Databricks announced the availability of Delta Engine and the acquisition of Redash. These new capabilities make it faster and easier for data teams to use its Unified Data Analytics platform for data science, machine learning, and a broad range of data analytics use cases. Delta Engine is a high-performance query engine on cloud data lakes and Redash is an open-source dashboarding and visualization service for data scientists and analysts to do data exploration.

Delta Engine is tailored for use with Delta Lake, the open-source structured transaction layer for data lakes. Organizations can now build curated data lakes that include structured and semi-structured data and run all their analytics on high quality, fresh data in the cloud. Databricks acquired Redash, the company behind the successful Redash open source project, to provide easy-to-use dashboarding and visualization capabilities on these curated data lakes. With Redash, data scientists and SQL analysts can eliminate the complexity of moving data into other systems for analysis.

The open source Redash project was created to help data teams make sense of their data. Data scientists and SQL analysts can easily gather a wide variety of data sources, including operational databases, data lakes, and Delta Lake, into thematic dashboards. The results can be visualized in a wide variety of formats like charts, cohorts, and funnels, and are easily shareable across an organization or with external users. Redash can be used with Databricks today using a free connector, and Redash will be fully integrated into Databricks’ Unified Data Analytics Platform and the Databricks workspace in the coming months and take advantage of capabilities like Delta Engine.