Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: April 12, 2005

Architectures and Architectures

In the course of two days of sessions here at the Gilbane Conference it is
clear that, when it comes to compliance, we’ve overloaded the word
"architecture." We have had a fair amount of talk in some of the
conference sessions about "compliance architectures." We have also
seen different technology architectures used to support compliance systems.

It is easy to understand why at least some of the people in the audience
could get all of this confused.  Sometimes it seems that even the speakers
have the two "architectures" confused and wrapped around each
other.  The bad result that comes from this goes beyond a few confusing
conversations.  If there is enough confusion, the consequence is a
misdirected approach to addressing compliance issues in individual

So… I’ll take a crack at getting the terms and ideas unwound from each
other.  Think of these as "first cut" definitions–aimed at
helping people who are just now coming to terms with compliance lingo to
understand what is going on.  If you can help out here–improving the
definitions–please add some comments.

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Ephox Launches EditLive! for XML 3.0

Ephox launched a major upgrade to its EditLive! EditLive! for XML enables business users to easily create and edit XML content in a simple, browser-based tool and provides developers with an easy to use XML forms development environment. EditLive! for XML is an XML forms solution combining browser-based access, comprehensive rich text authoring capabilities and cross platform support. Version 3.0 also introduces a desktop edition of the forms development environment and a new form solution file format which decreases the amount of effort required to design and deploy XML forms. The EditLive! for XML solution for XML forms makes it possible to combine rich text (graphics, rich text, tables) with strict data types (numbers, dates, plain text) to leverage the best features of forms, documents and spreadsheets. EditLive! for XML also consists of a development environment for XML forms which reduces the costs and complexities of designing and deploying solutions for the contribution and editing of XML content. Evaluation versions are available for download from

Software and IT Staff as Compliance Enablers

This morning I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion at the
Gilbane Conference that
included Carole Stern Switzer of the Open
Compliance and Ethics Group, Lynn Brewer of The
Integrity Institute, and Michael Evans, Ernst and Young partner responsible
for developing the compliance architecture within Ernst and Young.  One
objective of the discussion was to provide the IT people and project and product
management people, who make up a substantial part of the audience at Gilbane
Conference sessions, with some of the conceptual tools they need to help create
more effective compliance and risk management programs within their companies.

One of the questions raised from the audience toward the end of the
discussion asked about the "enablers" of an effective compliance
program.  Lynn Brewer’s answer was interesting.  Her observation has
been that companies that are making really effective use of compliance, rather
than just treating it as a checkmark, are typically ahead of the curve in terms
of investing in and integrating IT systems into the compliance effort. 
Both Lynn and Carole Switzer argued that one of the key "enablers" is
the early and active engagement of people doing hands-on work on the IT side of
an organization.

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Live-Blogging: John Yunker and Eric Silberstein

John Yunker is speaking on globalization, as part of the session, Content Management Globalization. John’s a great speaker, and has a very useful blog, Web Globalization News.
Eric Silberstein is the founder of Idiom and an expert on DITA, the Darwin Information Typing Architecture. Eric and I have done a couple of webinars recently on DITA and globalization, and his presentation today is a more comprehensive version of the one he has given in the Webinars. Eric is also an excellent speaker, and has a lot of credibility on this topic. Click here for the Idiom-sponsored white paper on DITA, and click here for Robin Cover’s resource page on DITA.

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