The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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Clickability Launches Media Solution

Clickability announced the immediate availability of the Clickability Media Solution. The Media Solution provides a centrally managed SaaS content repository that enables large media companies to share digital content across their entire organization and publish it to multiple devices and web channels. Companies of all sizes can leverage the multi-tenant content repository as a hub for innovative content sharing, syndication and distribution strategies. Additional benefits to companies large and small include reduced operational costs through greater efficiencies and the ability to build active social media communities. The solution is designed to maximize the value of every piece of content in a customer’s repository. Content can be tagged and annotated for search and reuse. Assets can be linked and shared across channels and publications. The repository allows companies to create targeted microsites or regional portals that rely on metadata to automatically populate with appropriate content and contextual links. Clickability also offers interactive features, which includes social networking, blogging, video serving, ticketing, personalized calendars, site customization and an on-demand ad server that ties ads to specific sections and pages of a site.

One-stop updates on Google’s 74 blogs

Stephen Arnold, author of the report Beyond Search, as well as two books on Google, has put together a free service that aggregates the headlines from Google’s own blogs. The service is called Overflight. “Overflight is an RSS aggregation service. The service that is now publicly available aggregates the headlines from Google’s 74 Web logs. We group the most recent headlines using the same categories that Google favors.”
What a great idea. Thanks Steve!

Vasont Systems Introduces Integrated Solution with Lionbridge’s Freeway

Vasont Systems announced the availability of its new integration between the Vasont Content Management System (CMS) and Freeway, the Web-based translation management platform from Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. This direct integration between the Vasont CMS and Freeway is to provide clients with a more efficient method of translating content and monitoring the status of translation projects. Using the Vasont Translation Package with the Freeway integration, clients can now initiate translation quotes or translation projects to Freeway directly from the Vasont interface. Content and status information are automatically sent back and forth between the Vasont CMS and Freeway during the translation process. Clients can monitor the status and history of high-level projects, or of detailed subprojects for each language, using Vasont’s new translation window.,

In the Field: The Enterprise Search Market Offers CHOICES

Heading into the Gilbane Boston conference next month we have case studies that feature quite an array of enterprise search applications. So many of the search solutions now being deployed are implemented with a small or part-time staff that it is difficult to find the one or two people who can attend a conference to tell their stories. We have surveyed blogs, articles and case studies published elsewhere to identify organizations and people who have hands-on-experience in the trenches deploying search engines in their enterprises. Our speakers are those who were pleased to be invited and they will be sharing their experiences on December 3rd and 4th.

From search appliances Thunderstone and Google Search Appliance, to platform search solutions based on Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, and standalone search products Coveo, Exalead, and ISYS, we will hear from those who have been involved in selecting, implementing and deploying these solutions for enterprise use. From a Forrester industry analyst and Attivio developer we’ll hear about open source options and how they are influencing enterprise search development. The search sessions will be rounded out as we explore the influences and mergers of text mining, text analytics with Monash Research and semantic technologies (Lexalytics and InfoExtract) as they relate to other enterprise search options. There will be something for everyone in the sessions and in the exhibit hall.

Personally, I am hoping to see many in the audience who also have search stories within their own enterprises. Those who know me will attest to my strong belief in communities of practice and sharing. It strengthens the marketplace place when people from different types of organizations share their experiences trying to solve similar problems with different products. Revealing competitive differentiators among the numerous search products is something that pushes technology envelopes and makes for a more robust marketplace. Encouraging dialogue about products and in-the-field experiences is a priority for all sessions at the Gilbane Conference and I’ll be there to prompt discussion for all five search sessions. I hope you’ll join me in Boston.

Social Networking in the Workplace Increases Efficiency in Europe

There sure are lots of surveys on social media and networking tools these days. I just noticed one Dynamic Markets did for AT&T. Here are some of the highlights from their website.

A pan-European survey of more than 2,500 people in five countries shows that the use of social networking tools as part of everyday working life has led to an increase in efficiency. The study shows that 65% of employees surveyed in Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands say their company has adopted social networking as part of their working culture. The research also reveals that the rate of adoption is most popular in Germany, leading the way at 72% while Great Britain lags behind with 59%. The study also reveals:

  • 65% of employees surveyed say that social networking sites have made them and/or their colleagues more efficient
  • 63% say they have enabled them and their colleagues to achieve things that would not otherwise have been possible
  • 46% say they have sparked ideas and creativity for them personally

The Top 5 social networking tools being used as part of everyday working life are:

  1. Companies’ own collaboration sites on intranets (39%)
  2. Internal forums within the company (20%)
  3. Company-produced video material shared on intranets (16%)
  4. Online social networks, such as LinkedIn and Facebook (15%)
  5. External collaboration sites on the web and internal blogging sites (both 11%)

Creating XML-Tagged Content? We Want to Hear from You!

As part of the Gilbane Group’s continuous market research efforts, we are conducting a survey to learn which tools are being used most predominantly for structured authoring. The survey should only take 5 minutes of your time, and will help us to continue provide you with insight on how content technology is being used.
To participate in the study, please follow this link:

In exchange for your completed survey, you will be entered into a drawing for a free conference pass to a Gilbane conference.
We look forward to seeing you at the Gilbane Boston 2008 conference, December 2 – 4! As always, the program includes results from research studies from Gilbane as well as other analysts.

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