Kentico released Kentico Experience Refresh 2. The new release includes:

  • Sentiment analysis. A JS or C# integration with Azure Text Sentiment Analysis so marketers can use AI to analyze the sentiment of users’ comments and set up automated responses and notifications depending on the tone of the text. Also, they can measure the sentiment of their own texts directly in the text editor.
  • Copy-pasting widgets in Page Builder. Until now, if editors wanted to use the same widget on a different page, they had to create the same widget with the same settings in another template. Now, copy-pasting up to ten widgets saves time and prevent mistakes.
  • Form Builder Section Properties. New feature enables dividing forms into sections and setting different properties for each of them. Developers can define section properties and then, marketers can add titles, styles, descriptions, or even dynamic layouts anywhere in the form.
  • Creating clean multicultural URLs. Is a new solution for creating URLs of multicultural websites. Culture Alias Support for Dynamic Routing now allows system administrators to define their own culture aliases and use them in URLs for distinguishing different language versions. For example, instead of ‘en-US’, you can use ‘en’ or ‘english’.