Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Year: 2014 (Page 1 of 5)

Gilbane Advisor 12.18.14

The Group That Rules the Web

A very well done short history of Web standards development and how HTML5 came to be. The history is much more accurate than what is usually found in the trade press, and the description of standards development is also right on target. This background will help inform your strategy decisions. Read more

Industry-Specific Apps by IBM MobileFirst / Apple iOS Partnership

Seriously enterprisey iOS apps. Analysis by Ray Wang. Read more

And the designs get the nod from John Gruber.

These don’t look like “enterprise” apps. They look like regular apps — really good ones, the sort of apps Apple would choose to feature in the App Store… Read more

Yes, A/B Testing Is Still Necessary

How to educate skeptical or disappointed execs

Executives quickly pick up on the headline benefit of testing: that A/B tests provide reliable answers to “why” questions. This comes as no surprise, as such testing has long been held up as the “gold standard” for learning cause-and-effect in scientific research, clinical studies and direct marketing. However, many executives eventually reach a mid-life crisis, developing doubts about the direction of the A/B testing program… Read more

New questions in mobile

Fundamental questions from Benedict Evans.

Seven years into the smartphone world, it seems like it’s time to change the questions. The questions that we asked and argued about for the last few years have now mostly been answered, become irrelevant, or both, and new problems and puzzles are emerging.

Hence, the first phase of the platform wars is over: Apple and Google both won … and both got what they wanted, more or less, and that’s not going to change imminently. Within that framework, what happens next?… Read more

Helping users find mobile-friendly pages

Will lack of the new Google “mobile-friendly” label discourage visitors? Why guess? Your site should already be mobile-friendly. Test your pages.

Starting today, to make it easier for people to find the information that they’re looking for, we’re adding a “mobile-friendly” label to our mobile search results. … Check your pages with the Mobile-Friendly TestRead more

Nine reasons to embrace HTTPS

In light of a growing number of cyber security and data privacy concerns, replacing HTTP with its secure alternative, HTTPS, is becoming increasingly important.

That’s two, but then there’s search engine ranking, and more. This is not as technical as it sounds and the list alone makes it useful for business managers. Read more

Native Apps Are Part of the Web

The native versus web app debate is less gripping than it used to be, but developers and business strategists still need to make decisions that will impact resources and market risks. And a more connected world means more connected apps and content for an acceptable user experience. We need good user experiences and openness. Whether you agree with John Gruber’s assertion or not, he exposes some prevalent misconceptions.

… the only people who don’t love apps are pundits who don’t understand that apps aren’t really in opposition to the open Internet. They’re just superior clients to open Internet services. Read more

Can documentation practices make the world safe for CEM?

Technical writers finally get some serious cred. Saving the world in the 15th century, and now customer experience management.

Situated between the developers or engineers and the marketers – between the makers and the shakers, so to speak – technical writers are not fully at home in either realm. And yet it is precisely this threshold existence, their unique combination of coding and communication, that makes documentation professionals and their established practices the indispensable foundation for maturing CEM. Read more


The Gilbane Advisor curates content for our conference community of content, computing, and digital experience professionals throughout the year.

Four free activities at this week’s Gilbane Conference

Can’t make all three days of the Gilbane Conference? We’ve got plenty going on in the technology showcase too. Take advantage of our complimentary showcase pass and register onsite at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, 606 Congress Street, Boston – across the street from the Silver Line Way stop.

Your Showcase Pass includes access to:

  1. Opening Keynote Presentations – Tuesday 8:30 – 12:00
  2. All Product Labs – Tuesday & Wednesday
  3. Technology Showcase Area – Tuesday & Wednesday
  4. Sponsor Networking Reception – Tuesday 5:00 – 6:00

Showcase and conference registration is now open onsite Tuesday 8:00am – 6:00pm, and Wednesday 8:00am – 2:00pm.

