Sitecore announced that its Web CMS solution can now be integrated with Telligent Community, social software designed for organizations to create interactive communities to listen to and engage internal and external audiences. Combining these solutions should give organizations the ability to harness all of their content within the rest of their Web properties. The goal of the Sitecore integration package is to provide centralized security handling and the ability to interchange the content between Sitecore and Telligent Community solutions. With the security integration providing single sign-on functionality, the user signs into the Sitecore CMS and gets simultaneously signed into Telligent Community. The security integration also simplifies the user creation, so users only need to be created in Sitecore CMS and are automatically transferred to Telligent Community upon first login. The content sharing features provide the ability to mix social media applications and Web content within a website, giving users a combined experience of both types of content. The integration module supports content repurposing for Telligent Community forums, blogs and media galleries as well membership information. Social content can either be reused directly or it can be filtered based on the current user’s rights and group memberships.