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Category: Content technology news (Page 432 of 626)

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FileNET Panagon Content Services 5.2 Available

FileNET Corp. announced the availability of Panagon Content Services version 5.2, a cornerstone of the Panagon ECM offering and part of FileNET’s broader ECM initiative. The latest version supports the Windows 2000 cluster environment. As a result, Panagon Content Services 5.2 enables companies to optimize the availability of business-critical content. With its Web-based system administration tools, the solution can be managed from any Internet-enabled workstation. With this capability, remote administrative staff can complete essential tasks such as adding and maintaining users and groups; adding, selecting and deleting storage categories, customer properties and objects; and starting and stopping library services. Another benefit of this release is its ability to utilize an RDBMS running on an existing central server that supports other business applications. By leveraging resources in this way, hardware and software investments can be better utilized. Panagon Content Services 5.2 is available immediately from FileNET and its ValueNET Partners.

W3C Issues SMIL 2.0 as a Recommendation

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released the SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) 2.0 specification as a W3C Recommendation, representing cross-industry agreement on an XML-based language that allows authors to write interactive multimedia presentations. Web authors are in search of ways to deliver rich content, including video, audio, and text, and to synchronize those components as they see fit. It’s no longer simply television on the Web that end users are seeking; people are looking for information and experiences that take full advantage of the Web’s technical capabilities – interoperability, flexibility, device choice, and searchability. With SMIL 2.0, producing reusable audio-visual presentations is easy; as SMIL 2.0 is an XML application, one may use a simple text editor to create engaging multimedia experiences for the Web. SMIL allows the author to incorporate a wide range of data (audio, video, or text), which may be locally or remotely stored. SMIL 2.0 has been produced as a set of modules which, individually or in combinations, may meet the needs of a Web author, and build on the guiding principles of interoperability at the core of W3C work. In addition to full incorporation of the successful SMIL 1.0 features, SMIL 2.0 Modules provide functionalities including animation; content control; layout; linking; media objects; metainformation; structure; timing and synchronization; time manipulations; and transition effects. This gives authors the ability to create sophisticated animation, event-based interaction with a presentation, and graceful transition effects based on nearly 100 predefined options. Because a SMIL presentation is written as a text file, it can include metadata components, which make a SMIL presentation searchable.

Quiver Unveils Hybrid Taxonomy Platform

Quiver, Inc. announced the first product in the Quiver Knowledge Suite, QKS Classifier, a system for efficiently and accurately organizing content into an intuitive directory of corporate knowledge. Unlike purely automated categorization solutions, Quiver’s hybrid taxonomy platform tightly integrates advanced classification algorithms with an intuitive workflow and directory management toolset to capture human input and expertise. Quiver’s taxonomy and categorization platform offers customers a solution that automates the process of finding, screening and categorizing content while providing control over – and visibility into – those categorization results. With QKS Classifier, departmental information managers and IT managers alike have the control and visibility to manage valuable enterprise content, leveraging human judgment as well as technological efficiency. Quiver will be distributing QKS Classifier through a direct sales force as well as through a reseller and partner program. In June, Quiver announced a technology and marketing agreement with Inktomi to integrate QKS Classifier with the Inktomi Search products, and to jointly market the combined solutions to accelerate the deployment of search and categorization software within the enterprise. Quiver QKS Classifier is currently available, with prices starting at $125,000 for the complete client/server platform. Pricing varies depending on the size of the taxonomy and the number of information manager seat licenses required.

Documentum Web Content Management Now $75k

Documentum announced that its 4i Web Content Management (WCM) Edition Rapid Deploy is now available for $75k through September 30, 2001. This package, as its name implies, is specifically designed to facilitate rapid implementation and deployment with a pre-defined set of products, integrations, training and maintenance all bundled at a single price. This content management solution shortens time to Web for critical content, enables more effective selling and lowers site management costs. Documentum WCM Rapid Deploy uses the same content management engine that drives the Documentum WCM Edition Global Deploy packages. This promotional discount is a competitive value aimed at offering companies some relief from the pressure placed on IT budgets during this economic squeeze.

Corel to Acquire SoftQuad

Corel Corporation and SoftQuad Software, Ltd. announced that they have signed a definitive agreement whereby Corel will acquire SoftQuad in a stock-for-stock transaction to be accounted for as a purchase transaction. This acquisition will enable Corel to enrich the existing XML capabilities within its WordPerfect product line. The company does not expect any significant negative impact on cash flow as a result of this acquisition. Over the next several weeks, Corel and SoftQuad will work together on a comprehensive plan outlining how best to integrate the two companies. Following the closing of the deal, expected in the fourth quarter of Corel’s fiscal 2001, the companies will announce further details related to the integration plan. The transaction will be a stock-for-stock transaction. Each common share, or equivalent, of SoftQuad will be exchanged for .4152 of a Corel common share on closing, being the ratio of $1.50 to $3.6129. The $1.50 value for each SoftQuad share equals an approximate 34 per cent premium over the closing price of SoftQuad on August 6, 2001. The $3.6129 value for Corel common shares represents the prior 10 day volume weighted average share price of Corel common stock. At current values, Corel would issue approximately 9.85 million shares if all in-the-money options and warrants of SoftQuad are exercised prior to closing. All figures are expressed in US currency.,

SAQQARA Announces Query Generator for RosettaNet

SAQQARA Systems Inc. announced availability of its Query Generator for RosettaNet. The Query Generator has an intuitive interface that speeds product content retrieval from RosettaNet’s Partner Interface Process (PIP) 2A9 enabled e-commerce catalogs such as those deployed using SAQQARA Commerce Suite. With the SAQQARA Query Generator, design engineers and procurement analysts can employ an intuitive interface with drilldown capability to quickly and easily source detailed product information from any catalog using RosettaNet standards on the Internet. The SAQQARA Query Generator is available as licensed software or as a hosted solution. As a hosted solution, SAQQARA provides the RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) and XML formatting required to support automated PIP2A9 responses to query requests. SAQQARA solutions support the RosettaNet Technical Dictionary (RNTD) and PIP2A9 Electronic Components Technical Information Exchange Protocol (ECTIEP) standards.

IDEV Launches CMSWatch

IDEV announced the launch of CMSWatch,, a website designed to provide independent analysis on web content management software solutions and practices, as well as related industry developments. CMSWatch is designed to bring greater clarity to companies seeking web content management help. It offers a combination of content management news headlines, interviews with industry leaders, opinion pieces, hot topic trends and explanations, product information, and comparative analyses. The site also offers The CMS Report, a detailed primer on the process of planning, selecting, and implementing a web content management solution that includes a review of 16 software packages. A sample report chapter is available for free. The full report may be purchased online.

Software AG’s Tamino 2.3 Now Available

Software AG, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Software AG, announced the release of Tamino XML Server version 2.3. Tamino 2.3 features enhanced performance and optimized data storage functionality. Tamino facilitates the transmission, storage and retrieval of data – structured or unstructured. It is a native XML database that stores and processes XML data without having to convert it to other formats and store it in relational tables first. As a result, response times are shorter and the setup of the database and the administrative effort required is significantly lower than with other traditional databases. Tamino 2.3 currently runs on: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Sun Solaris, and OS/390. Additional platform support of Linux, AIX, and HP-UX will follow within the coming months.

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