NextPage Inc. announced the beta version of NextPage 1.5, a subscription service that helps users track and manage document versions stored on e-mail, hard drives and servers. It enables real-time feedback, tracking and notifications about document versions, using e-mail and Microsoft Office applications. NextPage prevents users from wasting time working on the wrong document version, reduces the risk of sending out incorrect information, and delivers control to confusing ad-hoc document processes. Every NextPage-tracked document contains a “silver thread,” connecting different document versions together to ensure that users always have access to the latest informationwhether the document is saved as an e-mail attachment, stored on a shared drive, or stored on a personal hard drive. The service keeps track of status and versioning information, even when documents are e-mailed outside an organization, renamed or sent to non-subscribers. With NextPage 1.5, team members automatically receive notifications about the status of documents, such as who is currently editing a document and who has worked on different versions in the past. A real-time notification to users who begin to edit an outdated version prevents inconsistencies. NextPage 1.5 will be generally available in the first quarter of 2005.