Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Month: November 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

Gilbane Conference Keynote Presentations

Join us for the Gilbane Conference keynote presentations Wednesday, December 2, 8:30 am – Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

speaker panel_new

Moderator: Frank Gilbane, Founder, Bluebill Advisors, Gilbane Conference

Donna Tuths, Global Managing Director, Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital
Global Marketers and Digital Transformation: What They are Doing and What They are Thinking

Scott Brinker, Founder, & Co-founder & CTO, ion interactive
Hacking Marketing: What Marketers Can Steal from Software Developers

Jon Marks, CTO and co-founder, Kaldor
Are Apps All They’re Cracked Up to Be? (Or Should We Just Embrace Mobile Web Instead?)

Kevin Newman, Director of Technology, Harvard Business Publishing
Using Strategic Thinking in Technology

Michele J. Givens, Publisher and General Manager, Editorial Projects in Education, Inc.
Strategies for Improving Digital Outreach & Increasing Audience Engagement

The complete schedule, program and other details can be found on the conference site.

New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution

As we said in our most recent Gilbane Advisor, “There are tectonic shifts underway among competing web, mobile, and social platforms, that will have profound effects on digital strategies.” While these shifts will impact everyone who distributes content, the major publishers have the most at stake, are paying the most attention, and are already experimenting. By now these experiments have provided some initial data, in particular with Facebook Instant Articles, though likely not enough to base major decisions on. Since we wrote the session description below a few months ago, Google announced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project and Facebook announced Notify. Events are moving quickly.

Whether you are a publisher, brand marketer, or  independent blogger, this panel discussion is bound to be enlightening.

P1. New Frontiers in Digital Content Distribution

Publishers have been using social media as a means to extend their brands, drive traffic to web properties, and cultivate direct relationships with consumers. But the arrival of “off-site” digital media outlets—Facebook’s Instant Articles, Apple News, Snapchat, Twitter Lightning, and whatever Google might dream up next—has publishers asking: will social media platforms usurp publisher’s own brand sites or be a lucrative extension? What are the results from those who are early participants? What are the business and technology issues to consider when deciding whether to take part? How can you prepare your organization, infrastructure and content to be ready if your CEO/CMO decides to take the plunge?

A panel of media technologists will report on their experiences and share their insights as we explore the latest trend in the evolution of digital media.

Wednesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Moderator: Mark Walter, Director, Strategic Solutions, Managing Editor Inc. (MEI)
Brad Kagawa, VP Technology, Content Management Systems, The New York Times
Jay Brodsky, Principal, Align Digital
Eric Hellweg, Managing Director, Digital Strategy, Harvard Business Review

How to develop a personalization strategy

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. Personalization is a big, and complex, component of customer experiences. A successful strategy for your organization needs to consider all the stakeholders and lots of variables. This workshop will help you begin, or review, your personalization strategy.

Workshop A. Developing a Personalization Strategy: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In this workshop, we will discuss the thinking necessary to build a strong personalization strategy for any organization. Illuminating a range of different types of strategy and effective scenarios for different organization types, we will pull back the details to understand the commonalities, decision paths, and frameworks for organizing these strategies.

The session will also ground the discussion in some operational complexity associated with personalization strategy, including:

  • Assessing existing user behavior as a prerequisite of personalization strategy
  • Audience segmentation and CRM
  • The interaction between personalization strategy and UX planning

For attendees, the workshop will provide both an overview of this complex subject, and the chance to discuss their own challenges and align them with strategies that can work.

Instructor: John Berndt, CEO, TBG (The Berndt Group)
Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options. To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB

Building the analytics you need to monetize your innovation

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you haven’t reviewed your analytics for effectiveness in a while, or are wondering if you are collecting the right metrics to support your business objectives, this in-depth workshop is for you.

Great Ideas Need the Right Metrics to Flourish: Building the Analytics You Need to Monetize your Innovation

For digital innovators, Analytics and data-driven decision-making have become key determinants of success. “If you can measure it, you can manage it.” The right metrics often make the difference between monetizing innovation and under-performance.

Yet identifying these “metrics that matter” isn’t easy—the right metrics vary widely based on your business model—nor is it easy to build the required capabilities and collecting the necessary data. Fortunately there is a way to make it easier, and this presentation will share a better way to tackle the challenge.

