Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Year: 2005 (Page 65 of 95)

Software and IT Staff as Compliance Enablers

This morning I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion at the
Gilbane Conference that
included Carole Stern Switzer of the Open
Compliance and Ethics Group, Lynn Brewer of The
Integrity Institute, and Michael Evans, Ernst and Young partner responsible
for developing the compliance architecture within Ernst and Young.  One
objective of the discussion was to provide the IT people and project and product
management people, who make up a substantial part of the audience at Gilbane
Conference sessions, with some of the conceptual tools they need to help create
more effective compliance and risk management programs within their companies.

One of the questions raised from the audience toward the end of the
discussion asked about the "enablers" of an effective compliance
program.  Lynn Brewer’s answer was interesting.  Her observation has
been that companies that are making really effective use of compliance, rather
than just treating it as a checkmark, are typically ahead of the curve in terms
of investing in and integrating IT systems into the compliance effort. 
Both Lynn and Carole Switzer argued that one of the key "enablers" is
the early and active engagement of people doing hands-on work on the IT side of
an organization.

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Live-Blogging: John Yunker and Eric Silberstein

John Yunker is speaking on globalization, as part of the session, Content Management Globalization. John’s a great speaker, and has a very useful blog, Web Globalization News.
Eric Silberstein is the founder of Idiom and an expert on DITA, the Darwin Information Typing Architecture. Eric and I have done a couple of webinars recently on DITA and globalization, and his presentation today is a more comprehensive version of the one he has given in the Webinars. Eric is also an excellent speaker, and has a lot of credibility on this topic. Click here for the Idiom-sponsored white paper on DITA, and click here for Robin Cover’s resource page on DITA.

XyEnterprise Releases Latest Versions of XML Content Management, Publishing Applications

XyEnterprise announced the availability of the latest releases of its products: Content@ 3.2 XML content management software and XML Professional Publisher (XPP) 7.3 enterprise publishing application. The new releases provide enhanced XML capabilities and build on Content@ and XPP’s Web Services interfaces, editing adapters, and workflow automation features. In addition to standard integration with the latest versions of XML authoring tools, Content@ 3.2 adds support for Oracle 10g, Microsoft Windows 2003 and the Apache Web Server, as well as updates to its Microsoft InfoPath adapter. Content@ 3.2 provides XML schema and namespace support for those editorial tools with this capability. Content@ 3.2 also incorporates the latest version of Verity K2 Developer. This OEM search product for independent software vendors includes search features that enable users to retrieve, categorize and re-use information based on content, XML attributes (e.g., tags or metadata) or both. XML Professional Publisher 7.3 supports Microsoft Windows 2003 servers and XP clients. XPP 7.3 features several enhancements to its XyView editing interface that enable users to more efficiently handle structured content. The latest release also adds enhanced XML schema and Xpath support, as well as a new integration for MathML editing using the Design Science MathFlow Editor. XPP 7.3 includes a long list of specific enhancements requested by XPP customers.

Vignette Releases Portal 7.2

Vignette Corp. announced the general availability of Vignette Portal release 7.2. This latest portal release extends Vignette’s personalization, identity management, reporting, collaboration, content management and application integration. Vignette has extended its ability to consume third-party standards-based portlet applications based on the Web Services for Remote Portlets standard (WSRP), whether created in Java or .NET. Vignette Portal release 7.2 includes: Enhanced out-of-the-box search capabilities that allow users to query a wide range of internal and external data sources, including Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Notes, relational databases, file systems and Web sites; the ability to derive personalization rules from multiple data sources; the ability to link personalization attributes and mined data from multiple systems across the organization; and integration with Vignette Records and Documents through the use of standards-based JSR-168 portlets. The latest version also advances support for globally distributed portal deployments. Included in this release is the ability to synchronize disparate portal clusters, allowing organizations with multiple portal deployments in separate geographies to maintain their portal installations as a single source across the organization. Vignette Portal also implements an administrative component API that can be used to encapsulate Web applications that plug into the Vignette Portal administrative console. Vignette Portal release 7.2 is shipping and available to customers. Licensing costs for Vignette Portal begin at $75,000 (U.S.).

Keynote Debate: Microsoft & Sun: What is the Right XML Strategy for Information Interchange?

I am liveblogging the Keynote Debate between Microsoft and Sun on what is the right strategy for information interchange. The panelists are Tim Bray, Director, Web Technologies, Sun Microsystems, and Jean Paoli, Senior Director, XML Architecture, Microsoft. Jon Udell is moderating.

