Merant announced the latest version of its Web content management solution, Merant Collage. Offering support for BEA WebLogic, Oracle 9iAS and Microsoft XP environments as well as performance enhancements, Merant Collage 3.1 enables companies to rapidly design, develop, deploy and manage Web site code and content on large enterprise-class projects. Collages ability to tightly integrate with software configuration management (SCM) tools, including the Merant PVCS product family, provides a collaborative environment that helps application developers and Web design teams build Web applications and dynamic Web sites. Merant Collage 3.1 offers expanded deployment control and flexibility, including the ability to deploy assets residing outside of the Collage repository, to associate custom commands with deployment at multiple points of time and to execute custom commands on deployment servers. Merant Collage 3.1 also enables forms building in content contribution editor through support for form control elements including text fields, password fields, radio buttons and check boxes. Merant Collage 3.1 is available now.