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Datachannel & Isogen Merge

DataChannel Inc., and ISOGEN International Corp., announced that they have merged to provide a comprehensive set of XML solutions. ISOGEN will become a DataChannel Inc. company. The merger allows DataChannel to extend the DataChannel XMLFramework by providing enhanced professional services while delivering the benefits of formal standards to a larger market. ISOGEN International will retain its name and remain in Dallas where it is strategically located to easily service the new company’s combined user base. George Kondrach, Chairman of ISOGEN, will become General Manager, and Carla Corkern, President, will become Vice-President of the combined professional International Professional Services

AIIM International & IMC Combine

AIIM International and the International Information Management Congress (IMC), announced at that the world’s two premier document technology associations have officially combined to form a single, worldwide organization dedicated to bringing industry vendors and users together. The combined organization will be known as AIIM International. The Boards of Directors from both AIIM and IMC met in Atlanta during AIIM ’99 and voted unanimously in favor of combining the two associations. The official agreement takes effect immediately. AIIM International’s European Region will be a pan-European organization with a semi-autonomous structure, controlled by a European Board of Directors. Focusing exclusively on the needs of the regional document technology industry, its goal will be to unify the region’s market and expand membership there. The first event to be produced by AIIM International’s European Region will be IMC ’99. This will take place in Amsterdam at the RAI June 8-10 1999. John Mancini, the current president of the AIIM International, will become the new chief executive of the combined association. Paul Carmen, current president of IMC will become the president of the AIIM/IMC European Region. AIIM International will continue and expand its predecessors’ activities in the fields of conference, exhibition and trade show organization, publications and membership. The AIIM and IMC brand identities will be retained for existing events.,

Lutris Technologies Announces Internet Application Servers

Lutris Technologies has unveiled Enhydra, a new Java/XML application server and development framework for building dynamic, adaptable multi-tier Internet applications. Enhydra is designed for companies ranging from midsize to the Global 2000. With Enhydra. Many parts of the Internet are built on the Open Source foundations built by pioneers such as Linux, Apache, PERL, Tcl/Tk, and even Netscape’s browser. Enhydra is written entirely in Java and supports all tools and infrastructure necessary for multi-tier Internet application development and deployment. Enhydra enables users to take advantage of the emerging Internet business model with the ability to dynamically process information from multiple sources. Enhydra and its source code can be used by anyone for any purpose at no charge. This presents a much more flexible and affordable solution than commercial application servers which start at around $10,000 and can reach $100,000 in Internet deployments. In addition, users can take full advantage of the combined power of hundreds of developers and testers, a capability that exceeds the teams working on even the largest commercial products. Enhydra is the first and only Open Source application server to feature XML based technology to simplify the interactive relationship of graphic designers and Java developers during the development of dynamic HTML presentations. Enhydra technology supports any potential server platform including Unix, Linux, Windows and NT, as well as industry-dominant Web servers including Apache, Netscape Enterprise Server and Microsoft IIS. The only platform requirement is the presence of an installed JVM for Java 1.1.6 or higher. Enhydra is available immediately under FreeBSD-style licensing, and may be downloaded today from On-line demonstrations and FAQs are provided for quick evaluation.

NeoPlanet Unveils Version 5.0 & Support for Gecko

NeoPlanet Inc., developer of the NeoPlanet “browser/portal” available free for downloading at, today previewed a next-generation NeoPlanet 5.0 featuring support for the Netscape Gecko browsing engine and a “toggle switch” that allows users to choose between Microsoft and Netscape browsing technologies. NeoPlanet’s browser gives consumers and business users freedom of choice and the ability to seamlessly switch between Netscape and Microsoft browsing technologies while browsing Internet content and accessing Web-based applications and services using a consistent user interface.. Business users and Web application and content developers have the convenience of quickly and easily toggling between browsers. With the ability to view their Web sites in both environments they can ensure optimum viewing. Neoplanet 5.0 is the first consumer browser to implement Netscape Gecko, the next-generation browser engine first announced last December. Gecko is in full compliance with key W3C open standards, including CSS, DOM, HTML 4.0, RDF, and

RSDi.Com Announces Open Source Code for E-Commerce, a new silicon valley startup, has launched the Internet’s first Open Source E-Commerce project. The first product, the Online E-Commerce Server utilizes Sun Microsystems’ ( Java and Jini for a full out of the box E-Commerce solution. The product includes integration with Cybercash and PaymentNet for credit card processing, shopping carts, rewards programs, coupons, online auctions, automatic XML catalog publishing, business to business XML transactions, a GUI Java applet for building stores and auctions over the Internet, and runs on the Java Servlet, WebLogic, NetDynamics 5, and Netscape Application Server platforms. The success of projects like Linux and Apache have shown open source code software developed over the Internet is highly successful. is applying the same principles and methods to the ever-booming E-Commerce industry. Most E-Commerce software is extremely proprietary and expensive giving RSDi’s software a unique position in the Internet commerce marketplace. sells full technical support and consulting for the Online E-Commerce Server

Infoteria Ships ‘iPEX for Linux’ And ‘iPEX for BeOS’ XML Engines

Infoteria Inc. announced the company has begun shipping the English versions of its high performance XML processing engine iPEX for the Linux and BeOS platforms. iPEX implements a series of XML processing functions, including Document Object Model Level 1 and Namespaces in XML as recommended by the W3C. iPEX allows software developers to reduce the cost and time of developing XML-access software. iPEX is priced at $1,800 and requires the additional purchase of developer licenses at $180 per developer. The Professional Edition of iPEX is $18,000 and includes the complete product, on-demand hot-fix support, 10 developer licenses plus the right to embed iPEX in customer applications at $1.80 to $18 per copy, depending on volume.

Oracle Delivers XML-Enabled Infrastructure

Oracle Corp. announced a complete infrastructure, based on XML, for the exchange and management of information associated with all aspects of e-business. This technology offers a more flexible server infrastructure to help companies solve complex business problems such as content routing, processing and management. As part of this infrastructure, Oracle announced that it is working on message broker capabilities, which will be combined with Oracle’s Internet platform — Oracle8i, Oracle Application Server and Oracle Tools — to comprise a complete infrastructure for e-business. Specifically, Oracle announced: XML-enabled message broker capabilities; XML support in Oracle8i: available immediately in the form of an XML Parser; A new version of Oracle Application Server and a roadmap for the product that is a central component of Oracle’s XML-enabled Internet platform. The Oracle Internet platform, consisting of Oracle8i, Oracle Application Server, and Oracle’s message broker capabilities, will provide an XML-enabled server infrastructure that can interface with any e-commerce server and back-office system, including order-entry and billing applications.

Miva Announces DTD for Miva Script

Miva Corporation announced that the XML DTD for Miva Script is now available to the public. Miva Script is a cross-platform, XML-based, server side scripting Language. Access to Miva Script’s DTD and Commerce API means that third-party developers can create products that integrate with Miva Script. Miva Script gives developers access to advanced commerce and database features in a familiar environment that consists of HTML-like tags. In addition, Miva has developed a Commerce API for snap-in integration of payment processing systems. Developers can access these services using the MvCOMMERCE tag which can be embedded in a Web page. Any commerce service provider and third party vendor can integrate with the XML compliant MvCOMMERCE tag by supplying a shared or dynamically linked library. Miva Merchant, the company’s electronic storefront development and management system, developed entirely in Miva Script, has been organized as a series of modules that can be field upgraded to provide new functionality without any changes to the core application. Miva Merchant’s architecture lets third-party developers prepare and market specialized look and feel commerce modules.

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