Adobe Systems Incorporated announced new enterprise document control software that enables organizations to apply persistent confidentiality, privacy and accountability to electronic documents inside and outside the firewall. With Adobe Policy Server, enterprises can build document services to manage document policies with capabilities for controlling authentication, auditing, expiration and revocation. Adobe Policy Server gives document authors and IT administrators the power to dynamically control who can view a PDF document, and determine whether the recipient can modify, copy, print or forward the document. Moreover, these permissions can be changed after the document has been distributed. Adobe Policy Server provides assurances that only intended recipients can open a protected document inside and outside the firewall. Documents can be made to expire on a specific date, or if need be revoked immediately, regardless of how many copies were distributed. Because Adobe Policy Server enforces usage policies, documents do not need to be redistributed if a policy is changed. The software offers a secure solution that integrates with an organization’s existing authentication, policy, content and document management systems, as well as with user management directories, including LDAP, ActiveDirectory, and email directories. The Adobe Policy Server will be piloted during summer 2004.