Bowstreet announced the immediate, commercial availability of its XML platform, the Bowstreet Business Web Factory 2. The Business Web Factory 2 is an XML platform that enables on-the-fly assembly and mass-customization of any and all XML-based web services, including those compatible with software from Microsoft, Sun, IBM, Hewlett-Packard and others to build dynamic B2B marketplaces. Bowstreet also announced the Business Web Exchange, online June 26, that will work in tandem with the Business Web Factory to usher in the third generation of e-business – interconnected business webs built upon thousands of web services. Bowstreet’s Business Web Factory and Business Web Exchange let non-technical businesspeople create and customize an unlimited number and variety of online business relationships simply by pointing and clicking. Available today through Bowstreet’s direct sales force and selected system integrators, the Bowstreet Business Web Factory 2 supports unlimited concurrent users and runs on Windows, Linux and Solaris platforms. Average deployments start at $250,000. Bowstreet also began offering a free version of the Business Web Factory to encourage companies to gain experience with creating and publishing web services. The free version is downloadable via the Business Web Exchange to qualified business and software professionals. In addition to integrating support for SOAP, the Business Web Factory also supports many XML schema definition languages, such as Microsoft’s XML-Data Reduced (XDR), the preferred syntax for Microsoft’s BizTalk framework, and the W3C’s XML schema definition language. The Business Web Factory supports emerging XML schema definition languages and all schemas written in those definition languages, including the Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) 1.0 specification, RosettaNet and future Wireless Markup Language (WML) standards.