Opening Keynotes – December 2: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Moderator: Frank Gilbane, Founder, Gilbane Conferences, Bluebill Advisors

Brad Kagawa, VP Technology, Content Management Systems, The New York Times
How Multichannel Requirements Continue to Change Content Management, and What the New York Times is Doing to Keep Up
Dana Heger, Senior Program Manager & Product Owner, and Chris Anthony, Senior Program Manager of User Experience, Global Web Support, HP
How HP’s New Global Support Website Entered the 21st Century
Bill Gillis, CIO, Beth Israel Deaconess Care Organization
A Huge Opportunity: Overcoming the Challenges of Health Care Information Integration

Industry Analyst Panel – December 2: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Moderator: Frank Gilbane, Founder, Gilbane Conferences, Bluebill Advisors

Melissa Webster, Program VP, Content & Digital Media Technologies, IDC
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group
Scott Liewehr, Partner and Principal Analyst, Digital Clarity Group
Matt Mullen, Senior Analyst, Social Business, 451 Research

Product Labs

The Product Labs are open to conference attendees and visitors to the technology showcase free of charge, and are moderated and presented by conference sponsors. While the presentations are meant to be educational, they are typically focused on product technologies or customer case studies. They provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific products or vendors. See the schedule here.


The Technology Showcase provides attendees with a central meeting place and the ability to speak one-on-one with industry-leading exhibitors while learning more about their products and services. See the exhibitors here.

Showcase Hours:

Tuesday, December 2          10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Networking Reception         5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 3    10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

* You can also still register onsite for the full conference starting at 8:00am Tuesday *

See you there!

The Gilbane Conference Team

How to Manage Multichannel Content Marketing

Content is certainly the unifying element of a brands’ marketing across physical as well as digital channels. Once you have created your killer content how do you maximize its reach? How do you push out your content beyond your own channels in ways that are manageable? This session includes presentations by two organizations that have built marketing strategies based on the centrality of content and the power of effective distribution.

C4. How to Manage Multichannel Content Marketing

Join us Wednesday, December, 3: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. at the Gilbane Conference to learn more.

Tim Bourgeois, Founder & Executive Editor, and East Coast Catalyst

Patrick Cassidy, Head of Global Digital Brand Marketing, New Balance, and Pete Strutt, Creative Director, Almighty
The Content-Powered Organization
Keith Guyett, VP of Marketing & Communication, Builder Homesite
Pitch Perfect: How a Content Hub Can Harmonize Your Marketing

Marketing Technologists on Multichannel and Enterprise Integration

Marketing technologists are no longer rare birds, though they are often found in unfamiliar environments with less than obvious plumage. There are marketing technologists in many of our sessions this year, but we have selected a few to look at the two toughest challenges they, and their organizations, face in building modern digital strategies: support for consistent current and future multichannel experiences, and the necessary integration of data from multiple enterprise systems.

Join us Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Gilbane Conference to learn more.

T1. Track Keynote Panel: Marketing Technologists Discuss Multichannel and Enterprise Integration Challenges

Scott Brinker, Founder & CTO, ion interactive, inc. and Author, Chief Marketing Technologist Blog

Bill Simmons, CTO/Co-Founder, DataXu
Frederick Faulkner, Director, Marketing & Digital Strategist, ICF Interactive
Vikalp Tandon, Director and North America Customer Platform Lead, SapientNitro

Harvard Business Review and WGBH transforming digital engagement

Engaging customers and online audiences requires the right mix of technology, content, and tools, orchestrated in a way that leverages deep customer knowledge to deliver the right content at the right time in the right fashion. That’s a tall order, yet it is a “do or die” imperative for organizations that use content to make a living. In this session, you’ll learn how to transform and optimize customer digital engagement from presentations by two leading-edge organizations that are paving the way to the future using a blend of customer-centric design, dynamic and targeted content, big data and analytics, agile technologies and processes, and a vision for the future. These presentations will inspire you to kick-start your own digital engagement transformation initiatives!

