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Category: Content technology news (Page 358 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Vignette Enhances Analysis & Reporting Capabilities in V6

Vignette Corp. announced significant enhancements to the analysis and reporting capabilities of Vignette V6. Customers are now able to leverage detailed reports on content activity by provider, channel, site and content type. Vignette V6 goes beyond simple clickstream analysis by providing additional data to help users gain insight into user activity at the site, page and content levels, including content affinities and marketing campaign comparisons.

Applied Semantics Announces News Series

Applied Semantics, Inc. announced the availability of Applied Semantics News Series, an integrated content processing solution developed specifically for today’s online and print publishers. Applied Semantics News Series provides content categorization, summarization, event identification, and concept tagging software that streamlines newswire, editorial, archiving, and syndication processes. The publishing-focused solution comes bundled with industry standard taxonomies such as International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) Subject Codes and SIC Codes and works with XML standards such as NITF, NewsML, ANPA, and PRISM. Applied Semantics News Series is powered by CIRCA Technology, a semantic engine that employs the use of an ontology, or database of millions of concepts and relationships between concepts, to read and assign meaning to any piece of unstructured content by building a profile of the key meanings residing on a page. The ontology covers millions of broad and deep concepts and terms and is compatible with the wide range of news content handled by publishers. Applied Semantics News Series is available for immediate shipment.

Tarius Interactive Introduces Updated XML Search Engine

Tarius Interactive announced the launch of the next generation of the Tarius Interactive search engine. The new features in the next generation will enable database users to search for phrases, synonyms and keywords in an even more user-friendly way than before. Pharmaceutical legislation and guidelines are full of frequently used phrases, like “Investigational new drug application”, “Good laboratory practice”, “Adverse reaction”, etc. Tarius will support searches for exact matches of these phrases. When searching for acronyms, users will also want to access documents that use the full expression instead of the acronym. British and American English have a lot of common words spelled differently. For example `aluminum’ vs `aluminium’. Searching with the American spelling will normally result in missing hits among European documents and vice versa. Tarius will now support the automatic combination of US and British spelling in one search. Major differences between British and American English lie in the choice of vocabulary. For example `antenatal’ vs. `prenatal’ and `attorney’ vs. `lawyer’. This is relevant not only in daily language but also for searching among the pharmaceutical documents. Tarius will automatically support the inclusion of British as well as American words in one search.

Nimble Releases Integration Suite 2.0

Nimble Technology, Inc. announced the release of the Nimble Integration Suite 2.0. Nimble Integration Suite 2.0 provides both ODBC and XQuery access. Nimble’s software gives enterprises a tool to integrate and access multiple data sources, inside and outside the firewall, for real-time data integration and information sharing capability. The Nimble Integration Suite 2.0’s XQuery functionality enables enterprises to query disparate data sources using an XML standard query language. The Nimble Concordance Developer creates a framework to specify business rules and automate a process to reconcile differences in how various data sources represent the same things, such as persons, products and accounts. Version 2.0 includes more powerful and efficient matching techniques and enhanced concordance database management capabilities, including specialized support for Oracle. The Nimble IntegrationSuite can now integrate data from sources, such as corporate employee information systems that use LDAP. New support for Crystal Reports and Microsoft Excel aid users in preparing reports of their data integration results.

Plumtree Offers $75,000 Portal Package

Plumtree Software announced the availability of the Plumtree Portal Package for midsized enterprises and midsized organizations within larger enterprises. Offered at $75,000 U.S., the package includes the Plumtree Corporate Portal platform for 250 users, server products for collaboration and database application development, and integration products for e-mail, calendar, contacts and Excel files. Plumtree Portal Package customers also receive as part of the solution two weeks of professional services for installing the portal, and the first year of maintenance and support. Customers can buy the Plumtree Portal Package at

Authentica Announces Alliance with Matrix Logic

Authentica, Inc. announced a technology integration alliance with Matrix Logic Corporation. The companies will integrate Authentica’s content security software into Hummingbird document management systems and eRoom digital collaboration environments. This integration effort will bolster the content security for Hummingbird DM (formerly PC DOCS) and eRoom by adding a level of access control, encryption, and revision and auditing controls for content and information assets shared outside corporate boundaries. The integration of Authentica’s content security software with Hummingbird DOCS Open, PowerDOCS and DM 5, will enable users to securely share documents with business associates and customers outside of the DOCS environment and across the internet. For eRoom environments, users will now not only control who has access to the meeting room itself, but they will also be able to continuously protect the business information exchanged in that meeting room.,

iUpload Updates Web Content Management Service

iUpload is now delivering version 3.0 of its solution to new and current subscribers. New features in iUpload 3.0 speed up and simplify site development and maintenance, reducing or eliminating the requirement to involve the webmaster in the content authoring process. With version 3.0 tools like cascading style sheet support, enhanced WYSIWYG editing and content type additions to further simplify authoring, Web designers can empower contributors to easily create content, while flexibly controlling the look and feel for a site. In addition, with iUpload’s enhanced asset management, administrators can easily manage images, files, links and other assets for reuse throughout the organization’s web venues. For current iUpload suscribers, migration will occur automatically the first time they login to the application. All features of version 3.0 are fully backward compatible with the previous version of iUpload. iUpload version 3.0 is available immediately directly from iUpload and its partners. Subscription-based pricing is dependent on the number of users and starts at $400 per month.

iPhrase & eFORCE in Strategic Alliance

iPhrase Technologies, Inc. and eFORCE announced an agreement to jointly market their combined solution. iPhrase will leverage eFORCE’s to further expand its reach into several vertical markets in which iPhrase is already established: financial services, retail, the service provider industry and technology and manufacturing. eFORCE’s has a standardized approach for delivering enterprise content management, customer relationship management, corporate portals, supply chain, enterprise application integration and business intelligence within a set timeframe and price. Each of these areas represents solution opportunities for iPhrase’s self-service search capabilities, particularly in the areas of enterprise content management and corporate portals. eFORCE will also work jointly with iPhrase to bring BEA Portal related offerings to market.,

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