We are ramping up for our annual Boston conference, and the program is mostly complete. Our tagline this year is “Content, Collaboration & Customers”, and as usual, we’ll be discussing a wide range of related topics and covering all the important trends. Four areas we are paying extra attention too are:

Managing enterprise social content. This should not be a surprise. The increasing use of social software in business and government environments for both internal and customer communications means more content, of a different kind, to be managed.

Managing enterprise mobile content. Smartphones are replacing noteboooks and desktops as clients  for many enterprise applications, and complementing them for even more. Mobile is another enterprise channel with unique content requirements.

SharePoint & Office 2010 and web content management. As the SharePoint surge continues with the upcoming release of 2010, early signs point to increased emphasis on web content management and integration between WCM, Office and SharePoint. How will this affect the content management market?

E-government & transparency. We are seeing a lot of activity here among both state and federal agencies, and there are special content management challenges that in many (most?) projects mean integrating new technologies and practices (e.g., social software) with established information management approaches (e.g., XML, XBRL).

Stay tuned for updates, or follow the conference on Twitter at http://twitter.com/gilbaneboston.