ecomXML, Inc. introduced a suite of products ranging from ecomTalk Server, offering secure EDI/back office integration, to ecomFrontier, enabling e-commerce transactions with catalog automation. This ecomSuite is for companies needing to expand their B2B global reach. The solutions use XML technology to streamline business operations, providing full integration with current and future trading partners. The ecomCatalog Automation transfers current catalog database into an XML-based, open standard for display on the ecomFrontier. Trading partners and customers view and execute business transactions directly from the storefront. Suppliers can qualify new trading partners and tailor service offerings as required. ecomTalk Server is a gateway integrator that intelligently transforms and routes documents from the client side into the formats that are relayed and understood by current legacy back-end systems. ecomTalk Server is a secure e-commerce gateway for exchange of transaction documents, such as XML/EDI and EDI, with trading partners via the Internet in Email, FTP or HTTP protocol. It is designed to provide full functionality and does not require special IT personnel for maintenance.