Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) announced FAST AdVisor, an enterprise-wide software solution that facilitates the introduction between buyers and suppliers for Internet Yellow Pages (IYP), Business to Consumer (B2C) and Business to Business (B2B) verticals, online classifieds, and traditional publishers. FAST AdVisor aggregates information from any structured and unstructured data source, including not only the publisher’s own proprietary content, but also advertiser, third-party and web content. It provides organizations with a relevancy framework that allows them to control the user experience through InPerspective, FAST’s rank tuning module. FAST AdVisor also includes advanced navigation and drill down capabilities, allowing users to do multi-level sorting of their search results by a variety of parameters. Using multi-level sorting, the end-user is in control of how the results are displayed. The business manager defines the rules for how advertisers are seen. FAST AdVisor also includes linguistics capabilities that include multi-lingual dictionary and synonym management, and spell-checking. With the analytics and reporting features of FAST AdVisor, the online directory provider can tune the system based upon how end users are searching and navigating.