BroadVision, Inc. announced the immediate availability of BroadVision One-To-One Enterprise 4 International (4i). Including enhanced support for the requirements of international e-commerce sites and enabling performance increases up to 100 percent over previous versions, BroadVision One-To-One Enterprise 4i features new patent-pending technology. The product shipped on March 31, 1999. Recent research shows that Internet usage for e-commerce is fast becoming a global trend. The number of Europeans visiting Web sites is expected to jump from 4 percent of the population to 13 percent by 2001, says Forrester Research, while the number of Chinese Internet users will more than quadruple to 9.4 million by 2002, according to International Data Corp. BroadVision One-To-One Version 4i features capabilities critical to successful e-commerce sites across the globe including product translation, multi-language support and support for the Euro and other local currencies, date/time formats and number formats.
Category: Semantic technologies (Page 72 of 72)
Our coverage of semantic technologies goes back to the early 90s when search engines focused on searching structured data in databases were looking to provide support for searching unstructured or semi-structured data. This early Gilbane Report, Document Query Languages – Why is it so Hard to Ask a Simple Question?, analyses the challenge back then.
Semantic technology is a broad topic that includes all natural language processing, as well as the semantic web, linked data processing, and knowledge graphs.
Multicosm Ltd., announced Refindment for Lotus Notes. Refindment enables searches across Notes databases enterprise-wide and better organizes information with theming and summarization features. Refindment for Lotus Notes lets organizations make use of the vast amount of information contained in the Notes databases throughout an organization by coordinating the data into a master index of the most significant concepts or themes. Users can drill down and view summaries of the documents containing the selected themes. Refindment for Notes automatically populates each document with hyperlinks so that users can jump to other related documents. In addition, user’s summary and theme databases can be saved for access by other employees, permanently capturing valuable corporate knowledge regardless of employee or company transitions.
LivePage Corporation announced the opening of the beta test program for the Linux version of LivePage Enterprise, its content-base management system. This new version will enable deployment of LivePage ContentServer on the rapidly expanding installed-base of Linux web servers. LivePage Enterprise now allows users to leverage the functionality, performance and value of the Linux platform. LivePage Enterprise 2.0 delivers multi-user, collaborative management for content including XML, SGML and HTML, as well as digital media such as graphics. LivePage separates management of content and presentation style, enabling personalization (presentation style based on user attributes) and supporting the use of standard tools and storage formats (XML, SGML) for content. The server applies presentation style and end-user features such as navigation, advanced searching, dynamic site map, “what’s new” capability, and table of contents.
Inxight Software, a Xerox (XRX) New Enterprise Company, announced the appointment of Robert P. Lee as president and chief executive officer. Inxight Software develops information visualization and knowledge extraction software components critical for online publishing, knowledge management, and business intelligence. As CEO, Lee will direct the company’s core OEM business for independent software vendors. He will also develop new business strategies to capitalize on the use of Inxight products by other corporations in their internal applications. In addition, Lee will oversee the development and marketing of new OEM components and end user applications based on Xerox Corporation research in visualization and natural language processing. Prior to Inxight, Lee was CEO of Formulab Neuronetics, a public Australian computer company, and chairman, CEO, and president of Insignia Solutions, a software company he took public in 1995. Previous management background includes executive vice president at Symantec, senior vice president at Shared Medical Systems, and eleven years with IBM.