Liquid Machines, Inc. released the Liquid Machines Enterprise Rights Management solution for Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) for Windows Server 2003. Liquid Machines support for RMS provides customers an extensible ERM platform that leverages their existing Microsoft infrastructure and investments to consistently enforce enterprise-defined RMS policies on information as it travels across applications and throughout the enterprise. Liquid Machines Document Control extends RMS policy enforcement across more than 65 applications and file formats including Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat and Reader, Microsoft Visio and Sharepoint. Liquid Machines Email Control enhances RMS with server-side policy enforcement capabilities that automatically apply protection based on corporate guidelines. Protection is enforced persistently throughout the e-mail lifecycle no matter where the message goes, internally or externally. Liquid Machines Document Control extends Windows RMS policies to help enforce complete access and usage controls of content including, open, read, write, save, save as, print, print screen, as the content moves between different applications. Liquid Machines Email Control enhances Windows RMS to allow enterprise administrators to define email usage and delivery rules based on user groups and roles, and message content at the server level. Liquid Machines Document Control 5.0 and Liquid Machines Email Control 6.5 are available immediately.