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Category: Content technology news (Page 401 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Enigma Expands 3C Platform

Enigma Inc. announced general availability of its Component Information System (CIS). The new software enables operators of capital equipment to resolve the problems of managing and maintaining equipment from multiple vendors by aggregating and integrating diverse maintenance and repair content. This streamlines the support chain by unifying all of the technical information associated with various pieces of equipment as a single, unified, application including operation and maintenance manuals, service bulletins, illustrated parts catalogs and operator defined best practices. In addition, CIS aggregates maintenance and repair content from multiple suppliers, regardless of format, into a single application where revisions can be more simply managed, best practices can be integrated and information search times are drastically reduced across the maintenance environment. The resulting application streamlines access to critical support information which helps decrease maintenance cycle times.

OASIS Invites Submissions for XSLT/XPath Conformance Test Suite

OASIS issued an open invitation for public input on the creation of its XSLT/XPath Conformance Test Suite. XSLT and XPath are W3C Recommendations that provide the ability to define a set of rules to transform XML data into a variety of presentation styles, such as human readable reports (HTML) or other XML vocabularies. Organizations and individuals that have created test files for XSLT processors are encouraged to submit their work to the OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Technical Committee, which plans to corroborate submissions and publish an amalgam test suite for public use. Formal submissions from both IBM/Lotus and Microsoft have already been received by the OASIS XSLT Technical Committee. To conform to the OASIS framework, submitters must catalogue their test file collections according to OASIS published document models, and they must employ available validation processes that utilize XSLT and XPath. Complete submission guidelines are posted on

Adobe Introduces GoLive 6.0 & Web Workgroup Server

Adobe Systems Incorporated introduced Adobe GoLive 6.0 and Adobe Web Workgroup Server, in one package. Adobe GoLive 6.0 software offers site management and collaboration capabilities, wireless authoring, and support for incorporating print and video content in the Web design cycle. The Web Workgroup Server in GoLive 6.0 is a site management and collaboration tool that is easy to install and set up. It allows multiple users to easily track changes, and share and manage files. It also provides version control and side-by-side comparison capabilities, including the ability to rollback to previous versions. The Web Workgroup Server supports any WebDAV-enabled application. Web professionals can develop for mobile devices with the new wireless authoring capabilities, including support for XHTML, CHTML and WML. In the Windows environment, GoLive includes built-in emulators for Nokia WAP and XHTML phones and NTT DoCoMo i-mode phones. Also included is the ability to deliver database-driven content and native support for PHP, ASP, and JSP. In the U.S. & Canada, Adobe GoLive 6.0 for Mac OS (9.1, 9.2, and 10.1) and Windows (XP, 2000, 98, and ME) is expected to ship in the first quarter of 2002. The estimated street price in the U.S. for GoLive 6.0 is $399 (U.S.), which includes the Adobe Web Workgroup Server.

B-Bop Announces Xfinity Author wX 2.1

B-Bop Associates, Inc announced the release of Xfinity Author wX 2.1, the latest version of its Microsoft Word-to-XML authoring software. The software, available immediately, offers new functionality to further simplify the creation of structured documents in XML directly from the Microsoft Word environment. Xfinity Author wX 2.1 allows users to save their content to any XML industry standard or user-defined DTD such as RiXML, NewsML, HR-XML, DocBook, XBRL or even HTML. Users can select the MS-Word objects they want tagged as XML elements. Support for the MSXML parser improves productivity and prevents errors by enabling users to validate their documents against an XML DTD. The new release also provides support for for both ISO-8859-1and UTF-16 character sets. Xfinity Author wX version 2.1 requires Microsoft Word 2000 and runs on Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000 platforms. To view a sample output generated by Xfinity Author wX, please visit

Tridion Announces Eleven Partners

Tridion announced it is looking for additional partners to achieve 70% of revenue from channel-related activities. The company offers its partners free product training, free software, a partner extranet and marketing support, as well as sales leads. Two types of partnerships exist. Consulting partners deliver advice, expertise and implementation services around Tridion DialogServer. Software partners integrate Tridion’s solution into a range of products suited to customers’ content management needs. Companies implementing the product will be able to update, manage and re-use their content across multiple Web sites, channels and business applications in a consistent and cost-effective manner. Since the beginning of the new programme in July, eleven consulting partners have signed up; Aceion, Andel Consulting, Axialt, Labyrinth, LSC, Object 1, Rubus, Satsuma, Thales Information Systems Finance, Unified Solutions and Volt Europe, and four software partners: Infuzer, SealedMedia, Software AG and Verity.

Software AG, Lexign & AuthentiDate Form Trusted Content Alliance

Software AG, Inc. announced the formation of the Trusted Content Alliance (TCA). TCA is spearheaded by Software AG, Lexign, Inc., and AuthentiDate. TCA is a consortium dedicated to developing industry standards for secure, digital content management. TCA’s mission is to provide organizations with secure and cost-effective solutions that meet specific industry needs. The first fully integrated solution developed by the charter members automatically captures data and forms via the Web, and integrates the data into existing systems through digital content management. The combined TCA product suite includes Software AG’s Tamino XML Server and EntireX Total Business Integration Server, and Lexign’s Lexign Suite for managing trusted transactions in the LAN, Web, or wireless environment. AuthentiDate adds evidentiary admissibility for data non-refutability to any system, service, or workflow. The organization is currently developing a standards committee to serve as a platform for the discussion and mind share of key regulatory issues within targeted industries. Additional information will be available at in the coming weeks.,,

XOR Announces Release of Open Content 2.0

XOR Inc. announced the release of Open Content 2.0, a content management
solution “without the costs and sophisticated technical support they often
require.” Open Content 2.0 is a simple content management tool that is modestly priced, easy to implement, and enables content owners to update web-based content in real-time. It is especially well-suited to the middle-market and individual units of the Fortune 500 that can’t or don’t want to invest in elaborate content management solutions that are expensive to implement and maintain. Content managers can easily add pages, create and update information, and change the navigation of a site in real-time without any involvement from the technical team. Through a dynamic workflow process, teams can create, edit, preview and approve content in a staging area before it is posted for end users. Open Content 2.0 is available on both Microsoft and Java platforms; the Java version works with popular application platforms like WebSphere, Apache/Tomcat, ATG Dynamo and BEA WebLogic.

TopicalNet Acquires TeraLytics

TopicalNet, Inc. has agreed to purchase substantially all of the assets of TeraLytics of Sunnyvale, California. Through the acquisition, customers will benefit from the combination of TopicalNet’s ability to understand and classify electronic content and TeraLytics’ highly scalable data analysis technology. TeraLytics’ technology analyzes detailed customer interaction data to help customers define strategies and actions, enabling them to increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

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