Web content management vendor Sitecore has incorporated support for translation middleware from Clay Tablet, allowing Sitecore’s customers to professionally translate their web sites into any number of languages, and keep them updated as content changes. Clay Tablet’s software manages the flow of content between Sitecore CMS and language service providers, making it quicker to offer Sitecore-based sites in multiple languages. Administrators can manage their site in one language, and content in other languages is kept current automatically. Clay Tablet’s software lets companies automate the flow of text between content management and translation systems. When translated content returns from a translation service provider, it’s routed back to the correct destination. Capable of connecting any content storage system to any globalization system, Clay Tablet helps customers integrate and manage the diverse content storage and authoring systems that may be used across an organization, and simplifies localization. http://www.Clay-Tablet.com, http://www.sitecore.net