In this workshop, author and analytics veteran Jaime Fitzgerald will share his battle-tested method that addresses this challenge. During two decades working with data, Mr. Fitzgerald created a new method that makes it easier to define the metrics you really need to monetize your innovative ideas, business models, and initiatives. In addition to defining the “metrics that matter,” Mr. Fitzgerald’s methodology defines the analytic methods and data sources you need to generate these key performance indicators, and how they will be used to enhance key business decisions, essential processes, and business model evolution.

Instructor: Jaime Fitzgerald, Founder & Managing Partner, Fitzgerald Analytics
Tuesday, December, 1: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options. To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB


Insiders’ Guide to Selecting the Right WCM

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you have a website refresh project coming up, make sure you are prepared with the latest info on the web content management technology landscape by attending this in-depth workshop.

Workshop C. Insiders’ Guide to Selecting the Right WCM

If you are a website or intranet manager or architect, this year may well find you looking to implement new tools or refresh dated platforms. However, you face a wide and growing array of vendors willing to address your problems. Which ones offer the best fit for your particular circumstances?

This fast-paced workshop led by Real Story Group founder Tony Byrne will help you understand the broad but converging marketplaces for Web CMS technologies. Tony will sort out the key players and business models, and offer you a roadmap for deciding which types of technologies and vendors provide the best long-term fit for your needs. The workshop will answer several key questions:

  • How can you quickly distinguish among the 120 major toolsets across these marketplaces?
  • How are changes in the open source landscape impacting your options today and going forward?
  • Where does Web Publishing intersect with emergent technologies?
  • What should you expect to pay for these tools?
  • What are the critical, can’t-ignore architectural distinctions you need to make?
  • How mature are the vendors? – What are the strengths and weaknesses of some key players, including Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle
  • How can you insure that your selection process meets your original business objectives?
  • Which should you pick first: Agency, Integrator, Vendor, or…?
  • What are some major pitfalls others have made that you can readily avoid?
  • How are these marketplaces likely to evolve in the coming years, and how can you best align your firm to take advantage of future innovation?

Instructor: Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group
Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options.

To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB

How to use a digital audit to assess marketing operations

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are transforming their marketing operations to support superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you have a project coming up make sure you can measure your before and after results. Learn how by attending this in-depth workshop.

Workshop B. An Anatomy of a Digital Audit

Marketing management has never been so exciting — or daunting. The proliferation of digital tactics and lightweight technology has cleared the path for us to take genuine ownership of our operations, and be less reliant on other areas of the organization to do our jobs.

While this new reality is empowering, it also comes with challenges. Indeed, today’s senior marketing manager is not only tasked with traditional responsibilities such as brand shepherding and lead generation, but also line items such as data analysis, technology portfolio optimization, and vendor relations.

To survive and thrive in this environment, it’s become increasingly important for us to measure performance using a systems-oriented approach. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to assess their digital marketing operations in entirety, and identify opportunities for improvement and costs savings.

The session will explain a comprehensive 30-point methodology for conducting an assessment, with specific focus on the following four areas of the marketing operation:

  • Advertising & Promotion: digital media (search, display / banners, classified, mobile, digital video, lead generation, sponsorships), organic search marketing, content marketing, social media, email marketing
  • Websites: copy, images, video / animation, landing pages, microsites, search, live chat, blogs
  • Technology: marketing automation, content management, analytics, and data management
  • Vendors: even mid-sized digital marketing operations often have 10+ vendors involved in maintenance and optimization

While the core of this workshop will rely on referencing an actual case study, it will also be interactive, with attendee company assessments worked into the session.

Instructor: Tim Bourgeois, Founder & Executive Editor, and East Coast Catalyst
Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options.

To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB


How to Select a WCM Service Provider

Join us at the Gilbane Conference in Boston December 1-3 and learn how your peers are building superior digital experiences for customers and employees. If you have a project coming up make sure you have the right service provider partners by attending this in-depth workshop.

Workshop D. How to Strategically Select a Service Provider Partner

Evaluating and selecting technology and service partners is intimidating. And without proper guidance, it’s easy to take the wrong path. This workshop focuses on selection readiness. It is designed to point your organization in the right direction before you even start the journey to either a roadmap and/or new solutions for web content and experience management. You will learn how to create a plan of action for getting your organization ready for a successful selection program – one that results in real business benefits as the direct result of partnering with the right service provider to help you set your customer experience path, and implement the right solutions. We explore the fundamentals of selection preparation, covering four key areas of readiness:

  • Articulating the business case
  • Identifying the stakeholder landscape
  • Managing requirements gatherings
  • Developing realistic budgets

We provide a step-by-step overview of an efficient, results-driven selection program, and we show you how to build a messaging and communications plan that will help you shape internal conversations about it. With this approach, you can set expectations, educate reluctant stakeholders, and get your company thinking about change management, which is often an afterthought but shouldn’t be. The selection process is all about aligning business goals with the “best-fit” partner for your organization’s needs. And finding that fit is about way more than just ticking the boxes of a procurement process checklist. Armed with the outcomes of this workshop, you will be ready to move forward with confidence and find the right service provide to partner with on your customer experience journey.

