Sybase, Inc. announced Sybase Enterprise Portal (EP) 2.5. The JAVA-based, portal software includes a presentation layer comprising navigation, content management, and personalization tools. Additionally, EP 2.5 is compatible with popular infrastructure products. Enterprise Portal 2.5 includes a new Content Management Interface with support for XML-based content congregation, Web services support for portal interface enhancements and portlets, and advanced EJBs. The improved security infrastructure includes the ability to identify users and activities, a secure framework that extends to legacy systems, Secure Business Object (SBO) support authentication, configurable lock out times, and static and dynamic mutual role exclusion to balance access with protection. Enterprise-class portlets offer access to information in enterprise systems. Sybase’s portlet framework will enable an increased number of third-party portal applications, which currently include Autonomy, Interwoven, and Stellent. Enterprise Portal 2.5 will begin shipping in the first quarter of 2002. Pricing starts at $85,000.