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Author: NewsShark (Page 199 of 730)

Mediasurface Launches Pepperio for SMBs

Mediasurface announced the launch of Pepperio. Pepperio is a solution created specifically for small to medium sized businesses enabling them to manage and maintain a robust and professional company website, offered on a rental (“ASP”) basis exclusively by accredited partners such as design and website agencies. Pepperio offers: Web based user interface for the creation and maintenance of content, pages and sections; WYSIWYG editing tools; Search engine; Brand consistency with every page; Separate site structure from content giving flexibility to site layout; Better SEO with system generated ‘metatags’ and friendly URLs’ and Multilingual content. Small and medium sized businesses will be able to gain better control of their websites with Pepperio. In addition to enabling website management, directly from their own desktop, Pepperio allows them to accurately forecast their website costs, eliminating the need to go through lengthy and difficult internal decision making processes for a new website. Mediasurface is currently recruiting partners, who can serve as a ‘one stop shop’ offering a full range of services, without having to worry about the technicalities of creating, running and hosting a software application. Pepperio is offered at a special introductory price of only GBP 99 per month. ,

RealObjects Announces PDFreactor

RealObjects Announced PDFreactor, a formatting processor for converting XML and XHTML/HTML documents into PDF. It uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define page layout and styles. The brand new server-side tool enables a great variety of applications in the field of ERP, eCommerce and Electronic Publishing. It allows you to dynamically generate PDF documents such as invoices, delivery notes and shipping documents on-the-fly. The integration into business- and publishing-workflows, multi-channel publishing using CSS (e.g. Web and Print) or the automatic generation of technical manuals, data sheets, reports and product information is also possible. PDFreactor offers software architects and developers a Java-based XML and XHTML/HTML print solution, which is based on W3C standards, but does not require any XSL-FO skills. PDFreactor has extensive CSS 2.1 and 3 layout capabilities allowing flexible control over pagination and PDF output options. Vector graphics (SVG), Barcodes and XSLT are supported as well. Besides the Java API for easy integration with Servlets, EJB and Java Web Services PDFreactor also offers a command line interface for batch, script and CGI-applications. All common J2EE application servers are supported. Direct integration into automatic build processes using Apache Ant is also possible. A free evaluation version is available.

Eedo Extends Cross-Media Authoring & Publishing for Single Source Content Creation and Delivery

Eedo Knowledgeware announced the extension of its cross-media authoring and publishing capabilities to provide customers with a single source for content creation and delivery which allows users to create and maintain one single set of information for a range of different outputs. ForceTen’s architecture makes it possible to directly view, edit and deploy “live” content from the XML repository at runtime and allows real time management of cross media publishing content. Content can either be edited in the print domain or in the e-learning domain with changes and updates immediately reflected on the other side. This does not mean that online and offline content has to be identical, content can be highly adaptive and allows for the best to be brought out in each chosen medium. ForceTen has further extended its print functionality to support the Darwin Information Typing Standard (DITA). DITA is an open source XML-based framework for designing and delivering well-structured content efficiently and consistently in a single-sourcing environment. Information is organized and stored as topics which can then be re-used as building blocks of content. Eedo’s ForceTen Learning Content Management System provides a workflow development toolset for the creation, capture, management and transfer of knowledge within an organization with its knowledge repository and coupled with tools such as authoring, knowledge sharing, workflow management, simulation, content management and globalization features.

