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Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Plumtree & Actuate Announce Availability of New Gadgets

Plumtree Software announced availability of the Plumtree Gadget Suite for Actuate and a partnership with Actuate Corporation. Plumtree Portal Gadgets are plug-in portal components that deliver services from enterprise applications and Internet sites to the business desktop. The Plumtree Gadget Suite for Actuate is designed to integrate services from e.Reporting Suite 5, Actuate’s Information Delivery capabilities, into the Plumtree Corporate Portal. Users can now access Actuate business reports and content including 401K statements, performance reports and other corporate information from the same personalized Internet desktop they use to check e-mail, sales leads and market news. Users can browse the Actuate Encyclopedia, a list of folders that contain e.Reports. Users can select which e.Reports they wish to view from the folders and can easily drill down and review the report content. Users can specify which e.Reports they wish to view and search the reports or download them in PDF, XML, or DHTML format. Users can subscribe to select channels based on associated e.Reports to find out when information is new or changed. When an e.Report is modified, subscribers are informed of any updates. Plumtree-Actuate channel partner Blackstone Technology Group created the gadgets in JSP. The gadgets are currently available.,

Arbortext Announces Epic Editor 4.2

Arbortext, Inc. announced the upcoming release of the next version of its Epic Editor software, Epic Editor 4.2, which will offer expanded support for software developers who require the openness and power of JavaScript, DOM and XSL. Epic Editor 4.2 expands the ability of software developers to build on the company’s Single Source Publishing Architecture to create customizations through the new enhancements. Built in support for JavaScript empowers software developers who are already familiar with it. JavaScript support is in addition to Epic Editor’s existing support for compiled languages, including Java, C and C++, as well as any language that talks through COM, including Visual Basic. Epic Editor 4.2 provides a GUI-based configuration for associating scripts with events. This enhancement gives developers an easy way to add customizations to Epic Editor. In addition to fully supporting the DOM Core, Epic Editor 4.2 expands that support to include dynamic DOM Ranges and most DOM Level 2 events. Epic Editor’s built-in GUI-based stylesheet development tool now uses XSL as its default native format, which extends Arbortext’s support for this standard underneath its easy-to-use stylesheet design interface. Previously offered only as a technology preview, Arbortext has upgraded its support for XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) to support the most recent XSL-FO specification and is now a standard part of Epic Editor 4.2, providing a robust way to apply style to content that’s intended for paper publishing. Epic Editor 4.2 will ship in July 2001. All Arbortext customers under maintenance are eligible to receive the Epic Editor 4.2 upgrade at no charge, and the upgrade will be automatically shipped to them.

W3C Issues Canonical XML as a Recommendation

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced the release of Canonical XML 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation. This specification defines a method for serializing XML documents such that it eliminates incidental variances in their syntax as permitted by XML 1.0. This functionality is necessary to XML Signatures, which requires documents to be consistently serialized for digital signature processing, so that these incidental variances do not invalidate the signature. Digital signatures provide integrity, signature assurance and non-repudiatability over Web data. Such features are especially important for documents that represent commitments such as contracts, price lists, and manifests. XML Signatures have the potential to provide reliable XML-based signature technology. However, various processors may introduce incidental changes into a document over the course of its processing. Canonical XML 1.0 provides a method of serializing an XML document into its canonical form. If two documents have the same canonical form, then the two documents are logically equivalent within the context of this specification. This relationship combined with XML Signature is critical for electronic commerce because it ensures the integrity of documents and protocol messages that travel between multiple XML processors. This is the first recommendation produced by the joint W3C/IETF XML Signature Working Group. Contributors include representatives from Ariba, Baltimore Technologies, Done360, IAIK TU Graz, IBM, Microsoft, PureEdge, Reuters, and the W3C technical team. The Working Group is still at work on XML Signatures, which already enjoys significant implementation, and will have more with the completion of the work on Canonical XML.

Radio UserLand Brings Internet Publishing to Desktop Users

UserLand Software announced the release of Radio UserLand, software that brings the power of Web Services and XML to the personal computer desktop. UserLand is working with Microsoft and others to facilitate both XML-based interoperability conventions and a new generation of Web Services built on those standards. Radio is a powerful news publishing and routing tool that runs on the desktop, patterned after the easy to use “weblog” concept, and supports web services protocols such as SOAP and XML-RPC, co-developed by Microsoft, Developmentor, IBM and the open source development community. Radio comes with a built-in XML-based application that streams news from publications such as Red Herring, Wired News, Salon, CNN, Reuters, the San Jose Mercury-News, Motley Fool, Internet.Com, and from news sites such as Tomalak’s Realm, AppleSurf, Slashdot.Org, XML.Com, Freshmeat and Scripting News. Thousands of compatible XML-based news feeds are available in RSS format, co-developed by UserLand and Netscape. Radio UserLand is available for free download at . A subsequent version to be released in Q3 2001 will be available as a commercial product.

