XBRL US and Carveout HM Ltd announced today the first issue of XBRLglobal, a print journal created to support the accelerating adoption of XBRL as a standard business reporting language around the world. XBRLglobal is a joint effort of XBRL US and the Publisher, Carveout HM Ltd to increase the reach and pace of XBRL knowledge distribution. XBRL US Labs, which is conducting several cooperative research and development projects, recently launched a suite of software tools for XBRL document analysis and consistency checking, and anticipates adding new document tags in releases of taxonomies for corporate actions, proxy, and asset-backed securities in 2010. The quarterly journal will publish academic papers on XBRL, business reporting technologies, and open standards in the quarterly journal. XBRL US plans to issue an open Call for Papers to the academic community in the next week. Qualified industry professionals from accounting, financial services, technology, and information publishing sectors can sign up for a complimentary subscription. http://xbrl.us