Clarabridge & Business Objects Link Text Analytics and BI

Clarabridge announced a technology partnership with Business Objects (Nasdaq: BOBJ; Euronext Paris ISIN code: FR0004026250 – BOB). Clarabridge is working with Business Objects to seamlessly integrate Clarabridge Content Mining Platform with BusinessObjects XI to deliver a comprehensive solution for enterprise information management. The integrated solution will provide business users with capability to access and analyze unstructured and structured information for a more comprehensive view of their business. Using BusinessObjects Data Integrator, and Clarabridge solutions, unstructured data can be directly integrated into existing data warehouses and data marts for reporting and analysis. Joint customers will now be able to analyze unstructured content such as email, claims, service notes, press releases, and blogs, alongside traditional structured information sources, using their existing Business Objects end-user BI and performance management interfaces.,

Stellent Integrates FAST InStream Enterprise Search Solution with Universal Content Management

Stellent, Inc. (Nasdaq:STEL) announced it has integrated FAST InStream, the OEM enterprise search solution from Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), with Stellent Universal Content Management to provide Stellent customers with another enterprise-class search and retrieval platform. FAST InStream is designed specifically to increase the value of enterprise applications with FAST Enterprise Search Platform (FAST ESP) technology within OEM environments. Stellent utilizes the FAST technology to search unstructured information within documents, Web pages, email, presentations and similar content, as well as the metadata for the unstructured information. In addition to offering a traditional search user interface and results presentation, the integration with FAST InStream provides metrics on how the information is distributed across relevant categories, and allows users to easily filter the results based on those categories. It also provides related search terms to help users discover previously unidentified data and relationships between information. The Stellent Universal Content Management integration with FAST InStream is available immediately.

Autonomy Announces Rease of K2 Enterprise Search, K2 version 7

Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE: AU. or AUTN.L) announced availability of a new release of K2 Enterprise Search, K2 version 7, and a new support offering, the K2 Customer Assurance Program. Autonomy K2 version 7 (K2 7) extends the product line by delivering K2’s robust enterprise search capabilities on the IDOL kernel, providing performance and scalability improvements and access to over 500 advanced features. The K2 product line includes K2 Enterprise Search, Profiler, Federator, Collaborative Classifier, and KeyView. The K2 Customer Assurance Program delivers a lifetime support guarantee to customers who are on Autonomy’s maintenance program by providing support for all currently supported releases as well as an upgrade to K2 version 7 with no additional software license fees for previously licensed K2 functionality. No migration is necessary as existing K2 applications run without change. No additional hardware is required to realize significant performance improvements that include a doubling in indexing performance and seven times increase in simple keyword query performance. Autonomy is currently offering an Early Release Program that existing K2 customers on support and maintenance can participate in at no additional cost. This Program will provide customers access to the software, prior to general availability, which is scheduled for the summer of 2006.

Vignette Releases IDM 20.1

Vignette (NASDAQ: VIGN) announced the immediate availability of Vignette IDM 20.1, the foundation product of Vignette’s Imaging and Workflow solution. The new release features more robust reporting and workflow automation capabilities and integrates with Vignette’s Portal. Vignette’s Imaging and Workflow solution helps organizations reduce their reliance on paper, lowering storage costs and mitigating the risk of catastrophic destruction of paper documents and records. Vignette IDM 20.1 provides the following enhancements: Automated retention schedules to enable adherence to record keeping regulations; New reporting capabilities to assess business volumes and analyze historical trends; Automated e-mail notifications when documents of interest are captured; and, Full integration with Vignette Portal, making possible the personalized Web delivery of digital documents and transaction information to key internal and external constituents.

Alfresco Enterprise Edition Goes 100% Open Source

Alfresco Software Inc. announced that 100 percent of the Alfresco Enterprise Edition will be open source. The model commercial open source companies are using is to offer the same functionality across all product lines. This gives the customer the option of purchasing, not extra functionality, but support, consulting, integration and training. This approach enables the customer to get the benefit of open source in the short-term, low-risk trial with easy access to source code, product details and roadmap, and also in the long-term by having the flexibility to stay with enterprise support or move to a community model with no loss of functionality and no code change requirements. Alfresco offers two functionally similar product lines – Enterprise and Community. The Alfresco Enterprise Network offers: Certified Stacks; Maintenance, Updates and Patch Support; Customer Support – Problem Resolution, Compatibility and Migration Advice; Customer Portal – Information, Bug Tracking and Case Tracking; Performance Tuning Advice; and Indemnity and Warranty.

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