Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Gilbane events (Page 6 of 44)

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Blockchain to Bots: a Look at Use Cases

Gilbane Boston 2016

Join us in Boston in November for this featured session and our other 32 conference sessions.

Blockchain to Bots: a Look at Use Cases

New technologies need use cases. First in theory to attract commercial investment, and second in practice to prove their worth. This session includes discussions on the potential of Blockchain for digital asset management, and the use of bots in an intranet application.

Wednesday, November, 30: 11:40 – 12:40 pm

Nicole Dvorak | Gilbane conference
Nicole Dvorak, MBA Candidate, Class of 2018, MIT Sloan School of Management

Rod Collins | Gilbane Conference
Rod Collins, Director of Innovation, Optimity Advisors
Transforming Digital Assets into Digital Agents: New Media Strategies for Hyper-Connected Markets

Mindy Carner | Gilbane Conference
Mindy Carner, Manager, Information Management, Optimity Advisors
Transforming Digital Assets into Digital Agents: New Media Strategies for Hyper-Connected Markets

Henry Amm | Gilbane Conference
Henry Amm, Digital Strategy Consultant, adenin Technologies
Making Intranets Smart: How AI and Bots Allowed Us to Create a Smart Assistant for the Digital Workplace

Gilbane Digital Content Conference
Fairmont Copley Place Hotel, Boston, November 29 – 30, 2016

Bots, Content, and Commerce

Gilbane Boston 2016

Join us in Boston in November for this featured session and our other 32 conference sessions.

Here Come the Bots: How Innovations in Artificial Intelligence Will Shape the Future of Content and Commerce

Today’s online transactions are still largely web-based despite the proliferation of smartphones and mobile apps. And these transactions are often part of a fragmented purchasing experience, where a customer must move from interacting with engaging rich content to completing a series of cumbersome steps for transaction-related information like payment and delivery details.

One solution to this experience breakdown is to enable what is becoming known as conversational commerce, where the transaction part of purchase is integrated seamlessly with the customer’s current online environment. Several tech giants like Facebook and Amazon, as well as a number of start-ups, are investing in enabling chat bots within messaging apps that make it possible for users to make purchases within the platform, rather than having to go to an external web page. This session will explore what the rise of conversational commerce will mean for content management and content and commerce integration.

Wednesday, November, 30: 8:30 – 9:30 am

Register today to save your seat

Jill Finger Gibson Gilbane Conference
Jill Finger Gibson, Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group

Adrien Nussenbaum Gilbane Conference
Adrien Nussenbaum, CEO, Mirakl

Roland Benedetti Gilbane Conference
Roland Benedetti, Chief Product and Marketing Officer, eZ

Sergio Silva Gilbane Conference

Sergio Silva, Director of Partner Success, Kik

Gilbane Digital Content Conference
Fairmont Copley Place Hotel, Boston, November 29 – 30, 2016

Gilbane Conference Keynotes Announced

Gilbane Boston 2016

ConferenceNovember 29 – 30 and WorkshopsDecember 1
Boston Fairmont Copley Plaza

Join the digital marketers, technologists, and analysts leading the thinking and doing — making modern digital content and customer experience strategies a reality. Register and save your seat today

Keynote presentations

Wednesday, November 29, 8:30 – 10:00am

Marissa Jarratt, Senior Director, Global Marketing, PepsiCo 
A New Age for Internal Communications: Measure, Manage and Influence The Employee Experience


Tania Yuki, CEO, Shareablee
Measuring What Matters in Social Media


Jon Marks, Co-founder and CTO, Kaldor
Blood in the Streets – Reporting from the Content Technology Trenches

Keynote panel – Industry analysts

Wednesday, November 29, 11:00 – 12:00pm

Melissa Webster - Gilbane Conference

Melissa Webster, Program VP, Content & Digital Media Technologies, IDC

Scott Liewehr - Gilbane Conference
Scott Liewehr, Partner and Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group

Deanna Laufer - Gilbane Conference

Deanna Laufer, Senior Analyst, Customer Experience, Forrester Research


Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group

Register today to save your seat!

Gilbane post-conference workshops

Gilbane Boston 2016

ConferenceNovember 29 – 30 and WorkshopsDecember 1
Boston Fairmont Copley Plaza

Join our highly-respected international experts for a deep dive following our two-day conference. Register and save your seat today!

Thursday, December 1: 9:00 – 12:00

Sara Redin | Gilbane Conference

Building a Business Case for a Modern Intranet – learn more
Sara Redin, Founder, Redin Consult

Tim Bourgeois | Gilbane Conference

An Anatomy of a Digital Audit learn more
Tim Bourgeois, Executive Editor, and East Coast Catalyst

Tony Byrne | Gilbane Conference
The Right Way to Select Digital Content Technology – learn more
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group

Thursday, December, 1: 1:00 – 4:00

Cathy McKnight | Gilbane Conference
Mapping Customer Journeys and Managing Content: How to Align Practices for Great Customer Experience – learn more
Cathy McKnight, Vice President, Consulting, Digital Clarity Group

Heather Hedden | Gilbane Conference
Designing Taxonomies and Metadata for CMS Implementation – learn more

Heather Hedden, Senior Vocabulary Editor, Cengage Learning

Bruno Hermann | Gilbane Conference
Taking the Fast Track of Digital Globalization to Deliver Digital Experiences Globally – learn more

Bruno Herrmann, Director of Globalization and Localization, The Nielsen Company

Register today to save your seat!

