RealObjects released their new JavaBean SDK. The SDK enables Developers to embellish their applications with the same rich-text WYSIWYG XHTML/XML editing functionality as the new edit-on Pro. This Bean is easily integratable into AWT- or Swing-based Java applications, and is compatible with existing server platforms. It empowers web developers to expand their applications to build distributed object-oriented business applications using documented APIs, combine the SDK with components from different vendors, and apply reusable code. One edit-on JavaBean SDK license is required per developer. A developer may use the license on multiple machines as long as they are not used concurrently nor used by another developer. There are no run-time royalty fees. The licensee is granted a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the JavaBean SDK for the purpose of creating and redistributing the Application Program(s). A single Developer License is 7,500 Euros), 5 Developer Licenses are 25,000 Euros. Volume pricing available upon request.