Whitehill Technologies Inc. announced an OEM reseller partnership with Computer Associates International, Inc. The partnership builds on the relationship established in 2004, Whitehill xml-Transport became CA Smart Certified. Under the terms of this agreement, CA will resell and distribute Whitehill xml-Transport, Whitehill Transform Suite, Whitehill Gateway, and Whitehill Layout Designer. Whitehill xml-Transport is a 24/7 production solution for data conversion, enhancement and distribution. Whitehill Transform Suite converts print streams into other formats including including PDF, PostScript, TIFF, AFP, PCL, XML, Xerox normalized Metacode and CSV files. Whitehill Gateway provides an access point, or ‘gateway’ for customers to easily find and retrieve information and documents that have been created using Whitehill products such as Whitehill xml-Transport. Whitehill Layout Designer is a graphical interface to design stylesheets that control the presentation of XML data.