XOR Inc. announced the release of Open Content 2.0, a content management
solution “without the costs and sophisticated technical support they often
require.” Open Content 2.0 is a simple content management tool that is modestly priced, easy to implement, and enables content owners to update web-based content in real-time. It is especially well-suited to the middle-market and individual units of the Fortune 500 that can’t or don’t want to invest in elaborate content management solutions that are expensive to implement and maintain. Content managers can easily add pages, create and update information, and change the navigation of a site in real-time without any involvement from the technical team. Through a dynamic workflow process, teams can create, edit, preview and approve content in a staging area before it is posted for end users. Open Content 2.0 is available on both Microsoft and Java platforms; the Java version works with popular application platforms like WebSphere, Apache/Tomcat, ATG Dynamo and BEA WebLogic. www.xor.com