Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: April 9, 2001

North Plains Releases TeleScope Enterprise 6.1

North Plains Systems Corp. unveiled the newest release of TeleScope. TeleScope Enterprise 6.1 includes TeleScope’s database abstraction layer, called Database Brokers, which provides a fault-tolerant cross-platform interface to leading database manufactures like Oracle, Microsoft and Informix. Database Brokers communicate with both TeleScope clients and external systems through North Plains’ designed XML standard-MIMiX (Metadata Interchange Model in XML). MIMiX, is a dynamic data model for the exchange of assets and their metadata, providing easy integration between disparate systems. NPS has extended its QuarkXPress integration, which allows users to “flip” through color previews, copy and paste text, and extract linked images, to other document types like Word, PowerPoint and 40 additional document formats. Detailed multi-page views of these documents can be accessed directly from within TeleScope and TeleScope.web without the need of the authoring application. TeleScope Enterprise 6.1 offers built-in full text searching. The new Content Search includes a “Conceptual” search, a simple natural language query, and an “Advanced” search, allowing users to choose between prefix, binary operations, phrasing, proximity and stemming. TeleScope Enterprise 6.1 also gives global departments the ability to simplify the user interface by only showing metadata fields that are appropriate for the file type, class or project that it belongs to.

Hablador Unveils Adobe GoLive Integration

Hablador introduced a WebDAV-enabled plug-in that will make Adobe GoLive 5.0 a WYSIWYG front-end to Hablador’s content management system. The new product, Hablador Connect: Adobe GoLive Extension, will simplify the process of placing HTML Web pages into an automated content management system. The extension works with Hablador’s recently released CMS 2.5. Hablador CMS 2.5 is a full-featured, browser-based system capable of supporting Internet, intranet and extranet sites of all sizes. Hablador Connect was specifically designed to meet the needs of Webmasters placing their sites under content management for the first time. Hablador Connect: Adobe GoLive Extension, which will be available later this month as a free download installs as a menu item in Adobe GoLive. The extension supports an Object Palette and a Property Inspector that make it easy to use GoLive’s WYSIWYG HTML editing environment to separate the structure from the presentation of a Web page. Hablador’s proprietary AutoBuild feature then takes over to automatically generate a complete content management infrastructure. Hablador CMS 2.5 is written in Java, featuring an XML-based templating language and an HTTP API. It supports JDBC-compliant databases, including SQL server and Oracle 8i, and support templates written in plain text, HTML, JSP, ASP, WML and all other markup languages. The system supports both static and dynamic publishing and includes user-configurable workflow and security systems.

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