Update: The new site launched a couple of weeks ago. Check it out and meet the development team; Daigo Fujiwara, Kevin Davis, Matt Wagner, Fred Lalande, and Ismail Ozyigit will join Kevin Newman at this session.

Join us Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Gilbane Conference to learn more.

P1. Track Keynote: Hear how Harvard Business Review and WGBH have Transformed Digital Engagement

Marc Strohlein, Principal, Agile Business Logic and Principal, Agile Business Logic

Kevin Newman, Director of Technology, Harvard Business Publishing
Rebranding and Rebuilding Harvard Business Review

Cate Twohill, Director, Technical Product Development, WGBH Educational Foundation, and George Corugedo, CTO and Co-founder, RedPoint Global Inc.
Big Data & Customer Engagement Lessons from a U.S. Media Powerhouse

See the complete conference schedule.

Speaker Spotlight: It’s more than just making a website responsive

As we did last year we’ve posed some of our attendees’ most frequently asked questions to speakers who will be at this year’s Gilbane Conference. Today we’re spotlighting Arjé Cahn, Co-founder and CTO of Hippo. You can see all Speaker Spotlights from our upcoming conference as well as last year’s event.

Arje Cahn headshotArjé Cahn

Co-founder & CTO, Hippo

Follow Arjé @arjecahn


Given that there are more smartphones than PCs on the planet and both will be important for the foreseeable future, how should organization’s content delivery priorities and technologies change? How is yours changing?

Firstly, of course: mobile is the priority. Period. This means organizations need to really rethink the context in which visitors are coming to their site. Relevance based on geolocation is relatively simple to implement: will they be on the road? at home? at a competitor’s store? These factors should tailor the contextual experience. It’s about more than just making a website responsive. That’s step one, but it’s not what the visitor expects when they use their mobile device to come to you. They expect to be welcomed with an experience that resonates with where they are and what they’re doing. Organizations should carry out top task analysis to identify visitors’ main objectives when visiting their mobile site, and build an experience around it. Ultimately, mobile should seamlessly connect the “online” and “offline” customer experience. With new sensor technologies like the iBeacon and Viewsy, we can use insights from both online and offline to enrich continuous and seamless customer experiences.

Marketing is the most talked about discipline that needs to take on more responsibility for technology to be effective. What can other departments learn from the discussion around marketing technology and marketing technologists.

Marketing is changing. The rise of content marketing really demonstrates marketing’s role as a facilitator of an overarching business strategy. If you look at the businesses with the most successful content marketing strategies, you’ll see that content creation is a collaborative process that is internally sourced, and leverages the subject matter expertise within other departments. As technology becomes a greater part of all business processes, other departments should take note: content has an increasingly prominent role in driving business. Personalized and relevant digital experiences need strong content; an engaging eCommerce site needs immersive and engaging content; good customer service requires relevant content. Therein lies marketing’s responsibility: as a catalyst and facilitator for telling an authentic story that the entire organization buys into and resonates with visitors..

Catch up with Arjé at the Gilbane Conference:

Track C: Content, Marketing, and the Customer Experience

C7. Building Next Generation Web Content Management & Delivery Experiences – Vendor Panel Discussion
Wednesday, December 3: 2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.

Register now to hear more from Arjé and all of our speakers.

See our complete conference program for more details.

Speaker Spotlight: Mobile forces simplicity and succinctness

As we did last year we’ve posed some of our attendees’ most frequently asked questions to speakers who will be at this year’s Gilbane Conference. Today we’re spotlighting Pawan Deshpande, Founder & CEO, Curata. You can see all Speaker Spotlights from our upcoming conference as well as last year’s event.

Pawan Deshpande | Gilbane conferencePawan Deshpande

Founder & CEO, Curata

Follow Pawan @TweetsFromPawan


Given that there are more smartphones than PCs on the planet and both will be important for the foreseeable future, how should organization’s content delivery priorities and technologies change? How is yours changing?

