SoftQuad Software, Ltd. and Documentum, Inc. announced a technology integration, which brings the advantages of XML content management to Global 2000 companies with e-business initiatives. The integration of SoftQuad XMetaL to Documentum 4i eBusiness Platform enables business users to easily create, manage, and share customized content across e-business applications and the Web. SoftQuad’s integration module is targeted for availability by the end of this month, coinciding with Documentum’s targeted release of its newly announced version of the 4i eBusiness Platform. The new product integration allows users to create, edit and save XML documents into Documentum’s content repository directly from within XMetaL, while managing content lifecycle with the Documentum 4i eBusiness Platform. The solution enables enterprises to manage and deliver customized XML content to different audiences and delivery channels, such as e-commerce sites, portals, handheld and wireless devices, and electronic marketplaces.,