The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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Controlling Your Enterprise Search Application

When interviewing search administrators who had also been part of product selection earlier this year, I asked about surprises they had encountered. Some involved the selection process but most related to on-going maintenance and support. None commented on actual failures to retrieve content appropriately. That is a good thing whether it was because, during due diligence they had already tested for that during a proof of concept or because they were lucky.

Thinking about how product selections are made, prompts me to comment on a two major search product attributes that control the success or failure of search for an enterprise. One is the actual algorithms that control content indexing, what is indexed and how it is retrieved from the index (or indices). The second is the interfaces, interfaces for the population of searchers to execute selections, and interfaces for results presentation. On each aspect, buyers need to know what they can control and how best to execute it for success.

Indexing and retrieval technology is embedded with search products; the number of administrative options to alter search scalability, indexing and content selection during retrieval is limited to none. The “secret sauce” for each product is largely hidden, although it may have patented aspects available for researching. Until an administrator of a system gets deeply into tuning, and experimenting with significant corpuses of content, it is difficult to assess the net effect of delivered tuning options. The time to make informed evaluations about how well a given product will retrieve your content when searched by your select audience is before a purchase is made. You can’t control the underlying technology but you can perform a proof of concept (PoC). This requires:

  • human resources and a commitment of computing resources
  • well-defined amount, type and nature (metadata plus full-text or full-text unstructured-only) to give a testable sample
  • testers who are representative of all potential searchers
  • a comparison of the results with three to four systems to reveal how well they each retrieve the intended content targets
  • knowledge of the content by testers and similarity of searches to what will be routinely sought by enterprise employees or customers
  • search logs of previously deployed search systems, if they exist. Searches that routinely failed in the past should be used to test newer systems

Interface technology
Unlike the embedded search technology, buyers can exercise design control or hire a third-party to produce search interfaces that vary enormously. Controlling for what searchers experience when they first encounter a search engine, either a search box at a portal or a completely novel variety of search options with search box, navigation options or special search forms is within the control of the enterprise. This may be required if what comes “out-of-the box” as the default is not satisfactory. You may find, at a reasonable price, a terrific search engine that scales well, indexes metadata and full-text competently and retrieves what the audience expects but requires a different look-and-feel for your users. Through an API (application programming interface), SDK (software development kit) or application connectors (e.g. Documentum, SharePoint) numerous customization options are delivered with enterprise search packages or are available as add-ons.

In either case, human resource costs must be added to the bottom line. A large number of mature software companies and start-ups are innovating with both their indexing techniques and interface design technologies. They are benefiting from several decades of search evolution for search experts, and now a decade of search experiences in the general population. Search product evolution is accelerating as knowledge of searcher experiences is leveraged by developers. You may not be able to control emerging and potentially disruptive technologies, but you can still exercise beneficial controls when selecting and implementing most any search system.

Social Media is bigger than a blog

Social media has crept into all sorts of enterprise applications, and is certainly an important component of all of the areas we cover, including content management, enterprise search, multilingual applications, and authoring and publishing. So rather than discussing social media in isolation, we’re going to focus more on covering social media in context, which means in whichever of our blogs (or conference sessions) it makes sense. You can use our site search to find discussion about social media from Geoff and our other analysts and contributors.
Check out Fred’s entry posted on our main blog earlier today on “Integrating Traditional Documentation with Social Media”

Integrating Traditional Documentation with Social Media

The design brief is simple: integrate the outgoing supply chain that takes corporate product or service documentation out to users with the social media that may arise to address those same products or services. The benefits are also clear: leverage user experience, interest, and advice to everyone’s advantage.

After that, it gets confusing.

Corporate structures are brand-directed and very controlled, while social media is uncontrollable, individualistic (if not anti-brand), and hyperbolic. That’s why we love it, but how could a corporation trust it with their babies?

What does integration mean in this context? If you hire someone to help with social media, you may lose the integrity of independence. If the social media is independent and you endorse it, do you taint it? It’s likely to change rapidly, so how can you keep your position up to date? If you just react to it, how is that different than focus groups? I’ll argue that integration means, somehow, placing social media into an iteration loop in the documentation supply chain.

The scariest scenario is bringing independent outsiders to your breast and having them blast your new release. On the other hand, they’ll do that anyway, so the question is how quickly you’ll respond, and how? Who said “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?”

But let’s draw a distinction between unaffiliated commentators and those who are working in companies that are your customers. The former are always going to be less controllable, while the latter will likely cooperate with a cross-company integration. Just as an enlightened company will look to incorporate social media into its communications strategy, its customers will be exploring social media for its user-centric focus as a means of improving its own business practices.

Let’s assume that when social media is being practiced by independent outsiders, it will be a matter of chance whether their behavior is consistent with a corporation’s goals. When it works because all of the stars have aligned, as has happened at moments for Apple, Google, and even IBM and Microsoft, then it can be great. At other times, it may be ugly. Perhaps it’s just too early to draw those people too close.

