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Category: Content technology news (Page 538 of 627)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Lexica Releases iLingo XML Schemas for Industry Review

Lexica LLC announced that it has published a preview set of XML schemas on Microsoft’s and Lexica’s Web sites. This is a comprehensive set of XML schemas that is specifically designed to empower the supply chain participants in the end-to-end automation of insurance selling and transaction processing. The new set of schemas, collectively called iLingo, provides the essential structural framework for deploying portable, robust transactional applications that enable business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce. Once Version 1.0 is released in early 2000, iLingo will be freely available to any insurance or related financial services provider. Updates will be posted at and

Datalogics to Resell SoftQuad’s XMetaL

Datalogics announced a partnership with SoftQuad to resell XMetaL. With the addition of XMetaL to the product portfolio, Datalogics will round out its software solutions offering to include a comprehensive XML publishing solution encompassing everything from the authoring and editing of content to the output delivery and final publishing. Datalogics is known for its applications targeted at the high volume publishing market. Not only do these products offer high-speed composition and some of the most typographically sophisticated applications, but they also provide for flexible output delivery options. Customers are able to take one input source and generate multiple outputs including PDF, HTML, AFP, SEC Edgar, etc to support a variety of printer types as well as enable document delivery on the World Wide Web. With the addition of XMetaL, Datalogics will facilitate customer’s ability to author and edit the content of their documents. Since Datalogics composition products such as DL Pager, accept XML and SGML tagged input, the use of XMetaL in the authoring process can provide an efficient way for users to author XML content that can be used in DL Pager for print or web delivery.

DataChannel & Extensibility Partner

In a joint announcement announced a partnership to deliver advanced XML industry solutions. Extensibility will create a validated schema for DataChannel’s Portal Markup Language 1.0. (PML 1.0). PML 1.0 has been submitted to OASIS as an industry standard markup language for content display and management by an Enterprise Information Portal. XML Authority, Extensibility’s schema processing and validation server will contain PML 1.0 support in its next release. DataChannel will accelerate its lead in providing XML training and solutions by becoming the lead training partner for Extensibility, creating new curriculum and certification for XML Authority as well as other company offerings. These courses, along with other advanced tutorials from DataChannel will be offered in both open enrollment and customized training sessions, available the first half of next year. Additionally, DataChannel will include an evaluation copy of XML Authority in the SDK of its XML-based Enterprise Information Portal, DataChannel Server 4.0 scheduled for first quarter of 2000. As part of the agreement, Extensibility joins DataChannel’s XpertPartner Program. Other aspects of the agreement include joint development efforts on future offerings that were not disclosed by the companies.,

DataChannel Adds Wavo’s Real-Time News to XML-Based Enterprise Portal

DataChannel Inc. and Wavo Corp. announced that Wavo’s NewsPak will be immediately incorporated into the next release of DataChannel’s portal solution. NewsPak is a solution for delivering pre-licensed, real-time news content to Web servers worldwide. It aggregates content streams from a catalog of over 600 media sources, including CNBC, Ziff-Davis, Financial Times, USA Today, Comtex, Knight Ridder and UPI. Providing these streams in a richly meta-tagged XML format, NewsPak will give DataChannel customers unparalleled ability to search, manage and personalize news information.,

DSML for E-Commerce & Directories Published

Bowstreet delivered a universal directory service language for the Internet to three key Internet standards bodies. This language, called Directory Services Markup Language (DSML), is supported by the collective efforts of IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, and the Sun-Netscape Alliance. By helping establish directories as the infrastructure for e-commerce applications, DSML enables easy sharing of valuable business data and processes within and across company boundaries. DSML will also accelerate the industry shift toward business-to-business applications built on Web services, modular units of software functionality located anywhere on the Internet. DSML and Web services will enable companies to develop dynamic e-commerce Web sites that can uniquely meet the needs of a company’s customers and business partners. The DSML 1.0 specification submission enables different vendors’ directory services to work together more easily by describing their contents – including data about people and computing resources – in XML. The announcement keeps the working group’s July 12 promise to reach consensus on a draft standard this year. The six companies turned over the DSML 1.0 specification draft to OASIS. In an effort to gain rapid and widespread acceptance, DSML 1.0 information is also being provided to the W3C and BizTalk. The DSML effort builds upon Bowstreet’s work over the past two years on the Bowstreet Web Automation Factory, a system for dynamically creating, managing, and linking mass-customized Web sites for B2B e-commerce.,

SoftQuad Releases XMetaL 1.2

SoftQuad Software Inc. announced the release of XMetaL 1.2, a free upgrade for its advanced, yet easy-to-use, XML authoring solution. The upgrade increases XMetaL’s performance and productivity for users of all skill levels, and provides powerful new tools for publishing XMLdocuments to the Web. For content authors, XMetaL 1.2 includes a number of performance and productivity enhancements, including improved table handling, improved CSS rendering, improved spell checking and more intuitive editing functions. To help organizations produce Web-ready HTML from XML documents, XMetaL 1.2 includes a built-in XSL transformation engine. The engine is implemented as an XSLT COM object, which developers can access through scripts. Using XSL stylesheets, XML documents can easily be transformed to HTML for output to a browser or a file. In addition, developers can use the XSLT COM object for performing other complex document transformations on the fly, directly within XMetaL. Other improvements now found in XMetaL 1.2 give developers the ability to automate more processes to increase productivity when authoring XML documents. These include: Broader Event Trapping and Scriptable Entity Creation. XMetaL 1.2 is available December 10th as a downloadable upgrade for registered users of XMetaL 1.0. New users can purchase XMetaL 1.2 for $495.00 (U.S.) per single user license.

XyEnterprise Previews Content@ Content Management Software for Microsoft Word

Xyvision Enterprise Solutions Inc. previewed its new content management application, Content@ (pronounced Contenta) this week. Content@ provides content management for users of Microsoft Word by storing and managing Word document components in a dynamic database repository. Content@ offers integrated workflow, meta-data support, full-text search and facilitates the re-use of document components for web, print, and other media. Content@ enables groups of users to simultaneously collaborate on multiple parts of the same Word document, store components of the document in a variety of formats, and recombine these components into customized deliverables in web or print format. With Content@, users can store complete Word files or components of Word files in DOC, RTF, XML or HTML format. This content can include text, spreadsheets, graphics, presentations, sound, and video. Content@ preserves the normal editorial environment within Word and adds a Content@ menu that provides access to the content repository. Content@ is available now for early adopters, with release scheduled for February 2000. Basic systems, including 10 user seats, Content@ server, and COM API start around $50,000. Content@ server runs on Windows NT and Sun Solaris with clients on Windows 98 and NT. Content@ uses Oracle and other databases and supports Word 97 and Word 2000.

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