stage and deliver effective content and products while demonstrating much agility, velocity, and customer centricity. More than ever, there is no great local experience without global excellence. Digital customers are in the driver’s seat, and know what they look for as well as where, when, and how they want it. Therefore, it is crucial to engage them linguistically, culturally, and functionally before they switch to your competitors in one click or with one word. Join this workshop to unleash the power of the fast track to create and increase digital globalization value. We cover how to do the following:

  • Consider a robust framework to execute digital globalization plans end to end, maximize customer experiences, and sustain value matching local customer journeys.
  • Build a road map to develop assets, showcase quick wins, and deliver on your business objectives in a time and cost-effective way across multiple markets.
  • Drive the transformation of digital content and product supply chains into experience value chains by optimizing creation, development, internationalization, translation, localization, testing, certification, and personal customer experiences globally.
  • Benefit and profit from technology enablers that help you turn automated intelligence into intelligent automation and augment local customer reality, specifically within AI-driven ecosystems.
  • Capture and measure content effectiveness globally and locally through tangible performance indicators and datadriven operations.
  • Develop and elevate digital globalization in your organization as a global profit driver by establishing a collaborative business partnership model across teams, disciplines, and functions.
  • Innovate with snackable content to boost micro experiences for international customers.

Wednesday, May 1: 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Bruno Herrmann


Bruno Herrmann,
Global Leader, Expert Advisor in Digital Experiences, Products and Content, Independent Consultant



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What’s your organization’s core narrative?

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1


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Our conference is followed by in-depth, half-day workshops by well-know experts providing detailed guidance on how to get a head start on key strategies, including…

Understanding (and building) your organization’s core narrative

A well-constructed and well-organized corporate narrative is a powerful thing. It explains what you do and why you matter. It can do the following:

  • Build market impact.
  • Drive a more cohesive marketing program.
  • Create a more cohesive business.

It speaks to the market in clear, resonant terms. It supports fluid, coherent corporate communications. It ensures that employees have a shared understanding of what they’re working for, and it plays a key role in business and product decisions and road maps.

Core narratives are a structured approach to organizing core beliefs, truths and facts about your organization. It starts with examining four elements:

  • Why – What is your aspirational value—why does it matter?
  • How – What is your methodology or approach that lets you deliver that aspirational value.
  • Offer – What is it that you sell? What do you do?
  • Proof – Why should I believe you?

The workshop begins with a discussion of the meaning of “narrative,” how it is different from “story,” and how to measure its strength. Then the fun begins:

  • We walk each participant through his or her own narrative strength assessment.
  • We start you on the way toward organizing your narrative.
  • We spend time on how narratives help to foster constructive discussion and help to bring different voices in the company together.
  • You leave with a clearer way of thinking about narratives and a set of tools designed to help you move forward with yours.

Wednesday, May 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Deb Lavoy


Debra Lavoy
CEO, Narrative Builders



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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

The Right Way To Select Digital Experience Technology

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

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Our conference is followed by in-depth, half-day workshops by well-know experts providing detailed guidance on how to get a head start on key decisions, including…

The Right Way To Select Digital Experience Technology

This fast-paced workshop gives you the inside scoop on how to match your unique needs to the right DX marketplaces and vendors, ranging from WCM to DAM to CRM, CDPs, marketing automation, and more. Learn how to distinguish among features, architectures, cost and ecosystems to assess how you can underpin your digital strategy with the best-fitting tools for your needs. Come away with a firm understanding of the major pros and cons of the key players and how to replace traditional, waterfall methods with a more modern approach to technology selection. Each participant receives a copy of Tony Byrne’s book,The Right Way to Select Technology.

Wednesday, May 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Tony Byrne



Tony Byrne
Founder, Real Story Group


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content management, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

CDP or Multi-Channel Hub? A Martech Journey

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

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The easiest way to deal with the vast number of marketing technology tools for digital experience initiatives is to narrow your scope by identifying the type of solution that most directly addresses your core requirements. You can then build around this hub with supporting integrations. For example, you might start with a CMS and then integrate CRM, or e-commerce. Though a sensible strategy, this is easier said than done because of shifting product scope and confusing marketing. In this presentation you’ll hear what the Business Development Bank of Canada learned on just such a journey.

A101. CDP or Multi-Channel Hub? A Martech Journey

This is the journey of a bank that was looking for the new shiny thing, a customer data platform, and ended up choosing a multi-channel marketing hub. How did it happen? What did we discover along the way on our journey about these types of tools? We follow through the steps of this discovery voyage where not a lot of people have gone before … (Hey, it sounds like a new Star Trek episode!).

Monday, April 29: 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.​

Richard Tea, Development Bank of Canada


Richard Tea
Director, Analytics & Marketing Automation
Business Development Bank of Canada


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

Digital experience at the ATF

Gilbane’s Digital Experience Conference

Washington DC April 28 – 29, Workshops May 1

digital experience networking

Like most larger organizations the ATF has many types of customers, employees, and partners. Building a modern digital experience that meets their unique requirements, while supporting consistent and continuous collaboration and operational flows is no easy task. Case studies like this provide valuable insight, and we are pleased to have the ATF’s Hadiza Buge join us to share their story.

B103. Breaking down the regs: DX at the ATF

Parsing through federal regulations can be challenging. It can be hard to know where to start and find what you need. That’s certainly true at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)… Learn how digital is helping the ATF better connect state and local law enforcement as well as firearms dealers, the public, and other constituents with mission-critical information and services… Regulatory updates are shared faster with law enforcement, and best practices around personalization and usability are helping the ATF drive better results for constituents… Learn how the ATF is leveraging open source tech and strategies more typical of marketing organizations — including journey orchestration, audience segmentation, and personalization — to deliver for all of its audiences.

Monday, April 29: 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.​

Hadiza Buge, ATF


Hadiza Buge
Chief, Electronic Media & Communication, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives


Peter Durand, Acquia


Peter Durand
VP, Public Sector, Acquia


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Gilbane Conferences have been providing content management, computing, and digital experience professionals with trusted content since 2002.

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