But when the audience is composed of social media practitioners at client companies, then the field is open to all forms of social media: blog, wiki, twitter, IM, and other practices. For example, it’s easy to imagine deploying a documentation set via a wiki that issuing and client companies can both update, perhaps with a dedicated editor at the source company to keep brand, message, and metaphors consistent. That leaves the challenge of how that material gets integrated back into the supply chain so that it can feed the next release…

These are early thoughts, and tools such as wikis are low-hanging fruit. How will the less document-centric media be integrated? What new forms of relationship will develop around these practices? How can this be extended to independent outsiders?

Cerego Introduces iKnow! Intelligent Social Learning Platform

Cerego announced the North American beta launch of iKnow! iKnow! helps people to “learn faster, remember longer, and manage their memory for a lifetime”. iKnow!’s patented learning algorithms generate personalized learning schedules that improve the absorption and recall of chunks of learning content called “items.” Combining cognitive science and neuroscience with the social nature of the web, iKnow! lets users remix the web for the purpose of learning. iKnow! measures memory strength and generates a personalized learning schedule optimized for each user. The iKnow! platform is a collaborative network that will allow learners all over the globe to leverage and remix content produced by the community. As a demonstration of its social learning platform, iKnow! currently offers a set of tools and content for English speakers to study Japanese, with support for other major language pairs to follow within the year. Users soon will be able to upload any kind of learning content into the system – language and otherwise – and Cerego will open its learning APIs to the developer community. This will let third-party developers take advantage of the system’s memory management capabilities and build custom applications tailored to specific domains.

Webinar: Business Cases for Multilingual Content

Update: Time Correction!
Wednesday, September 24, 11:00 AM ET
Gilbane’s study on multilingual communications confirms that enterprise strategies for creating, managing, and publishing multilingual business communications are often vague, if they exist at all. Without these strategies, companies face significant risk and loss of competitive advantage, especially as pressures to grow revenues, control costs, and satisfy customers increase exponentially. If you don’t have a multilingual content strategy in place, how do you get started? If you do, how do you advance your processes and improve performance and quality?
Andrew Thomas from SDL joins us in an online panel discussion on making the case for multilingual content strategies. The webinar draws on new research from Gilbane and real-world experience of SDL’s customers. Registration is open. Sponsored by SDL.

Trying Chrome

Downloaded it and installed it just now, and have been playing around. Strangely, the install didn’t kick off automatically in Firefox, but it did in IE. Was this a moment of survival instinct on Firefox’s part? Or is Google’s install process slightly flawed?

And am I silly anthropomorphizing a browser? It must have something to do with that Firefox logo…

UPDATE: It’s good. Very good. But I honestly don’t ask much of a browser, except that it be fast and not crash. I have managed to crash it a couple of times, but both times when I was trying to make it my default browser and refused to let a setup.exe file run. Once I let it run, the default setting held and the browser did not crash.

The news is coming fast and furious. There are some concerns about the EULA, but Google seems to have addressed them. There seem to be some implications for advertisers, but I for one welcome strong pop-up blocking.

The multi-threaded aspect of Chrome is excellent. Mitch Wagner of Information Week explains it well:

Chrome is multithreaded, which means that if one tab is locked up, applications and pages run normally in other tabs. And Chrome has its own Task Manager, which looks a lot like the one built into Windows, and which gives separate information on the resource usage of each running tab, window, and plug-in.

I love this feature. I tend to run a lot of tabs, and lock up Firefox all the time. I then have to kill the one big process and start Firefox again. Firefox 3, on my Vista notebook, seems to need a lot of resources on start up. I’ve never timed it, but it seems to take more than a minute sometimes to start and allow me to enter the first address (I bring it up with a blank tab). I have found it very easy thus far to free up resources by closing a Chrome tab or three.

As someone who has been skeptical of Google’s ability to develop anything of significance beyond the core search engine, I have to say I am impressed. Browsers should be lightweight and fast, and Google seems to have accomplished this.

Oh, and it supports SVG!

Gilbane Boston conference and workshops posted

The Gilbane Boston 2008 program is now available, and registration is open. As usual we have had a tough time choosing from among all the possible panelists and presenters. Some speakers have not been notified yet, so we will not publish speaker names for another week or so.

The main conference site is Here are the most popular links:

You can also subscribe to our events and announcements blog to make sure you get all the conference updates.

BTW, we will be using gilbaneboston08 for tagging purposes.

New Kentico Beta Release Brings Customer Experience Management Solution

Kentico Software, the Web content management system vendor, releases a beta version of Kentico CMS 6 and adds a new product line – Kentico Enterprise Marketing Solution (EMS),  for Customer Experience Management. Out of the box, Kentico CMS 6 includes E-mail Marketing, Marketing Dashboards, A/B and Multivariate Testing, Campaign and Conversion Management, Integration Bus and improved Web Analytics. On top of this, Kentico EMS adds On-line Marketing features such as Content Personalization, Contact Management, Lead Scoring and Segmentation. Kentico EMS is also enriched with some additional Enterprise features as Health Monitoring, support of Multiple SMTP Servers and Scheduler Windows Services. The beta version of Kentico CMS 6 is available for download exclusively to Kentico partners via Kentico Partner Portal. Kentico CMS 6 will be generally available in late September 2011.

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