Open Market Partners with Screaming Media

Open Market, Inc. announced that it has formed a strategic technology partnership with ScreamingMedia. The companies have integrated Open Market’s Content Server Enterprise Edition with ScreamingMedia’s SiteWare, a technology platform for the aggregation, syndication, processing and integration of digital content. By using this scalable solution, joint customers can have a single, standards-based platform for managing and publishing customized, targeted content. The companies have developed an adapter to integrate ScreamingMedia’s SiteWare and Open Market’s Content Server Enterprise Edition. With this solution, businesses can aggregate content such as news, features, photos, audio and video from thousands of publications and filter them by using ScreamingMedia’s solutions. Open Market’s Content Server Enterprise Edition assembles content from a variety of sources, manages the Internet publishing workflow process and delivers dynamically personalized content or static content to users via Web browsers or wireless devices. Because Open Market’s applications are built on top of J2EE application servers (BEA Systems’ WebLogic Server, IBM’s WebSphere Application Server and iPlanet’s Application Server), enterprise customers can take advantage of an open, extensible platform for managing and delivering their information assets.,

Enfish Launches Improved Enfish Onespace, Version 3.0

Enfish Technology, Inc. announced the launch of Enfish Onespace Version 3.0. Version 3.0 of Enfish Onespace enhances the Microsoft Windows operating system by adding a customizable desktop that is automatically personalized for each user as it installs. Enfish Onespace creates a cross-referenced index that gives users easy access by subject to all their e-mail, tasks, appointments, favorite websites, contacts and documents in one secure, convenient place. The major functional areas of Enfish Onespace have been separated into easy-to-use modes, which are represented by toolbar buttons on the top of each page. Selecting one of the modes will take users to specific areas that will help them get the most out of Enfish Onespace. Each mode now features an action bar to enable users to quickly share, or respond to, an item. Performance has been greatly improved with faster loading of the application and pages. An improved architecture refreshes data as it changes, creating a more seamless environment. Users can select their preferred search engines for Internet-based searches. Users can retrieve email addresses and send correspondence quickly and easily with a new Rolodex feature that brings instant access to important contact information. Enfish has added several shortcuts to version 3.0 to make sending e-mail even easier, including an action button on top of every page for sending, and a mail drop-down arrow displaying all contacts for quick and easy selection. Enfish Onespace Version 3.0 is available from select partners and the Enfish web site. Enfish Onespace was initially available as a free download from the company’s web site. With the release of the enhanced Version 3.0, Enfish Onespace will now be available for $69.95. Current users of Enfish Onespace will be given the opportunity to upgrade to Version 3.0 at no charge. Enfish works with partners to customize Enfish Onespace for specific companies and integrate Enfish Onespace with enterprise portal and Customer Relationship Management solutions.

Inktomi Unveils New Search Software

Inktomi Corp. announced significant enhancements to the Inktomi Search/Web service, providing its customers with a more advanced software infrastructure for delivering highly relevant, comprehensive search results to Internet users. Inktomi now incorporates new relevance modeling, content blending and Internet crawling technologies into its Web search platform to offer users continually enhanced search relevance, easier access to the most accurate search results from multiple content sources and a fresher, broader search index. Built upon Inktomi’s core relevance and link, text and click analysis technologies, the enhanced relevance modeling also measures statistically significant samples of search results and compares them with human judgment. Inktomi offers new content blending capabilities that combine query results from disparate databases, serving the most relevant results up front. Content blending allows directory categories, standard Web pages and other premium content to be ranked in order of relevancy without being segmented by file type, making it easier for users to find the link they want. Inktomi’s new distributed crawling architecture scans the Web more frequently, revisiting missed content and refreshing updated pages more often. Inktomi recently announced it is also working directly with content providers to ensure its database has the most current collection of Web documents, including hard to crawl pages such as those containing XML or dynamic content.

BEA Expands Content Management Partnerships to 11 with New Interface

BEA Systems, Inc. announced an expanded group of content management partners that integrate with BEA WebLogic Personalization Server through a newly published interface. The expanded partnerships help businesses reduce both the time and cost for e-commerce and mobile-commerce content development and management. Now content management systems from Documentum, Interwoven, eBT, eGrail, Eprise, FatWire, FileNET, Gauss Interprise, IntraNet Solutions, Openpages and Starbase can help automate content production, personalization and delivery on the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server. With the expanded number of partners using BEA’s newly published content management service provider interface, BEA WebLogic customers have a greater choice of content management solutions. BEA currently bundles versions of Documentum 4i Web Content Management Edition and Interwoven Content Express for BEA to help provide businesses with an e-commerce solution that addresses virtually all aspects of content personalization. In addition, BEA WebLogic customers now can choose from the following list of integrated content management packages: eBT’s engenda, eGrail’s Publishing System, Eprise’s Participant Server, FatWire’s UpdateEngine5, FileNET’s Panagon Platform, Gauss’ VIP Platform, IntraNet Solutions’ Xpedio, Openpages’ ContentWare, and Starbase’s eXpressroom. The new content management service provider interface, which allows BEA partners to integrate with BEA WebLogic Personalization Server in a standardized format, is available through the BEA Star Partner Program. All 11 content management partners are members of the recently announced BEA Star Partner Program, which is designed to foster strong alliances between BEA and its partners with program initiatives tailored to their specific business models and needs.

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