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Official Documentation for DocBook DTD Released by O’Reilly

OASIS, the organization responsible for the continued maintenance of the DocBook DTD, has designated O’Reilly’s latest release, “DocBook: the Definitive Guide”, as the official documentation of the DocBook DTD. DocBook is a system for writing structured documents using SGML and XML. DocBook, provides all the elements you’ll need for technical documents of all kinds. A number of computer companies use DocBook for their documentation, as do several Open Source documentation groups, including the Linux Documentation Project (LDP). With the consistent use of DocBook, these groups can readily share and exchange information. With an XML-enabled browser, DocBook documents are as accessible on the Web as in print. “DocBook: The Definitive Guide” will be at your local bookstore, and in its entirety, online at

Apache Software Foundation Launches Project

The Apache Software Foundation, in collaboration with Bowstreet, DataChannel, Exoffice, IBM, Lotus Development Corporation and Sun Microsystems, announced the formation of the Project in response to the overwhelming demand for Open Source XML and XSL tools triggered by the rapid adoption of XML. will advance the development and deployment of XML and XSL standards, and demonstrate the power of these technologies on both Web server- and client-side environments. In addition, will provide a robust set of XML- and XSL-related libraries and applications within an industry-wide, peer-based Open Source development process. The Project is being bootstrapped with technology donations from several vendors and Open Source XML developers, and will be maintained by the Project team. The donated technologies include: XML4J and XML4C Parsers from IBM, Java Project X and XHTML Parser from Sun Microsystems, LotusXSL, from Lotus Development Corporation, XPages, from DataChannel, FOP, from James Tauber, now with Bowstreet, Cocoon, from Stefano Mazzocchi and the Java-Apache community, OpenXML, from Exoffice and Assaf Arkin, and XSL:P, from Exoffice and Keith Visco. xml.apache. org will name its parser technology Xerces, which will be based on IBM’s XML4J and XML4C technologies. The next version will incorporate the best features on Sun’s parser and other contributions from the open source community.

Symix Publishes XML Schema for Collaboration

Symix Systems, Inc. announced that it has published key XML schemas to the repository as a part of its initiative for midsize manufacturers and distributors. As a part of its eBusiness initiative, Symix is supporting the use of XML as a common data exchange framework. Symix has posted two midmarket- and industry-specific XML schemas — Bill of Materials (BOM) and Order Promise Date Request/Response — to to facilitate the collaboration and information exchange between its midmarket customers and their customers and trading partners. Symix plans to post additional schemas to the repository.

DataChannel Donates XPages to Open Source Tools Library

DataChannel will donate its XPages, an XML application markup language, to the Apache XML Project Open Source Library. The rapid adoption of XML has triggered an overwhelming demand for Open Source XML and XSL tools. DataChannel’s XPages is an XML application markup language for quickly building data-driven, cross-platform Web applications that integrate disparate data sources. XPages offers a dynamic application environment defined by an XML file that aggregates multiple data sources, makes that data URL addressable and defines custom methods to access that data for presentation at the desktop or other devices. The DataChannel submission to the XML.APACHE.ORG Project includes Java code for a servlet based engine. The Project code, along with developer participation guidelines, is available at,

Quest Releases Vista Plus 4.2

Quest Software, Inc. announced the availability of Vista Plus 4.2, the latest version of Quest’s enterprise output management solution. Report Hyperlinking technology has been added to automatically create hyperlinks between reports based on common data values, allowing instant access and navigation to related information.

Bowstreet Releases Web Automation Factory

Bowstreet Software Inc. announced the commercial release of the Bowstreet Web Automation Factory, which breaks a critical e-commerce bottleneck by enabling companies to quickly deliver affordable, highly customized business-to-business Web sites for multiple customers and business partners. Bowstreet’s Web Automation Factory uses Directory Services Markup Language (DSML), an emerging e-commerce standard pioneered by Bowstreet and supported by IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle and the Sun/Netscape Alliance. The Bowstreet Web Automation Factory, based on patent-pending technology, eliminates what many industry observers believe to be the biggest obstacle to the adoption of B2B e-commerce: the challenge of creating, maintaining and linking Web sites that provide many tightly integrated B2B connections, each customized for the unique needs of a different partner or customer. With today’s tools and technology, this process is prohibitively time consuming, complex and costly, often creating a large IT backlog for new B2B capabilities and stalling critical e-commerce initiatives. In the first half of 2000, Bowstreet will launch the Bowstreet Web Services Marketplace, a central exchange on the Internet where companies can freely create, publish, capture and trade Web Services they can incorporate into their own custom B2B Web sites. The Bowstreet Web Automation Factory 1.0 has been shipping to customers since September 1999. It is currently available through Bowstreet’s direct sales force and soon will be available through selected systems integrators. The product is sold on a subscription or perpetual license basis starting at around $250,000. Bowstreet also offers professional services to assist companies in developing, deploying and managing large Web programs. Bowstreet is giving away a version of the product, called the JumpStart Edition, to qualified businesses and software professionals at no cost. The JumpStart Edition will enable these users to create custom Web sites and publish Web services for a small number of partners on the Web. The Bowstreet Web Automation Factory runs on the Sun Solaris and Microsoft Windows NT server operating systems. It requires one of these directory services: Netscape Directory Server, IBM SecureWay or Novell NDS. The Bowstreet Web Automation Factory will also be available for Microsoft Active Directory and Oracle Directory Server.

T9 Text Input Licensed by Wireless Phone Manufacturers

Tegic Communications announced it has now licensed its product, T9 Text Input software to more than 20 wireless phone and consumer electronic device manufacturers. The company has licensed T9 Text Input to wireless phone manufacturers who command more than 90 percent of the world’s wireless phone market share and has also demonstrated the adaptability of the software to other platforms such as PDAs and MP3 technology. In addition, the company is extending its embedded software expertise with the introduction of wireless instant messaging or “chat” technology. The application, which will be available in an upcoming version of T9 Text Input software for wireless phones, will enable easy integration by wireless service providers, ISPs and Internet portals. With T9 Text Input software embedded on mobile phones and wireless device keypads, individuals can quickly and easily enter words or entire sentences with just one key press per letter. To ensure customers can communicate in their native language, Tegic Communications has made T9 Text Input available in more than 17 language databases. They include Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, BoPoMoFo and Pinyin), Dutch, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean (Hangul), Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. The company is also developing linguistic databases for Turkish, as well as other Eastern European and Middle Eastern languages.

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