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Category: Content technology news (Page 247 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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WebSideStory Debuts Active Dashboard with Launch of HBX 3.0

WebSideStory (NASDAQ:WSSI) announced the launch of HBX Analytics 3.0, the latest version of its web analytics service. HBX 3.0 introduces Active Dashboard, web analytics tool that enables marketers to conduct real-time business scenario analysis to forecast the effect of web site changes. Offered as an extended service through WebSideStory’s professional services team, Active Dashboard gives marketers a graphical representation of their web metrics and how those metrics affect their business objectives. HBX 3.0 is the cornerstone of the WebSideStory Active Marketing Suite, a collection of integrated, on-demand digital marketing applications that includes web analytics, site search, web content management and keyword bid management.

Oracle Buys Context Media

Oracle has bought the assets of Context Media. The content integration technology will complement Oracle’s Content Services 10G and collaboration products. There is no official announcement on the details of the acquisition.

SealedMedia & Informative Graphics to Deliver Integrated Digital Rights Management

Informative Graphics Corp. (IGC) announced that SealedMedia Inc. is working with IGC to deliver an integrated E-DRM solution. The joint development project incorporates IGC’s content sealed format (CSF) with Visual Rights controls for CAD, image and non-Microsoft formats. SealedMedia will market the integration, scheduled for completion in Q4 2005. SealedMedia integrates with existing business systems to deliver complete protection of an organization’s digital information. It supports document formats such as e-mail (Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes and Novell GroupWise), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF and HTML, in addition to image, audio and video formats. IGC’s Brava! visualization and collaboration products, Net-It content publishing products, and ModelPress 3D publishing and viewing software support CAD/engineering and office formats, and are integrated with content management solutions such as Documentum, Open Text, and Microsoft SharePoint.,

Typefi Announces Version 2.5 of the Typefi Publishing System

Typefi Systems, Inc. has announced the release of version 2.5 of its Typefi Publishing System (TPS). TPS version 2.5 provides new capabilities for automated scriptless publishing, workflow management and content management. TPS v2.5 uses intelligent layout technology to capture design and presentation rules and then automatically layout any combination of text, tables, illustrations, inline images, and other highly-formatted elements. The publishing system is compatible with Adobe InDesign CS and InDesign CS2. Scriptless composition allows designers to create templates within InDesign that are automated through the TPS Designer plug-ins. Using layout techniques and a high-speed batch composition engine, TPS can then use that template to produce thousands of print ready pages every hour, without custom code or scripting. At the heart of TPS is an XML-based content management system. With bi-directional converters to and from Word and InDesign to the central XML repository, TPS delivers XML content production without the endusers requiring any specific XML knowledge. All text and styling changes made to the typeset pages can be automatically extracted back to the central XML repository and out to all other editions, including the source Word documents. This ensures the next edition or the repurposed and archived content always mirrors that of the printed content while remaining in a form for re-use. Because the XML is synchronized across the system from source documents to output documents, document versions published to a web site, e-book or CD will always contain the last minute changes made to the printed pages. TPS is an integrated client/server solution that can be installed on a single workstation or across a network. All the components of TPS can run on both Microsoft Windows XP and Apple Macintosh OS X.

Ektron CMS400.NET Adds Support for ColdFusion, Microsoft ASP, JSP & PHP

Ektron announced that CMS400.NET now supports ColdFusion, JSP, PHP and ASP as well as ASP.NET sites. Ektron’s new multiplatform support allows Web developers to continue using programming languages they are skilled in, while leveraging the most up-to-date functionality of CMS400.NET, including core CMS functionality and numerous features. Additionally, developers can integrate Ektron’s solution into an existing ColdFusion, ASP, JSP or PHP site with little or no change to existing code.

Canto Cumulus Single User Becomes MediaDex; Releases Cumulus 6.6

Canto announced that it has entered into a licensing agreement with MediaDex FZ LLC which will take over the marketing and sales of the Canto Cumulus Single User Products and Options becuase the Single User Product requires different marketing to the Cumulus Workgroup and Enterprise Solutions. MediaDex will be able to focus on the needs of a single professional or home user, and provide them with the right information and products. Canto will closely work with MediaDex to continue developing a product line that will be based upon Canto’s DAM technology. In August 2005, MediaDex will release two products “MediaDex Professional” and “MediaDex Standard” which will be offered as shareware on the MediaDex website. Canto will focus on marketing and selling the Cumulus Workgroup and Enterprise Server Solutions, with a strategy that includes the immediate release of Cumulus 6.6 and new solutions bundles.

Stellent Releases Version 7.5 of Stellent Site Studio

Stellent, Inc. (Nasdaq:STEL) released version 7.5 of Stellent Site Studio, the multi-site Web content management component of their Universal Content Management system. The application provides a software infrastructure for developing and managing intranet sites and document/records management applications; supplier, distribution and customer extranets; localized Web sites; public micro-sites; and the delivery of content and services to portals and application servers. Site Studio 7.5 enables companies to better handle Web sites throughout their lifecycle by offering Web site project files managed as content items within Stellent Content Server. Version 7.5 also provides a single-click Web site snapshot and restore functionality. Other new Web site lifecycle management features include an asset manager tool, and the ability for designers to easily mark Web site sections for “contribution only,”. A new Web content comparison feature allows users to compare current changes to a previous version of site content. With new usage reports, users can determine directly from the contribution Web site where a specific content item is used across one or multiple sites. New in-context region contribution functionality allows contributors to create new content directly within the contribution Web site. A new extensible element validation wizard allows Web developers to establish rules for Web sites. Version 7.5 also provides added tools and features for more easily deploying Section 508- and W3C WAI-compliant Web sites.

Altova Makes XML Engines Available for Free

Altova introduced AltovaXML, an XML standards processor that includes the same XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, XQuery, and XML validation engines that drive its own XML development tools. Software developers can download AltovaXML from the Altova Web site at no cost and use it within their own custom applications royalty-free. AltovaXML provides developers with an XSLT 1.0 engine, XSLT 2.0 engine, XQuery 1.0 engine, and XML validating parser together with COM, Java, and .NET interfaces so that it can be used from a variety of applications. Developers can also call its functionality from the command line. AltovaXML is a royalty-free XML standards processor to support schema-awareness in XSLT 2.0. AltovaXML is suitable for use in both client and server-side application development. Some example applications that can use the AltovaXML engines include: XML-based single source or multi-channel publishing applications that require content entered by users to be checked for validity according to a specific schema and transformed into HTML or other formats through XSLT processing; Data integration applications that transform existing XML documents into a format consistent with a new schema via XSLT or XQuery processing; Web services applications that search for and retrieve data from XML documents via XQuery processing, then present the results in valid XHTML Web pages by transforming them using schema-aware XSLT 2.0 processing. AltovaXML is offered under a free license and is immediately available with no key code required for activation.

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