FatWire Software launched its new software product, UE Secure Deploy, designed to improve the security, availability, and scalability of enterprise Web sites and content centric Web applications. An add-on to FatWire’s enterprise-level dCM software UpdateEngine, UE Secure Deploy offers advanced support for clustering. FatWire UE Secure Deploy provides advanced security, reliability, and scalability among separate environments while supporting the content authoring, workflow, and publishing functionality core to UpdateEngine. UE Secure Deploy is a principle component of the FatWire UpdateEngine ECM Suite. UE Secure Deploy functionality includes: Promote – for production of structured and unstructured content across firewalls; Demote – for removal of content and files from production servers; Bulk Promote/Demote – for timed promotion and demotion of groups of content items and files; and Fetch – provides retrieval of content submitted by site visitors for processing through workflow. www.fatwire.com