  • Actually Frank Gilbane is moderating, and not Jon, so we will hear some of Jon’s thoughts as well
  • Frank: the session is really about strategies for sharing, preserving, and integrating document content, especially document content with XML.
  • Frank gave some background about the European Union attempts to standardize on Microsoft Office or OpenOffice
  • Tim elucidated some requirements of your data format. (1) Technically unencumbered and legally unencumbered (2) High quality (and a notable aspect of quality is allowing a low barrier to entry). Tim: “As Larry Wall (the inventer of Perl) noted, easy things should be easy, and hard things should be possible).”
  • Jean predicted that by 2010, 75% of new documents will be XML.
  • Tim agreed with Jean that 75% of new documents will be XML by 2010, but asked how many of them will be XHTML (as opposed toa more specialized schema, I assume).
  • Some agreement by all that electronic forms are an important aspect of XML authoring, but Tim thinks the area is “a mess.” I’m paraphrasing, but Tim commented on the official XForms release, “Well, it’s official.”
  • Jean commented that XML-based electronic forms are made more difficult because forms themselves require consideration of graphical user interface, interactivity, and even personalization to a degree. This suggests forms are more complex than documents. (And this reminds me of a comment Mark Birbeck made about there being a fine line between an electronic form and an application.)
  • Good question from the audience. So much time has elapsed since SGML got started, and we are still only have XSL-FO (which this person was not happy with). What does this suggest about how long it will take to get better, high-quality typographically sophisticated output?
  • Tim would suggest we are seeing some improvement, beginning with better resolution on the screen.
  • Another commenter weighed in, suggesting that format is important and format does convey meaning. Would like to hear that the tools are going to get better.
  • Frank: when do you need a customized schema?
  • Jean: best way to safeguard your data and systems is to have an XML strategy. You can gain efficiencies you never had before. Also suggested that the Microsoft schemas will not somehow trap your content into Microsoft’s intellectual property.
  • Jon’s takeaways: (1) software as service (2) XML-aware repositories and (3) pervasive intermediation (the content flows in such a way that you can intermediate it)

Liquid Machines Launches Enterprise Rights Management Partner Program

Liquid Machines, Inc. announced a new Solutions Provider program that will enable Value Added Resellers (VARs), Independent Software Vendors (ISV) and System Integrators to leverage Liquid Machines ERM solutions. Liquid Machines Enterprise Rights Management solutions provide comprehensive control of electronic corporate assets throughout the information lifecycle. Liquid Machines auto-integration technology allows seamless integration with existing desktop and back-office applications to ensure that information is used according to corporate policies, making users more efficient and reducing the risk of compliance violations and intellectual property leakage. Liquid Machines Solutions Providers are eligible to resell Liquid Machines Document Control and Email Control products as part of their information security, regulatory compliance, and email archive practices and solutions at a significant discount to their customers. Partner benefits include not-for-resale Liquid Machines software, marketing support and tools, product training, technical support, and access to qualified lead pass programs. Liquid Machines Solutions Provider program is well-suited for Enterprise Rights Management partners as well as Intelligent Archiving and Secure Email Solutions providers. Liquid Machines solutions support Windows RMS to allow Microsoft customers to extend RMS protection to non-office and non-Microsoft applications. Liquid Machines also maintains partnerships with information lifecycle management vendors Veritas and EMC, and has certified the Liquid Machines Email Control product to work with both vendors archival products.

Vivisimo Upgrades Velocity Search Platform

Vivisimo upgraded the Vivisimo Velocity enterprise search platform. The new version of Velocity offers comprehensive reporting capabilities, enhanced security, meta-alerts and collaboration features for better management of the information retrieval process. Vivisimo Velocity is a rapid-deployment, customizable enterprise search platform that combines dynamic clustering, search and meta-search into one solution. The platform is built on Vivisimo software and includes the company’s Clustering Engine. Velocity’s new comprehensive reporting feature is entirely customizable and enables administrators to ask and answer critical business questions. Velocity document-level security provides administrators complete control over access to individual documents or groups of documents. It allows only authorized users access to search results involving sensitive information. Velocity allows users to set up alerts from multiple sources of information from a single point of access. Users no longer need to access each source individually; instead, they can initiate and receive alerts for a topic from several sources in one combined email. Alerts can be initiated simply by clicking on a result or by adding them through user profiles. With a simple click, Velocity users can export results into Endnotes, Procite or Reference Manager, email reports in HTML or plain text format, or save reports as text, HTML or XML. Vivisimo Velocity pricing starts at $10,000 per year and scales with the number of documents to be crawled or meta-searched. The upgraded Velocity search platform will ship within 30 days.

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