Scoring news stories is hard
Frederic Filloux dives into some research and unique challenges the News Quality Scoring project faces. A worthy project to benefit producers and consumers, the NQS “is aimed at assessing the value-added deployed by a media for a given news coverage in terms of resources, expertise, thoroughness of the process, and ethical guarantees.” Read More

True AI is both logically possible and utterly implausible
Wonderful and witty example of a philosopher rescuing us from a current confusion.
… It is like a two-knife system that can sharpen itself. What’s the difference? The same as between you and the dishwasher when washing the dishes. What’s the consequence? That any apocalyptic vision of AI can be disregarded. We are and shall remain, for any foreseeable future, the problem, not our technology. So we should concentrate on the real challenges. By way of conclusion, let me list five of them… Read More
1 million software companies by 2027?
Consolidation does not necessarily mean shrinkage ― the CMS market is a perfect example of one just kind of software company. The idea is not as crazy as it may sound. Read More
Software 2.0
This is a bit technical but will help you understand the types of applications where you’ll need machine learning to be competitive, which “at the very least involve anything to do with images/video, sound/speech, and text” (managing unstructured data or CMS 2.0!) and what kinds of developer skills are required.
I sometimes see people refer to neural networks as just “another tool in your machine learning toolbox”. They have some pros and cons, they work here or there, and sometimes you can use them to win Kaggle competitions. Unfortunately, this interpretation completely misses the forest for the trees. Neural networks are not just another classifier, they represent the beginning of a fundamental shift in how we write software. They are Software 2.0. Read More
Thankfully still plugging along… HTML 5.2 is a W3C proposed recommendation via W3C
Since we are waxing philosophical this issue… On software development, language games, tech adoption and the death of the author via RedMonk
Yay! Millennials flocking to pay for trusted news sources via Politico
The prediction season starts…Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018
The Gilbane Digital Content Conference
The Gilbane Digital Content Conference is focused on content and digital experience technologies and strategies for marketing, publishing, and the workplace.
Conference: November 28–29 ● Workshops: November 30
Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel
Frank Gilbane’s Gilbane Advisor curates content for content, computing, and digital experience professionals. More or less twice a month. See all issues