Instructor: Cathy McKnight, Partner and Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group
Tuesday, December, 1: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston

This workshop is included in the ConferencePlus package. Save $200 on the ConferencePlus and Conference Only options.

To get your Bluebill discount use priority code 200BB when registering online.

I would like my $200 registration discount – code 200BB


Is your personalization strategy up-to-date?

At last year’s conference the topic of personalization was hot, but much of the attention was on how hard it is and how easily it can go terribly wrong. As @jeffcram tweeted during the analyst panel, “I think the analysts at #Gilbane just stuck a fork in Personalization. So, what’s the next shiny object?”. In cooler moments there was much agreement that when personalization is done right it can work well — the resource/risk/reward calculation can be difficult and will differ between applications and audiences. In any case, personalization is not going away even as, or if, tracking and data collection is moderated by the increased use of ad/content/javascript etc. blockers, so marketers need to dig in and keep up. Personalization will certainly be discussed in many conference sessions this year, but especially in those below.

C6. Personalization: The Advanced Crash Course

Digital teams are often frustrated with the difficulty of getting their personalization practice beyond adding a few targeted components in their digital ecosystem. This is partially because it seems that inroads to the more advanced aspects of the personalization practice have been closely held secrets. Many organizations have had to reinvent the wheel, for lack of access to best practices. In this panel presentation, we will address that gap directly, with three personalization experts discussing what they consider to be the most hard-won aspects of their practice. For digital teams trying to enhance their game, this session will give unusual visibility into the challenges — and successes — of running more serious personalization programs within their organizations. Attendees of this session will receive an overview of topics for the “advanced course” in personalization and to get inspiration to move personalization activities forward.

Thursday, December, 3: 11:40 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.
Moderator: John Berndt, CEO, TBG (The Berndt Group)
Amanda Shiga, Vice President, Digital, Nonlinear Creations
Dave Ingram, Product Manager, Acquia

T2. Brain Science for Marketing to Digital Brains

In the battle for attention and engagement marketers need all the help they can get. Personalization is where the biggest hope lies but getting it to work is problematic, mainly because of the difficulty piecing together and making sense of the various customer data sources. This can be especially off-putting with real-time programmatic ads. Understanding a customer’s state of mind and emotions in real-time can help avoid or recover from a negative experience. There is already commercial technology that provides emotional state information using facial recognition software (Affectiva, for example), and marketers are already using it in campaigns.

Our brains are also changing to better adapt to the over-stimulating digital world we live in. Will our brains learn to fight back? Send fake emotional signals to discourage ads? Brain science is progressing rapidly and for better or worse, marketers should understand what’s possible, what might be soon, and what your peers are already doing. This session will get you started, and should be fun.

Wednesday, December, 2: 2:40 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
Moderator: Barb Mosher Zinck, Content & Product Marketer, MarTech Analyst, Publisher, BMZ Content Strategies / Digital Tech Diary
Kevin Lindsay, Director of Product Marketing, Adobe Target, Adobe
How Decision Science Guides Digital Marketing
Jesse Kalfel, Senior Director, Creative Services and Consulting, SAP Global Marketing, SAP
Are Customers ADD? Blame it on the Digital Brain

Workshop A. Developing a Personalization Strategy: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In this workshop, we will discuss the thinking necessary to build a strong personalization strategy for any organization. Illuminating a range of different types of strategy and effective scenarios for different organization types, we will pull back the details to understand the commonalities, decision paths, and frameworks for organizing these strategies.

The session will also ground the discussion in some operational complexity associated with personalization strategy, including:

  • Assessing existing user behavior as a prerequisite of personalization strategy
  • Audience segmentation and CRM
  • The interaction between personalization strategy and UX planning

For attendees, the workshop will provide both an overview of this complex subject, and the chance to discuss their own challenges and align them with strategies that can work.

Tuesday, December, 1: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Instructor: John Berndt, CEO, TBG (The Berndt Group)

Subscribers save $200 on conference registration – use priority code 200BB


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