JustSystems announced XMetaL Reviewer 5.5, the latest version of the company’s collaborative XML document reviewing software. Reinforcing the central role of document review and collaboration in the overall authoring process, XMetaL Reviewer lets subject matter experts and others contribute content directly to the documents under review. The latest version of XMetaL Reviewer also gains usability, connectivity, integration, and administration enhancements. XMetaL Reviewer moves the document review process beyond a read-only exercise that prevents reviewers from suggesting detailed edits to the documents being reviewed. Now, reviewers can actively contribute new content and rewrite entire sections of a document. Using the addendum editor, XMetaL Reviewer users with no knowledge of XML can contribute structured content, insert images, and create lists, tables, and whole sections for consideration as document modifications. In addition to harnessing the expertise of document reviewers, XMetaL Reviewer offers users a consolidated view of all their suggested changes which are displayed to all reviewers in real time, as the changes are being made. An audit trail tracks all document changes, and an inline chat feature lets reviewers discuss content changes in real time. XMetaL Reviewer 5.5 is available today with prices starting at $15,000 for the server and five concurrent user licenses. Additional concurrent licenses are $2,500 for five users. http://www.justsystems.com