Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: January 6, 2005

Software AG to Acquire Sabratec Ltd.

Software AG plans to acquire Sabratec Ltd. for its ApplinX legacy integration technology. The combined capabilities of the two companies will provide customers with the ability to integrate virtually all of their mission-critical legacy applications with the newest business architectures. The ApplinX product is synergistic with Software AG’s Enterprise Transaction Systems and XML Business Integration portfolios. The ApplinX technology focuses on helping mainframe customers with applications written in COBOL to cost effectively extend those applications to other business systems. As part of the agreement, Software AG will acquire Sabratec’s Israeli headquarters as well as Sabratec, Inc., located in New York. In addition, Sabratec’s partners in 14 countries worldwide will be able to offer the full line of XML-based integration solutions from Software AG.

XML and Electronic Forms

I haven’t updated my eForms Resources page in a while, and I should, as there has been a lot of news lately, including the introduction of Acrobat 7 and Adobe’s recent announcement of their LiveCycle Policy Server.
I spent some time today at the formsPlayer Web site. formsPlayer is the XForms technology from UK-based Ltd. They have a complete toolkit for developers, but you can also download the player itself for free, and then they have a nice set of example XForms, including ones that combine XForms with SVG.
The installation of formsPlayer requires IE 6, and the latest version of the Microsoft XML parser, but the installation will prompt you for this.

Workshops for San Francisco Conference

Thinking ahead to San Francisco, we would like to get some input on topics for workshops. In Boston, we had three post-conference workshops:

  • Web Content Management Systems: Principles, Products & Practices
  • Content Technology Choices for Technical Communicators
  • Enterprise Search – Principles, Players, Practices, & Pitfalls

There’s room at the San Francisco conference for additional workshops, and a few potential topics come to mind:

  • XML and Content Management
  • XML-Based Electronic Forms, to include InfoPath, Adobe eForms, and XForms
  • Content Security, to include Digital Rights Management, Policy Management, and Compliance and Governance
  • Understanding and Using the Darwin Information Typing Architecture
  • Taxonomy, Categorization Tools, and Information Architecture
  • XSLT, XSL-FO, and other Technologies for Content Transformation
  • Digital Asset Management State of the Art and Market Snapshot

What would people like to see? Please weigh in with preferences and ideas. I am going to look for some kind of online polling device and will look to post a poll based on some initial feedback.

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