Are you focused on customer experience and digital marketing?

If Customer Experience and Digital Marketing is Your Game…

Have we got a track for you at this year’s Gilbane Conference. Track C: Content, Marketing, and Customer Experience is designed for marketers, marketing technologists, social marketers, content strategists, web content managers, content marketers, content creators and designers, and business and technology strategists focused on customer experience and digital marketing.

You’ll Learn How:

  • Adobe and Brightspot advise customers on managing a digital experience business
  • Campbell Soup and National Instruments are crafting modern customer experiences using iterative testing, measurement, and analysis to engage more deeply with customers
  • To create a plan to develop and deliver supporting and engaging content across multiple channels
  • Innovations in artificial intelligence will shape the future of content and commerce
  • Translation and localization technology will impact the future
  • To successfully map business and technology requirements

Register now to join us for the Gilbane Digital Content Conference’s Track C: Content, Marketing, and Customer Experience on November 29-30. Get a full description for all 14 sessions in this track, here.Gilbane conference attendees

Register with code F16G to save an extra $100 off the Early Bird rate of your conference pass.

Register Today 

The Venue

The Fairmont Copley Plaza is the official conference hotel for the Gilbane Digital Content Conference 2016. Discounted guest room rates (plus applicable taxes) have been arranged for attendees who book by November 11, 2016. Find out more…

Gilbane conference hotel 2016

You Have Content. Now What?

You’re running full-speed ahead with your content bucket full and your heart bursting with the need to share it with the world. But, you may need to hit the breaks for a moment and think about the tools needed to help you move forward in a way that will deliver the best digital experience to your customerGilbane conference attendeess.

Register now to join us for the Gilbane Digital Content Conference‘s Track T: Technologies for Content, Marketing, and Digital Experience, and make sure you’re on the path to success. This track is designed for technology strategists and executives focused on near-term and future software for creating, managing, and delivering compelling digital experiences across platforms, channels, and form factors.

Technology track sessions include:

  • Tag Team: Hot Topics in Marketing Technology & Strategy
  • Marketing Technology Expectations and Decisions
  • What’s All This Talk About Headless CMSs?
  • Single Source Content Management, and Taxonomy Development / Management: Big Projects with Benefits
  • Optimizing with Deep Linking, Hummingbird, and Rankbrain
  • Blockchain to Bots: a Look at Use Cases
  • Out Front with Real-Time Data & Analytics

Click each session for a detailed description and list of speakers, then, check out our site for even more!

Register with code F16G to save an extra $100 off the Early Bird rate of your conference pass.

Register Today

The Venue

Gilbane conference hotel 2016The Fairmont Copley Plaza is the official conference hotel for the Gilbane Digital Content Conference 2016.
Discounted guest room rates (plus applicable taxes) have been arranged for attendees who book by November 11, 2016.

Find out more…

Gilbane Advisor 7-26-16 – Bots, apps, stickers, video, web, product placement

In this issue we look at moderating perspectives on a few hot topics. First up, we follow up on our earlier coverage of bots and use cases. There are lots of good reasons to be excited about the growth and range of applications for bots, but the hype has been a bit much. We have chosen four short articles to get you current. Next up, Stickers as a serious content type, then thoughts on the utility of video, purposeful merging of web and mobile, and interesting ideas on product placement.

Wrong Narrative. Wrong Mindset. Wrong Solutions.

Don’t worry, this is about bots not politics, and Sar Haribhakti’s view is balanced.

If you even remotely follow tech news, it is very likely that you have read outlandish claims like “Bots are the new apps”. There are way too many misconceptions around conversational products. Read More

Bots in 2016: Mid-Year Check In

Sam Lessin is a big fan of bots because of the potential for developers in general, and in particular for the personal assistant his company, Fin, is building. His experience and thoughts on the challenges of bringing bot-based products to market will help developers and product managers tune expectations.

The past six months have shown that building compelling bots is very challenging. Completely automated bots aren’t ready for prime time and hybrid services with human involvement cost a lot to develop. How developers can make money from bots also hasn’t been clarified. But I’m still bullish on the shift to bots. Read More

Personal assistant bots like Siri and Cortana have a serious problem

Good general explanation of why Alexa et al struggle to meet user expectations. Read More

The Death of Apps has been Greatly Exaggerated

Analyst Jan Dawson looks at the numbers.

Bots are a fascinating new element of mobile user interfaces and have potential in certain well-defined use cases. However, as a threat to the app model, they’re fundamentally limited for a couple of reasons. First, bots are not a fit at all for the vast majority of apps. Put another way, for the apps that generate the vast majority of revenue. Read More

The Elements of Stickers

Stickers as a serious content type. Connie Chan should convince you there is more to Stickers than you probably thought.

