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Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Sequoia Partners with General Dynamics Techsight

Sequoia Software Corp. announced a partnering agreement with the TechSight unit of General Dynamics, based in Pittsfield, Mass., to license Sequoia’s XML-based software, Interchange2000 (i2K). The TechSight team believes that Sequoia’s Portal Development Software will enable TechSight engineers to develop enterprise information portals more quickly and more efficiently. The partnering agreement takes effect immediately. TechSight has developed and deployed systems including electronic document authoring, management and distribution; interactive electronic technical manuals (IETMs), logistics information systems; computer aided diagnostics; computer-based training and distance learning systems. Customers include Chrysler Corp., General Electric Corp., Kaplan Educational Systems, and U.S Airways.,

Blue Angel Announces XML Solution

Blue Angel Technologies announced MetaStar Enterprise, an integrated XML solution that makes it easy for organizations to create Web based knowledge solutions using the latest technologies. Enterprise combines database, search engine and Web technologies to provide a turnkey knowledge solution that is quickly and easily implemented. MetaStar Enterprise lets users add, update and delete records in MS SQL or Oracle databases from their Web browser. The changes are reflected in the database in real time and are automatically indexed so they are also available on the Web in real time. Enterprise also includes workflow features that can be configured to automatically take specific actions when user-defined events occur. It uses XML as an underlying data interchange format. MetaStar Enterprise is available immediately. Prices range from $35,000 – $60,000.

Interleaf Announces RDM Upgrade

Interleaf, Inc. announced a comprehensive migration solution to upgrade its document management customers (RDM) to its XML-based e-content solution, BladeRunner. Designed to leverage existing customers’ investment in their document management solution, Interleaf’s upgrade solution, RDM-X, enables RDM customers to implement the benefits of content management and of the emerging XML and Extended Style Language (XSL) information standard. RDM-X will be available as a phased approach enabling a seamless upgrade path for RDM customers to move to XML-based content management. RDM customers will initially receive BladeRunner’s authoring and publishing capabilities integrated with the RDM repository, providing the ability to create XML, store the files in the RDM repository, and begin publishing XML to multiple formats using XSL. Ultimately the customers may purchase BladeRunner’s repository to implement complete XML-based content management.

PC Docs/Fulcrum Announces Web Publishing Solution

PC DOCS/Fulcrum announced DOCSSite, a Web publishing solution for PC DOCS/Fulcrum customers. DOCSSite provides non- technical users with the ability to automate the creation of linked HTML publications from any source document from any application, without any manual coding. Consistent, uniformly formatted, fully linked Web pages can quickly be produced and published on intranets and the Internet for immediate access by other users. DOCSSite generates industry standard HTML from such disparate sources as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect and popular CAD applications, creating a uniform site appearance. Linking the various documents together, DOCSSite automatically creates navigation controls and ensures the resulting content conforms to the appropriate corporate image. DOCSSite is built on PC DOCS/Fulcrum’s existing DOCS Binder XML- based compound document solution, which provides users with the ability to manage complex, multi-format documents as a single XML file within the document repository. DOCSSite will be available from PC DOCS/Fulcrum and select partners in June, 1999.

CSI Introduces Products for Secure Transfer of Documents

CSI USA Inc., an international supplier of secure document exchange software and services, announced today that it will release several new products. These products make the Internet secure for the exchange of business-critical documents and data. CSI debuts BDX, Business Document Exchange Service, a subscription service for the secure exchange of business-critical documents and data over the Internet. The only requirements are an Internet connection and a Java enabled PC or workstation. The BDX service presently has the capacity for thousands of users and is readily scalable to meet any future demands. CSI also introduces the latest version of its Business Document Exchange enterprise server software, BDE 2.01. BDE is portable (100% Java), scalable, and based on open system services including FTP, SQL, MIME and SMIME protocols. BDE and BDX are licensed on a per-user basis, and not based on data volume or throughput, a distinct advantage over private networks. This latest release of BDE features a new graphical interface and an enhanced command API, optimized encryption and database protocols (including support for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and MS-SQL), and many other enhancements to the server, client, and remote administration components. CSI also announces BDC, Business Document Conversion, a new product designed specifically for the secure exchange of EDI data over the Internet. File formats and data conversion mappings are expressed in BDC-X, CSI’s proprietary XML-based language, which enables professionals and consultants, not just programmers, to write data conversion maps.

Datachannel & Isogen Merge

DataChannel Inc., and ISOGEN International Corp., announced that they have merged to provide a comprehensive set of XML solutions. ISOGEN will become a DataChannel Inc. company. The merger allows DataChannel to extend the DataChannel XMLFramework by providing enhanced professional services while delivering the benefits of formal standards to a larger market. ISOGEN International will retain its name and remain in Dallas where it is strategically located to easily service the new company’s combined user base. George Kondrach, Chairman of ISOGEN, will become General Manager, and Carla Corkern, President, will become Vice-President of the combined professional International Professional Services

Agile Joins NIST to Create Standards for Manufacturers

Agile Software Corporation, a supplier of product change collaboration solutions for the electronic supply chain, announced it has partnered with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in an initiative to establish standards for efficiently sharing printed circuit assembly (PCA) data between electronics manufacturers and their supply chain partners. As an industry partner in NIST’s Internet Commerce for Manufacturing (ICM) testbed project, Agile Software is providing its Agile Workplace engineering change management technology for use in creating an environment that demonstrates and validates the use of open systems and standards for efficiently sharing both technical and business data across organizations. NIST’s ICM initiative aims to create an easily replicable scenario for Internet-based electronic commerce spanning the complex supply chain common in today’s electronics industry. Part of Agile Software’s contribution to the NIST initiative is its XML-based technology, which is a key facility within the next generation Agile products. In making its XML specifications available to NIST, Agile is proposing its adoption as an industry standard for exchanging XML-based product information between electronics OEMs and their EMS providers. These documents include Build Packages, Engineering Change Orders (ECOs), Manufacturing Change Orders (MCOs), and bills of material (BOMs). XML is a platform-independent, Web-based language that lets users categorize and structure data to be transmitted over the Internet.

Meta Data Coalition and OMG to Cooperate on Metadata

The Meta Data Coalition (MDC) and the Object Management Group (OMG) announced their first cooperative effort to develop metadata standards. In establishing a formal technical liaison, the MDC is now a Platform Member of the OMG, and the OMG is a member of the MDC. The objective of this cross-membership is to provide a way for the two groups to work together on common standards, based on the belief that standards reduce confusion in the marketplace and increase efficiency for IT organizations. The OMG has provided leadership in metadata management starting with issuance of the Repository RFI in 1995, which led to the OMG distributed repository architecture definition in 1996. The Meta Object Facility (MOF) was adopted by the OMG in 1995 and has been refined through the OMG’s open, vendor-neutral standards process. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was adopted in 1997. More recently, the OMG embraced W3C XML with the adoption of the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI). These three standards, UML, MOF and XMI, form the foundation of the OMG’s modeling and metadata management architecture.. The MDC was founded in 1995 to develop and provide standardized metadata exchange; the coalition introduced the Meta Data Interchange Specification (MDIS) in 1996. Recently the MDC completed the technical review of the MDC-OIM, a technology-independent and vendor-neutral information model describing the structure and semantics of metadata. The MDC-OIM is based on the Microsoft Open Information Model, a metadata model and specification that is part of Microsoft Repository, a metadata management product. This model was developed by Microsoft, together with over 20 industry-leading companies, and has been reviewed by more than 300 companies as part of Microsoft’s Open Process. The MDC-OIM supports the OMG’s UML specification


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