This year we have 5 half-day workshops following our conference with 5 excellent expert instructors. These are a great complement to the conference for those of you really need to dig-in to a topic.
A: Web Content Management Systems: Architectures & Products
Tony Byrne, Founder, CMS Watch, Publisher, The CMS Report
B: Enterprise Search: How to Successfully Adopt and Deploy Search
Lynda Moulton, Lead Analyst for Enterprise Search, the Gilbane Group
C: The Hive: A New Model for Extracting the Best from ECM Initiatives
Cairo Walker, Consultant, Enterprise Content Management Graduate Program, University of Technology, Sydney
D: Buying and Implementing Content Management and Global Translation Management Systems
Andrew Draheim, Globalization Consultant, Dig-IT!
E: Social Media 101: Building a Social Media Roadmap
Rachel Happe, Research Manager, Digital Business Economy, IDC
Registration information
Year: 2008 (Page 20 of 36)
In the forthcoming Gilbane research report, Enterprise Search Markets and Applications Capitalizing on Emerging Demand, I describe several distinctly different scenarios for search applications. The variety of search products underscores innovative approaches to applying search and diversity of needs. The Enterprise Search track at the upcoming Gilbane Conference in San Francisco will feature numerous examples of why and how search is being applied across small, medium and very large domains of enterprise content. Hearing from those experienced in implementing and deploying search solutions will inform you when positioning your search “must haves” as you narrow possible options.
Our first group panel will feature two consultants and a solutions provider each with a perspective on aligning the search problem you are trying to solve with a business case and the type of product being offered. As moderator, I will be looking for examples from speakers that will resonate with the audience to provide a connection between what has been demonstrated as valuable and workable, and what conference-goers are seeking. These sessions are about matching experience with investigation and creating an environment for exchanging information and allowing inquiry and research to flourish.
Much has been made of the rise of “social” technologies in the past year, but technology is only a tool. Any meeting gathering with product exhibits facilitates your first-hand viewing of technology and the vendors offering products. But more important, are the professional social connections that give flesh and realism to the application of technology. If you set out to ask just one question of each speaker you meet or fellow attendee, make it one that will help you build a realistic picture around a product you are considering to meet a need. For example, ask not about whether product “A” can perform function “XYZ” but what it took in terms of human resources to deliver that terrific interface that the speaker is showcasing. Social networking gives you that opportunity.
Professional conferences are learning opportunities and, compared to today’s college tuition costs, a great bargain. Also, educational institutions are relatively limited, exposing you to controlled scenarios or short-term experiences. What you gain at meetings like the Gilbane conferences is opportunity to benefit from long-term experiences in real business situations by asking those who have been there and done that, how it came about, got built and what the demonstrable outcomes are.
A look at these topics for session EST-2 shows how our speakers will frame their experiences: Venkat Rangan, CTO, Clearwell Systems, Search and Information Retrieval Needs for eDiscovery; Randy Woods, Executive VP, Non-linear Creations, Best Practices for Tuning Enterprise Search; Sam Mefford, Enterprise Search Practice Lead, Avalon Consulting, Beyond Silos: Changing ‘Hide and Seek’ to ‘Index and Find.’ I’m always looking for new perspectives on search and ways of helping my clients understand their options. This will enrich my own learning experiences, as well.
Updated August 7
Thursday, June 5, 12:00 noon ET
Customers want more and better. More and better content. More and better capabilities for finding products and services. More and better capabilities for evaluating, trying, and buying. More and better capabilities for collaborating. The trends are clear. Customer engagement is the goal, web experience management the strategy. But how to make it happen?
Gilbane’s Bill Trippe, FatWire president and CEO Yogesh Gupta, and web experts at Linksys and the Colorado Department of Transportation discuss trends, required capabilities, and real applications in this online panel discussion. Learn how how your company can deliver highly personalized, interactive experiences with a solid WCM foundation and engagement building blocks such as dynamic content, optimization, collaboration and community.
Register today for Web Experience Management: Essentials for Engaging Customers and Winning Loyalty. Participation is limited, so sign up early.
Sponsored by FatWire.
