Microsoft Released two new Service Pack 1 (SP1) releases, which provide performance improvements for Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. In addition to improved stability and security, SharePoint Services SP1 includes support for files as large as 2 GB. SharePoint Services SP1 lets customers and partners to apply patches and hot fixes. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 customers and partners will need to apply the Windows SharePoint Services SP1 to download and apply the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SP1. SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SP1 improves search functionality in a number of areas, including propagation, crawling reliability, keyword or best-bet search results, alert conditions, more robust XML filtering, and linguistic accuracy. Content Watson functionality enables improved quality through streamlined issue reporting between a customer’s networked computer and the Microsoft development team. Customers will be able to access language templates for 11 additional languages, including Croatian, Latvian and Slovenian.