Mobile forces simplicity and succinctness, for two reasons, limited screen real estate and limited attention spans, because content is often consumed in a casual setting with other interruptions. It’s forcing us to boil our content, and messages down to the minimum and shed all the excess.

Marketing is the most talked about discipline that needs to take on more responsibility for technology to be effective. What can other departments learn from the discussion around marketing technology and marketing technologists.

There is so much discussion about technology for marketing these days because marketing in many ways is the last one to resist technology. Other disciplines have already learned and rely heavily on technology. For example, sales has salesforce, customer support has well-adopted ticketing systems, engineering has source control and bug tracking systems. All of these provide in-depth accountability, management transparency and organization. Marketing is still, however, struggling to adopt CMSs and marketing automation largely because of diverse needs, and the resulting vendor fragmentation. If anything, marketing can learn about technology adoption from other disciplines.

Although sometimes used interchangeably ‘content strategy’ and ‘content marketing’ refer to very different though often connected disciplines. How and where should these activities be organized?

Content marketing and content strategy are different but often overlap. My diagram below is my perspective on where the responsibilities differ and are shared.

Content strategy and content marketing

Does the ‘internet of things’ have an immediate or near-term impact on your organization’s information or collaboration infrastructure? How so?

Working in B2B setting, it does not have an immediate impact on us. Just like we are setting website personalization have the first impact on B2C, I expect it to trickle down to B2B companies from a content standpoint years from now.

Catch up with Pawan at the Gilbane Conference:

Track C: Content, Marketing, and the Customer Experience

C12: Content Marketing Panel
Wednesday, December 3: 2:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.

Register now to hear more from Pawan and all of our speakers.

See our complete conference program for more details.

Speaker Spotlight: Align delivery to appropriate channels

As we did last year we’ve posed some of our attendees’ most frequently asked questions to speakers who will be at this year’s Gilbane Conference. Today we’re spotlighting Tom Alexander, Founder and CEO, PK4 Media, Inc. You can see all Speaker Spotlights from our upcoming conference as well as last year’s event.

Given that there are more smartphones than PCs on the planet and both will be important for the foreseeable future, how should organization’s content delivery priorities and technologies change? How is yours changing?

Organizations should definitely align their content delivery priorities to reach their target audiences not only on desktop, but also on mobile and tablet devices. Marketers need to be cognizant of which platforms their audience uses to interact with their content. Aligning the content strategy to ensure they are connecting with their target audience in an appropriate manner is very important. Many technologies silo content delivery to specific platforms, however, audiences typically jump between multiple devices and screens. Using a true cross-platform technology that can optimize delivery to the best performing placements will be a more efficient and cost-effective way to reach the target audience no matter what device they are using.

Marketing is the most talked about discipline that needs to take on more responsibility for technology to be effective. What can other departments learn from the discussion around marketing technology and marketing technologists.

Technology allows processes to be automated and it also provides marketers with an extensive pool of information data. This data allows other departments in an organization to learn more about their target audiences. As the information gathered about their behavior online, across tablets and mobile devices and offline behavior becomes more apparent, other departments can create new and different ways to interact with customers.

Although sometimes used interchangeably ‘content strategy’ and ‘content marketing’ refer to very different though often connected disciplines. How and where should these activities be organized?

Content strategy and content marketing should always be aligned. In order to make the greatest impact with your content, there needs to be a specific strategy in regards to where the content will appear. At the same time, specific pieces of content need to be created to meet the needs of the audience viewing them. Strategy and marketing must work hand-in-hand to be most effective.

Does the ‘internet of things’ have an immediate or near-term impact on your organization’s information or collaboration infrastructure? How so?

PK4 Media, being a technology company, is in tune to the latest and greatest connectivity options, so the Internet of Things could definitely come into play for our infrastructure in the future.

Catch up with Tom at the Gilbane Conference:

Track P: Digital Strategies for Publishing and Media

P5: The Future of Advertising Panel
Wednesday, December 3: 9:40 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.

Register now to hear more from Tom and all of our speakers.

See our complete conference program for more details.

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