Updated August 7
Thursday, June 5, 12:00 noon ET
Customers want more and better. More and better content. More and better capabilities for finding products and services. More and better capabilities for evaluating, trying, and buying. More and better capabilities for collaborating. The trends are clear. Customer engagement is the goal, web experience management the strategy. But how to make it happen?
Gilbane’s Bill Trippe, FatWire president and CEO Yogesh Gupta, and web experts at Linksys and the Colorado Department of Transportation discuss trends, required capabilities, and real applications in this online panel discussion. Learn how how your company can deliver highly personalized, interactive experiences with a solid WCM foundation and engagement building blocks such as dynamic content, optimization, collaboration and community.
Register today for Web Experience Management: Essentials for Engaging Customers and Winning Loyalty. Participation is limited, so sign up early.
Sponsored by FatWire.
Update: The recorded webinar is now available for viewing.