Infostoria Inc. launched the Infostoria Content Integrator beta program. Infostoria Content Integrator is a service-oriented content integration and management solution that helps enterprises take control of business critical content regardless of where it is stored. The system provides a single point of access to documents, reports, presentations, marketing materials, images, video and other types of digital content stored in a long list of content management systems and business applications. Content can be stored on departmental servers, mainframe computers, or individual employee desktops. Infostoria Inc. offers a content integration solution built natively on the principles of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web services. Individual digital assets are wrapped in XML and mapped to Web services that can be accessed from business applications, enterprise portals, or business processes running on many different platforms. Enterprise content stored in distributed and disparate content repositories is automatically indexed and registered in the Infostoria content directory where it can be discovered by applications. Once content is discovered, it is accessed directly through Infostoria content integration agents. The agents are also responsible for maintaining the content directory in synch with the distributed content repositories. Customers interested in joining the Infostoria Content Integrator beta program are encouraged to do so by filling out a form on the company Web site at