Stickers aren’t just frivolous little punctuation marks to be inserted in text messages. They can be replacements for entire sentences, and help create a new medium for communicating and storytelling… And sometimes stickers can convey what words cannot! This form of visual communication has become so popular … in WeChat and LINE — that it is not uncommon to see a deep thread of multiple messages without a single word. They’re not just for those crazy young kids. More notably, stickers are commonly used in professional, not just personal, chats as well… Read More

Video and Speed

I’m sure you know the feel­ing  —  you see a link to some­thing that looks in­ter­est­ing, fol­low it, and when it turns out to be a video clip, you shake your head and kill the tab. The prob­lem with video is it’s just too slow.

Totally agree. Give me words to skim please. Tim Bray discusses watching (some) video faster and listening to sped-up audio. Read More

Building for a future mobile web

Paul Kinlan makes a case for progressive web apps as a way to combine the best of native mobile and mobile web apps. His discussion is useful beyond Google’s progressive web activity.

A new way of thinking about how we build apps and content experiences for the web is needed. One that is progressive in allowing us to build for the web at large, but takes inspiration from the deeper engagement that can be found in native app platforms. Read More

James Bond, Dunder Mifflin, and the Future of Product Placement

…my children shouted in annoyance. They rousted me from bed, complaining that something was wrong with the TV… Trying to explain that there are advertising breaks so people can sell them things was a deflating experience… Their incomprehension was total… If interruption-based advertising is no longer an option, and if traditional product placement is no longer the answer, how can brands reach consumers while not offending their sense of empowerment and leveraging their desire for immediate gratification?

Laurent Muzellec makes a case for “interactive product placement”, and “reverse product placement”… Read More


Gilbane Digital Content Conference
Main conference: November 29 – 30
Workshops: December 1, 2016
Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston

Short takes

The topic may be slightly scary but you need to know what’s coming… 2 terrific #MarTech talks on the rise of AI in marketing via

Lots of orgs will need to make a similar choice, but this is big one… Salesforce will only support Nexus and Samsung Galaxy phones to avoid Android fragmentation via recode

Yes, something like this… Why Wearables Will Replace Your Smartphone via ITNews

eBooks down, print up… U.S. Publishing Industry’s Annual Survey Reveals Nearly $28 Billion in Revenue in 2015 via AAP

An optimist’s view of Getting Google and Publishers to Share Love — and Data via Medium

Differences… AI, Apple and Google via Benedict Evans

The UK takes a stab at a Data Science Ethical Framework via

Growing without video dependence… Bustle’s Slower but Steady Growth Path via The Information

Different levels of maturity… Enterprise MarTech Assessment: More Social Than Mobile via Medium

CMS, etc., corner

Should command a serious salary… The 6 skills every content strategist must have via Medium

Some good questions re What does a decoupled WCM architecture really mean? via Real Story Group

Digital Asset Management Round-up, June 2016 via Digital Clarity Group

Bright future or death spiral?…   via EContent


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for our community of content, computing, and digital experience professionals. Subscribe to our newsletter, or our feed.

The Gilbane Digital Content Conference: Content Management, Marketing, and Digital Experience helps marketers, IT, and business managers integrate content strategies and technologies to produce superior digital experiences for customers, employees, and partners.

Gilbane Digital Content Conference Call for Speakers Deadline is May 6

Gilbane Digital Content Conference

Main conference: November 29 – 30
Workshops: December 1
Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston, MA




Share your expertise and network with peers and digital content leaders…

Submit your proposal today

Tracks include:

Content, Marketing, and Customer Experience

Designed for marketers, marketing technologists, social marketers, content strategists, web content managers, content marketers, content creators and designers, business and technology strategists focused on customer experience and digital marketing.

Focused on how to overcome challenges and implement successful strategies and practices to reach, engage, and retain customers with superior content and digital experiences.

Content, Collaboration, and Digital Workplace Experience

Designed for content, information, technical, and business managers focused on intranets, enterprise search, social, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and internal, field, and backend content applications.

Focused on tools and practices for building agile, information rich, collaborative, and distributed digital workplaces to meet the demands of modern organizations and the changing workforce.

Technologies for Content, Marketing, and Digital Experience

Designed for technology strategists and executives focused on near-term and future software for creating, managing, and delivering compelling digital experiences across platforms, channels, and form factors.

Focused on what you need to know about evolving, and potentially disrupting, content and digital experience technologies for marketing and the workplace.

Re-imagining Digital Strategies for Publishing and Media

Designed for publishing and information product managers, marketers, technologists, strategists, and executives focused on digital transformation, new channels and business models, and managing digital assets.

Focused on the business and technical challenges facing information, publishing, and media organizations creating, managing, and delivering content across the growing number of competing platforms and channels.


The Gilbane Conference on Content Management, Marketing, and Digital Experience helps marketers, IT, and business managers integrate content strategies and computing technologies to produce superior digital experiences for all stakeholders.

Submit your proposal today
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