Sterling Software, Inc. announced the general availability of EUREKA:Portal 2.0, the latest enhancement to the company’s EUREKA:Suite family of integrated business intelligence tools. Sterling Software has advanced their business portal to offer a broader range of personalization options, easier interoperability with existing systems via XML, and enhanced support for business-to-business implementations. EUREKA:Portal 2.0 provides a single point-of-entry for a broad range of business intelligence and enterprise applications. For IT administrators, it offers a centralized and customizable information interface for every user within an organization. For business users, it expedites the location, retrieval and organization of essential business information in an accessible interactive Web environment. In addition to providing a platform for accessing the complete range of analysis and reporting tools in the EUREKA:Suite family, EUREKA:Portal 2.0 also integrates with other existing corporate data sources within an organization. EUREKA:Portal 2.0 provides an expanded level of interoperability through XML and directory service enhancements. Significant upgrades to the product’s XML API broaden the Portal’s open environment and simplify the publishing of external file formats to the Portal. Customers can combine information from multiple sources and customize their access to the Portal via third-party applications.