Update: The recorded webinar is now available for viewing.
This is the last week for the “early-bird” discounts for Gilbane San Francisco.
For more details about the keynotes and conference sessions visit
Main Conference Schedule
Post-conference Workshops
Technology Showcase
Conference Speakers
The 2008 CM Pros US Spring summit will take place on June 17, the day before the Gilbane Conference in San Francisco.
My blog has been silent for several weeks as I wrapped up a study of the enterprise search marketplace. More information about the report will be forthcoming in the next week or so. In the meantime, the conference season is upon us with the Infonortics Search Engine conference just held in Boston, the Enterprise Search Summit in New York next week, TextAnalytics being held in Boston in mid-June and our own Gilbane San Francisco Conference being held June 18 – 20th. It is a feast for those in the market to buy or just become more familiar with the huge number of options. In my recent research on the marketplace I interviewed a number of people who had recently made a procurement of a search product. To a person there was significant pain expressed about how much time had been spent examining and rejecting options. With well over 100 search and “beyond search” products that are now commercially viable on the market, you need to find ways to winnow your choices efficiently. There is no better way to do this than to acquire publications that give you comprehensive information concentrated in one place PLUS going to conferences to:
- To meet vendors and assess the type of business relationship you are likely to experience with them
- Meet other users or potential users of the various technologies to learn, first hand, what their experiences have been buying and using search software
Attending conference sessions where case studies are being given by those deploying or using software is important, but discussions on the side can also be valuable. People who show up at our Gilbane Conferences are a sharing crowd and are easy to network with. As the track chairman for all the enterprise search sessions in San Francisco, I plan to hold at least one and maybe two roundtable discussions, open to anyone who wants to participate in a free flow of ideas about enterprise search. This will likely be in the location of the lunch venue – so we can pick at our food and each others’ brains, simultaneously.
Over the next couple of weeks, I plan to showcase the themes for our search sessions in San Francisco, beginning with the Search Keynote. Last year in Boston we had a panel discussion of search executives and analysts; that was a great discussion. This June I am going to thrust Steve Arnold, author of our new publication Beyond Search, into our spotlight with a series of questions about the marketplace to discover things that he thinks buyers should be focused on over the next six months plus soliciting some thoughts on selecting appropriate technologies. He will surely add commentary on the changing vendor landscape and what it means. Once I have had a go at questioning him, the audience will have a chance to seek his guidance. This is a “not to be missed” session so please put it on your calendar – it will not be recorded.
To warm you up to Mr. Arnold’s style and range of thoughts on the subject, check out this recent interview he gave to Jess Bratcher of Bratcher & Associates.
Powerset released a service for searching Wikipedia that illustrates the capapbilities of the semantic search engine they are developing. From their site “Powerset’s goal is to change the way people interact with technology by enabling computers to understand our language. … Powerset is first applying its natural language processing to search, aiming to improve the way we find information by unlocking the meaning encoded in ordinary human language. … Powerset’s technology improves the entire search process. In the search box, you can express yourself in keywords, phrases, or simple questions. On the search results page, Powerset gives more accurate results, often answering questions directly, and aggregates information from across multiple articles. Finally, Powerset’s technology follows you into enhanced Wikipedia articles, giving you a better way to quickly digest and navigate content.”
ClearStory Systems, Inc. announced new ActiveMedia Software as a Service (SaaS) packages that offer hosted DAM services that cater to a marketing organization’s size. ClearStory will offer three ActiveMedia-based service plans for marketing workgroups, departments, and larger enterprise organizations, starting at $100 per user per month. ActiveMedia Essentials offers basic marketing services for workgroups in small organizations of 5 to 10 users. ActiveMedia Professional supports larger marketing departments of 10 to 20 users and includes full access to ActiveMedia’s standard work flow automation features. ActiveMedia Essentials and ActiveMedia Professional also provide fixed-fee deployment services and application training that ensure successful and rapid deployments. ActiveMedia Enterprise expands upon ActiveMedia Professional by increasing the number of users and storage, typically required by larger enterprise and global marketing organizations, and including options for full text search of document assets and enterprise-class video processing.