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Category: Content technology news (Page 568 of 627)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Verity Appoints Bettencourt President

Verity, Inc. announced the promotion of Anthony J. Bettencourt III to president and his election to its Board of Directors. Bettencourt joined Verity two years ago, and has served as Verity’s senior vice president, worldwide sales and product marketing for the past eighteen months. With nineteen years of high-tech sales and marketing experience, Bettencourt will now be responsible for all of Verity’s sales, marketing, professional services and product development activities. Bettencourt will continue to report directly to Gary J. Sbona, Verity’s chairman and CEO. Verity also announced the promotion of Joseph J. Lawless to the position of vice president, North America and Rest of World Sales. Lawless joined Verity in July 1996, and most recently served as vice president, Eastern Sales Region.

Webridge Forms Alliance with Agency.Com

Webridge, Inc. announced the signing of a technology alliance agreement with AGENCY.COM. The alliance will allow Webridge’s Express applications for e-commerce, partner relationship management and knowledge portals to be offered to AGENCY.COM clients. In addition to recommending and deploying Webridge solutions for clients, AGENCY.COM has launched its corporate knowledge management portal built on Webridge’s Express Framework. The intranet site, which is the central repository for the storage and retrieval of AGENCY.COM knowledge assets, is based upon the concept of “rooms,” which are information portals centered around well-defined topics or classifications. Rooms will provide the foundation for organizing all of the Intranet content and for creating communities of people who share information, common interests, and needs with one another.,

Tumbleweed Ships IME Developer

Tumbleweed Communications Corp. announced IME Developer, a product that enables enterprise developers and systems integrators to create customized, integrated, secure communications applications that run on the Tumbleweed Integrated Messaging Exchange (IME) platform. In addition, the company announced the Tumbleweed Developer Program, created to certify and provide support for developers who build and deploy secure communications applications in enterprises. Developers can use IME Developer to integrate secure communications applications with legacy data and systems, to customize the look and feel of those applications, and to develop new features and functions to run on the Tumbleweed IME platform. Tumbleweed IME is a software and services solution that leverages existing e-mail systems and networks to create a new e-business communication channel. With IME Developer as a resource, developers can rapidly create online applications optimized for e-business.

XMLSolutions Releases XMLZip

XMLSolutions Corporation announced the availability of XMLZip for the Windows NT and Linux operating systems. XMLZip provides a compression tool for use with XML documents. XMLSolutions developed XMLZip to provide an efficient solution for handling large XML files. These large XML files use a disproportionate amount of transmission time over the Internet as well as large amounts of storage on both the server and client equipment. XMLZip reduces the size of XML files without adding undo-processing time to access portions of the files. XMLZip’s compression technique allows users to determine the level at which they want to compress XML files, thus allowing continued utilization of the DOM API without performance degradation. XMLZip is currently offered at no cost to the public. XMLZip supports the Windows NT and Linux platforms and will support UNIX in the near future. To download the latest release,please visit,

Sequoia Software Introduces XML Portal Server

Sequoia Software Corporation announced the new Sequoia XML Portal Server. The Sequoia XML Portal Server provides a information delivery mechanism that shortcuts the search and retrieval process typical of corporate portals. The Sequoia XML Portal Server incorporates a patent-pending XML indexing engine that allows users to conduct context-sensitive searches. This enhances information retrieval by giving users the ability to conduct searches that are highly granular, accurate and efficient. The Sequoia XML Portal Server shortcuts information retrieval by eliminating drill down, the process of finding and piecing together fragments of data from multiple search results. This is accomplished by providing users with customized information snapshots called Aggregate XML Objects (AXOs). AXOs are assembled by aggregating multiple, unique XML data elements into a new object that represents a user’s specific information requirements. Sequoia XML Portal will be available in October 1999 for Windows NT.

OMG & OASIS Exchange Memberships

The Object Management Group (OMG) announced a membership exchange with the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). OASIS has joined the OMG as a Domain Member and the OMG is now a Sponsor Member of OASIS. As an OASIS Sponsor Member, the OMG will participate in OASIS technical discussion groups and committee-working groups, receive registry/repository services, and will be directly involved in the work of the OASIS Technical Committee. As an OMG Domain Member, the OASIS is entitled to technical, business and marketing benefits including the ability to vote on technology adoptions in the Domain Technology Committee (DTC), Domain Task Forces (DTFs), Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and Subcommittees. In particular, OASIS can make technology submissions to the DTC Requests for Proposals (RFPs).,

XML.Org Publishes OAGIS XLM DTDs for Business Object Documents; Forms Relationship with Open Applications Group

OASIS, announced that it has formed a strategic relationship with the Open Applications Group, Inc. (OAGI). As part of the agreement, OASIS will make the OAGI XML Business Object Documents available on, the open, vendor-neutral industry portal hosted by OASIS. Further, the two organizations have agreed to exchange sponsor-level memberships, enabling each to contribute to the other’s technical work. The Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) is a model for business software application component interoperability. OAGIS defines a set of components, processes and interfaces for integrating many key enterprise business applications, including financials, manufacturing, human resources, supply chain and logistics both inside and outside the enterprise. The content of OAGIS has been made machine readable in the form of XML DTDs for all currently defined OAGI Business Object Documents. It is one of the largest collections of standardized XML DTDs in support of ERP applications in existence.,

Softlock.Com & Handheld Media to Deliver E-Book Publishing Solutions, Inc. and Handheld Media announced a reseller agreement whereby Handheld Media will offer format independent production, secure merchandising, distribution and electronic sale of e-Books. The combination of Handheld Media’s services with the SoftLock CyberSales Solution will create a turnkey service for the distribution of valuable content designed for print, including documents in Quark, Word, and other pre-production file formats and allow publishers to easily sell their content using the emerging e-Book publication structure OEB 1.0. The results can be read on a variety of information appliances, enabling new consumer channels for the existing millions of print content sources. www.softlockcom

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